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Troubleshoot Ingest

You can use the tracingIngest source category to search for all events that impact tracing collection.

Example query

Use the following index and source category filters to find all the tracingIngest audit logs:

_index=sumologic_system_events AND _sourceCategory=tracingIngest

In the following example, all the events logged indicate some impact on ingest. The example query assumes all event types are events to be informed about.

_index=sumologic_system_events AND _sourceCategory=tracingIngest
| json field=_raw "eventName"
| timeslice 1h
| count by _timeslice, eventName
| transpose row _timeslice column eventName

Ingest events

When ingest events are returned by the query, audit logs provide the name of the event type (such as SpanDropped), the amount of that event type, and the error message associated with the event type.

In the following example, 57 spans were dropped and reported in one audit log.

"severityLevel": "Info",
"details": {
"amount": 57,
"name": "SpanDropped",
"description": "Dropped span because spans per trace limit is exceeded. Limit: 10000." }

The following ingest events and accompanying reason messages appear in tracing ingest audit logs.


The service map edge was dropped due to the number of edges being bigger than a limit:
Dropped ${numberOfDeletedEdges} edges because limit of number of edges is exceeded. (...)


The service map node was dropped due to the number of nodes being bigger than a limit:
Dropped ${numberOfDeletedNodes} nodes because limit of number of nodes is exceeded. (...)


The span was dropped due to:

  • Invalid schema:
    • OTLP span dropped due to invalid format.
    • Zipkin span dropped due to invalid format.
  • The span was too big and couldn't be trimmed down:
    • Span could not be trimmed under the preliminary size limit. (...)
    • Span could not be trimmed under the size limit. (...)
  • Quota exceeded:
    Span dropped due to spans per minute limit exceeded. (...)
  • Out of time range:
    Dropped span because it is outside of the data retention window. (...)
  • Span duplicated:
    Dropped span because it is duplicated. (...)
  • Spans per trace limit exceeded:
    Dropped span because spans per trace limit is exceeded. (...)


The span field was trimmed due to the span size being too big:
Trimmed span field due to exceeded size limit. (...)


The span link was dropped due to the span size being too big:
Dropped link in a span, because span didn't fit into the span size limit. (...)


The span was throttled due to a spike in ingest:
Span has been throttled due to exceeded spans per minute limit. It will be processed with a delay.


The trace aggregate was not processed due to too many traces per minute:
Trace has been dropped due to per minute limit exceeded. Trace information might not exist or be incomplete.


The trace aggregate field was trimmed due to:

  • Going above the max size limit:
    Trimmed trace field due to exceeded size limit. (...)
  • Critical path breakdown field was too big and was replaced with a default value:
    Trimmed (replaced with default value) trace field due to exceeded size limit. (...)
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