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Cloud SOAR Automation

The Automation section contains the configuration tools for Cloud SOAR's automation and orchestration features. These tools include Cloud SOAR's Open Integration Framework (OIF), automation rules sets, and playbook editor as well as incoming event details.

To access Automation, click the gear icon Settings menu icon in the top right and select Automation.

App Central

App Central allows you to unlock the full Cloud SOAR potential. From this section, you can search and add new integrations, new playbooks, and even complete use cases with all the components needed (automation rules, integrations and playbooks) in one place.

To access App Central, click the gear icon Settings menu icon in the top right, select Automation, and then select App Central in the left nav bar.

App Central UI

App Central
  1. Playbooks. Click to view playbooks in App Central that are available to install.
  2. Integrations. Click to view integrations in App Central that are available to install. While browsing available integrations, you can check the details and install it. For a complete list of integrations and their documentation, see Integrations in App Central.
  3. Search. Search for integrations or playbooks to install.
  4. Current hour actions count. Shows how many playbook actions have been executed in the current hour in your organization. By default, the actions limit is set to 200 per hour. For more information, see Actions limit.
  5. Install. Click to install an integration or install a playbook. Once an integration is installed, the text changes to Installed. If an update of the integration is available, the text changes to Update.

Actions limit

To prevent abuse of system resources or runaway processes, Cloud SOAR limits the number of playbook actions your organization can execute to 200 per hour by default. To see how many actions your organization has used in the current hour, see the Current hour actions count in the App Central UI. All actions running in the cloud or via the bridge are included in this limit.

Action events are provided to the audit index (_index=sumologic_audit) or the system index (_index=sumologic_system_events) in the OAR source category (_sourceCategory=oar*). Run the following query to find the actions count per hour:

(_index=sumologic_audit_events OR _index=sumologic_system_events) _sourceCategory=oar*
| json field=_raw "" as actionName nodrop
| json field=_raw "AutomationAction.playbook" as playbook nodrop
| where eventName = "AutomationActionStarted"
| timeslice 60m
| count by _timeslice | fillmissing timeslice

You can use a query like this to set up a scheduled search or a create a monitor to send an alert when the actions count exceeds the limit of 200 per hour, or when node failure occurs.

Install an integration from App Central

  1. Use the Search bar in the upper right of the Integrations tab to find integrations.
  2. Click Download in the lower left corner of the integration box.
  3. Click Install to install the integration. After installation is complete, Installed replaces the Download link in the corner of the integration box.
  4. Find the article for the integration in Integrations in App Central to see if there are additional steps you need to follow to configure the installed integration.

    Failure to perform these additional steps may result in the integration not working properly.

Update an integration from App Central

Integrations in App Central display a version number. The version indicates when there is a change to the integration. If a newer version is available, you can update the integration from App Central by clicking UPDATE.
Update integration

As soon as you click UPDATE, the new version is present inside the Integration section.

Following is an example of integration code before updating the integration:
Before update

Following is an example of integration code after updating the integration:
After update

Update integrations to include all available actions

The purpose of this section is to provide you the information you need to update your integrations to include all types of actions that should be present in that integration, for example, Containment, Custom, Scheduled, and so on. It's a good idea to update every integration installed from App Central to make sure you do not have any integrations without useful actions.

Update integrations in App Central using keywords in the bottom left corner of the integration:

  • UPDATE. Appears on the installed integrations if there is a new version of that integration and with a new YAML configuration file.
  • INSTALLED: Appears when the integration is installed and updated to the latest version, and with the correct actions.
  • DOWNLOAD. Appears if this integration is not yet installed.

Update an installed integration to show all actions

Here an example of updating an installed integration.

  1. In the Integrations section, check the actions present on the installed integration. In the example below, the only types of actions in the integration are Enrichment and Notification.
    Installed integration
  2. Go to App Central and search for the same integration. Click the integration.
    Installed integration
  3. On the dialog that appears, click INSTALL.
    Already installed integration
  4. Go to the Integrations section and select the same integration. As you see in the image below, the Containment action type was added to the two types of actions that were there previously.
    All actions installed

Update an integration with a new version to show all actions

If there are two different versions between the integration installed and that in App Central, the type of operation required to update the integration is UPDATE.

  1. In the Integrations section, open the installed integration in code mode to view the version.
    Integration code mode
  2. Go to App Central and search for the same integration. Click UPDATE.
    Integration update version
  3. On the dialog that appears, click Update.
    Integration update
  4. Go back to the Integrations section at the end of the update operation. Open the integration and check the if the version of that integration updated.
    Integration update complete
  5. Check in the integration detail to see if it shows all the types of actions we expect.
    Integration with all actions

Certified integrations

Certified integrations are those that are provided by Sumo Logic.


Only certified integrations can be executed in the cloud, while custom integrations must be executed through the Automation Bridge. For more information, see Cloud or Bridge execution.

After you download an integration from App Central, you will see it in the Integrations section designated by a Certified Integration check mark.
Certified integration

After you select the integration resource and click the View Code button, the certified integration code is set to read-only mode. The certified integrations code can’t be edited using the Cloud SOAR internal IDE. This is also true for the actions available for that integration.
Certified integration message in resource code

Following is an example of a certified action.
Certified action

You can add one or more resources to the certified integration (as explained in Integrations), or you use it as-is.

Duplicate an integration

To modify an integration's resource code and actions code, you must first duplicate the integration and make your modifications in the duplicated version. When you click the Duplicate integration button, a new integration will be created in the integrations list with an incremented name.
Duplicate certified integration

Following is a duplicated integration:
Duplicated integration

If the certified integration resource was configured before the duplication process, all the settings will be saved and replicated inside the duplicated integration. There is no need to reset the duplicated integration.

In the following example, the integration resource received an incremented name, but not the actions available for that integration. This facilitates the automation process and helps prevent confusion.
No changes to duplicated resource actions

Since only the duplicated integration can be modified, the actions name represents the activity that the action will perform, whether it is modified or not. While building playbooks, you can choose which resource you want to use. If the duplicated resource is chosen, the actions available will be the ones belonging to the duplicated resource.

Following is an example of selecting the action’s resource while building a playbook. The selected action is Add Comment To Issue.
Add comment to issue

Publish an integration

If you create a custom integration that you would like to make available for others to use, you can submit it to Sumo Logic for review and publication in App Central. This will allow everyone to install and run the integration in the cloud without having to use the Cloud SOAR Bridge.

The integration should be for a commercial product for which no integration exists in App Central, or be a general purpose integration. Sumo Logic will not add integrations to App Central that can only be used by one customer.

  1. Ask your Sumo Logic account representative to engage the Professional Services team. The Professional Services team member will guide you through the process of submitting an integration for publication in App Central.
  2. Select Integrations from the navigation menu at the left of the screen.
  3. Select your custom integration.
  4. Hover the mouse over your custom integration and click the Export button that appears to the right. This exports the integration's YAML files to a tar.gz archive file.
    Export button
  5. Provide the tar.gz archive file containing your custom integration's YAML files to the Professional Services team member.

Sumo Logic will validate the integration, and work with you to make any updates if needed. If the integration is approved, Sumo Logic will add it to App Central.


A Playbook is a predefined set of actions or tasks to respond to a certain event or incident type. The creation and utilization of playbooks can allow an organization's teams to respond to an incident in a consistent, focused, and repeatable fashion.

Playbooks are automated workflows which can be configured to execute automatically without user intervention, acting on information from the incident, or can be executed in interactive mode, where user input is required to authorize predefined actions.

To access playbooks, click the gear icon Settings menu icon in the top right, select Automation, and then select Playbooks in the left nav bar.

Watch this micro lesson to learn how to create custom playbooks.

Configure a new playbook

  1. Click the gear icon Settings menu icon in the top right, select Automation, and then select Playbooks in the left nav bar.
  2. At the top of the screen next to Playbook, click + to add a new playbook.
    A new configuration box will be displayed.
  3. Name your new playbook, select the Type to associate with it, and click Create.
  4. Once the new playbook has been saved, it will be displayed on the left side of the screen. To begin to configure the new playbook, select it from the list and click the Edit button at the bottom of the screen.
  5. Opening the playbook will present a black screen with a Start node, and an End node. These nodes dictate the beginning and the end of the playbook's automation sequence. They can be dragged and dropped anywhere on the screen to allow for multiple integrations and conditional statements to be executed.
    Empty playbook
  6. To begin to add the first node within the new playbook, hover your mouse over the Start node and click the + button that appears.
    New playbook
    The Add Node dialog is displayed.
    Add node dialog
  7. Click one of the following types to add a node to the playbook:
    • Action: Automatically take specific actions such as enriching data or taking containment steps when an Incident Template is matched.
    • Task: Assign a task to an Cloud SOAR user.
    • Condition: Use conditional statements to define what actions should be taken in response to previous input/output feeds.
    • User Choice: Pause automatic processing to allow for manual intervention.
    • Filter: Filter results from the preceding action. (You can only add a filter node after an action node.)
    • Playbook: Call other playbooks in response to conditional statements or user choice actions.


Select Action from the node types.

Add Node dialog showing node types

A new screen will be displayed showing all actions a user has to choose from.

Add Node dialog showing the Type dropdown menu

These action types will directly interact with Cloud SOAR's integrations to either gather data or initiate actions automatically. Select the Type of action:

  • Containment. Performs some sort of response or remediation action, such as resetting a user's password or blocking a domain on your firewall.
  • Custom. Performs an action defined in a custom action YAML file. For an example of a custom action created for Cloud SIEM, see Advanced example: Configure a custom integration.
  • Enrichment. Enriches data with additional information, such as adding information about a known malicious IP address.
  • Notification. Sends a notification, for example, an email or a post in a messaging service.
  • Scheduled. Runs an action on a schedule once the playbook starts. For example, the action regularly checks a condition, and once the condition is met, the next playbook actions are executed.

The Type drop-down menu shows only the action types available in the selected integration.

As an example, lets choose Enrichment from the action type screen. As with any action type we choose, a new section will be added to our configurations screen asking for more clarifying information on how we would like this action to be performed.

Title the enrichment action something that can easily be identified by the action that is being taken, such as Domain Reputation Check. Next, we want to choose the action, expand the Action dropdown list and review the available options.

Node Creation Node Resource Adding

Expand the Resource dropdown list to view all active Integration feeds. The feeds found in each action type are those who can execute the specified action (i.e. blocking of an IP address can be done through firewalls/WAFs, etc.). Once a resource is assigned a new dropdown list will be displayed. Options found in this list are comprised of Incident Artifact fields, which are the incident fields Cloud SOAR parses out when issuing new incidents.

Continuing from the example above, an Enrichment action is being called to gather Domain Reputation information from VirusTotal for the domain observed in the Incident. Once all enrichment variables are identified, click Create to continue.

The newly added node will now be visible in playbook configuration screen. To add an additional node hover over the newly created enrichment task. A menu bar will be displayed at the bottom of the node, click + to add a new node, the pencil icon to edit the existing node, or the trash can to delete the existing node.

Node menu


From the node selection menu, choose Task. A new configuration screen will be displayed. Title the new task and add any description if desired. The next dropdown lists are Authorizer and Owner fields. The Authorizer field is the user who is assigning the task, and the Owner field is the user who will be assigned the task to complete. When the task has been developed, click Create.

Task Node

For playbook entities which support user-defined text input, such as email notifications, help desk ticket creation and task creation, variable placeholders may be added to the user defined text which will be replaced with incident variables at run time. These variable placeholders may be added by clicking on the Placeholder icon icon. To add a variable placeholder, begin typing in the newly inserted placeholder box and Cloud SOAR will display a list of available options which match. For example, typing incident. will display a list of all the valid incident fields which may be added as variable placeholders.


From the node's menu, choose Condition. A new configuration screen will be displayed which will enable a user to define a conditional statement to be met before the next node type can be executed. Under Condition 1, click on Select a value to define the first condition.

Add Node dialog showing a new condition Add node dialog showing the Get Value field

When developing the first condition, users have multiple options to choose from:

  • Insert a custom value. Will execute when a user-defined variable is observed within an Incident.
  • Get value from an Incident field. Will execute when a value is observed within an Incident Field (see Incident Fields).
  • Get value from Triage Field. Will execute when a value is observed within a Triage Field (see Triage Fields).
  • Get value from previous action. Will execute when a value is observed from a previous input or output field.

From our earlier example, we are going to choose to evaluate the output from our Domain Reputation check of the observed domain. Click Output from Get value from previous action.

A list of available results or outputs from the previously selected integration will be displayed in JSON format. Select which output type (e.g., hashes, IP addresses, domains) to evaluate and add it to the condition.

List of outputs

The selected output type will be displayed under Condition 1. Select which condition you would like for the output results to meet from the inequality operators below and click Select a value to define the condition.

Condition Node Settings

The condition we want to meet for this example is "Advance this Incident forward if the observed domain returns at least 1 result or row from VirusTotal". We insert 0 into the custom value field and click + to add it to the condition.

Manual Value Adding

Now that Condition 1 is defined*,* users can choose to filter their results further by selecting an AND/OR operator to define another condition.

Condition Settings

Once the condition is defined, click Create to add it to the playbook.

When new conditions are created, we will need to define what happens when their results meet one of our criteria. A new node is added to the condition below. This node breaks the condition down into successes and failures and can be modified by hovering over it and clicking +.

Use of Condition

This new node represents a decision tree in which both results, success or failure, will have to be defined. Follow the steps above to finalize the condition.

Nodes List

User Choice

From the node's menu, select User Choice. The User Choice option allows for the system to pose a question to the incident owner. Based off of the analysis the incident owner performs on the previous information gathered, they will be presented a choice to take an automated action such as blocking an IP at the firewall or Quarantining an end-user workstation from the network.

User Choice Response

Define the question to be answered and the authorizer of the user choice selection and click Create to finalize.


A filter node filters results from the preceding action based on the condition you write. You can only add a filter node after an action node.

For example:

  • The action node feeding into the filter has 10 results, but you want to filter out all but the best two results. You can write a condition in the filter to do the filtering.
  • You want to pass specific output to another action node. Define the output in the filter, and define the corresponding input in the receiving action node. You could also use a filter like this to pass input to a nested playbook.
  1. Hover your mouse over an action node and click the + button.
    Add node button
    The available nodes are displayed.
    Add filter node
  2. Click Filter. The filter node configuration dialog displays.
    Configure filter node conditions
  3. (Optional) Use Split by to select an output if it is a list (array) and you want to evaluate each item separately. Each item in the list is checked against the filter condition. If the condition is true for an item, the item is passed to the next node. (If you do not use the Split by field on an output that is a list, then if the condition is true for any item in the list, the entire list moves forward to the next node.)
  4. Configure the conditions you want to use for filtering. These are similar to the conditions you can configure on the condition node.
  5. Click Create.

Playbook execution

The results of execution - successes, failures, and outcomes - are visible the Playbook's individual node details. The results of enrichment, containment and custom Playbook actions undertaken on incident artifacts, e.g., IP addresses, URLs, domains, etc., are catalogued in the incident's Entities module.

If a playbook fails, it can be re-executed inside the incident again or on the failing node with the Kill Kill option and Run Run option processes available in the playbook screen of the incident. However, a failed node will not stop the playbook from being executed. Only tasks and User Choices will lock the playbook in a Running state until the user takes action.

Status running Status completed

Playbook template

When a Playbook is assigned to an incident, these predefined actions and tasks can be converted to actual tasks within Cloud SOAR for assignment to users and oversight by management. Each individual task can be assigned attributes, such as who it is assigned to, who has authorized the task, and when it is due. A Playbook Template permits administrators to predefine some of these attributes based on an existing Playbook so that they appear as defaults when the Playbook Template is utilized.

Playbooks are the core of Cloud SOAR's automation capabilities. Playbooks permit administrators to create automated and semi-automated workflows utilizing Cloud SOAR integrations, tasks and a variety of flow control decisions and other actions.

playbook workflows can be configured to execute automatically without human intervention, or can be executed in an interactive mode, where user input is required to authorize predefined actions.

Nest playbooks

To run a playbook inside another playbook:

  1. Click + on a node in a playbook.
  2. In the Add Node dialog, select Playbook.
    Add a playbook node
  3. Select the nested playbook from the list of available playbooks.

Pass attributes to a nested playbook

(Applies only to organizations running the non-SaaS version of Cloud SOAR.)

When you nest a child playbook within a parent playbook, you must pass parameters from the parent to the child to be utilized within the child playbook actions.

  1. Select the playbook (the child) you want to nest within another playbook.
  2. Click the three-dot kebab menu icon in the upper-right corner of the child playbook, select the Nested option, and click Save. This tags the playbook as a child and prevents adhoc testing against the child, since it will rely upon the parent to provide it inputs.
    Nested option
  3. Click the Edit button at the bottom of the screen, then the Edit button on the Start node.
    Start node
  4. Add the parameters you would like your child playbook to receive from the parent. These can be arbitrary names and do not need to be aligned to any field schema. They will be mapped from the parent nodes.
    Add parameters
  5. It’s important that your child nodes make use of these parameters. These will be accessible by editing your relevant child nodes, selecting the cog wheel, and selecting the relevant playbook input. In the example below, we use the playbook ID input parameter that will come from the parent.
    Edit parameters
  6. Save and publish your child playbook.
  7. Navigate to your parent playbook. Add a new node.
    Add node
  8. Select Playbook.
    Select Playbook
  9. Select your child playbook.
    Select child playbook
  10. You will see the parameters that you had set from your child playbook. Use the cog wheel to set these parameters based on your parent action nodes.
    Parent playbook parameters
  11. Save and publish your parent playbook.

You will now be able to perform tests against your parent playbook, and your child playbook will receive the parameters from the parent.

Import and export playbooks

With the mechanism to import and export playbooks, you can move a playbook, along with all its configurations, from one instance to another. The file should be in tar.gz format and adhere to naming conventions.

  1. Click on the Export icon located next to the playbook name.
    Export Playbook
  2. Upon clicking, the tar.gz archive download will be initiated.
  3. At this point, you can open the archive, modify the configuration data, recreate a tar.gz archive, and upload it. To upload the file, click on the Import icon, select the desired file, and click Import.
    Import Playbook
    Import Playbook modal

It is crucial that the file names inside the tar.gz adhere to the following format: <unique_id>.<file_representing_name>.<file_type>.<file_extension>, for example, 97ad7d6e.IP-Reputation.action.yaml

Testing playbooks

It is possible to perform a test run to verify the proper functioning of a playbook, either a revision or published. To do this, simply click on the icon with the 3 dots, then click on Run Test.
Run test option
Upon clicking, a modal will be opened, where you can choose the type of Input in case the playbook is expecting data. Once the necessary data is entered, clicking the RUN button will open a new page with run details.
Run test modal
In order to be able to differentiate between runs, in case of test runs, "(RUN TEST)" will be added to the end of the playbook name.
Playbook executed run test

Incident templates

Incident templates define the way in which incidents will be created for a specific alert, incident type or event. They allow you to define a certain number of incident attributes (e.g., incident type, severity, assignment, and any other default or custom incident parameters) that will automatically be set each time an incident is generated, based on the template. This may include type, classification, incident assignment, playbooks, Playbooks, knowledge base articles, or any other incident attribute. As rules are created for generating incidents based on syslog messages, email, SIEM integrations or other data sources, it is the Incident Templates that will define how the initial incident will be created.

Create a new template

  1. Click the gear icon Settings menu icon in the top right, select Automation, and then select Incident templates in the left nav bar.
  2. From the Incident Templates page, you'll find all previously created templates on the left-side of the screen. To add a new Incident Template, click + to proceed.
    Add template
  3. A new configuration box is displayed.
    New Incident Template
  4. As seen in our previous configurations, you will need to name your template. Make sure it is something easily identifiable and related to the activity it is developed for. The next section is asking for a Category. This field, as well as all other fields within the Cloud SOAR platform, can be customized to fit the user's environment (see Custom Fields).
  5. In our example, we're building an Incident Template for a DLP incident. The category we chose is titled Data Theft but can be called anything in which we choose to identify it as. Users also have the option to add Tags which can be used to further categorize of define the incident, and can be used when searching for or correlating events. Once our template is named and categorized, click Next to continue.
  6. Under the Incident tab administrators may define any incident parameters they wish to set by default when an incident is creating using the template. This often includes parameters such as type, kind and severity. All variables marked with an asterisk (*) are required to complete the Incident Template (see Custom Fields to adjust the fields requirements). As mentioned earlier, all fields are customizable via the Custom Fields section. Once all required variables have been defined, click Next to continue.
    Create incident template
    The remaining tabs in the Incident Template dialogue are as follows:
    • Incident details: To set up details for a specific incident type.
    • Description: Free text area to describe details of the template.
    • Playbook: Playbook which should be automatically assigned to an incident. For each playbook, user can choose to have the Playbook automatically execute immediately upon incident creation or assigned and wait for manual execution.
    • Investigators: Investigators who should be automatically assigned to the incident.
    • Notes: Notes which should be created for the incident.

Creating incidents from automation rules

Cloud SOAR can ingest, parse, and process incident data from email, syslog and bidirectional integrations. For Cloud SOAR to begin processing incident data from these sources, the Automation Rules features need to be configured.


Cloud SOAR's orchestration and automation capabilities are achieved through its unidirectional and bidirectional integrations with the industry's leading network and security vendors.

To access integrations, click the gear icon Settings menu icon in the top right, select Automation, and then select Integrations in the left nav bar.


A list of available integrations within the organization can be found to the left-side of the screen. To begin to configure, click on a product to continue.

Configure integration

A product overview screen will be displayed with what actions a product can perform and a link to configure the integration. These actions are categorized into five separate types: Enrichment, Containment, Custom, Daemon, and Notification actions. Each selection will list its associated actions and if there are required fields which need to be configured for Cloud SOAR to utilize its functionality within its Playbooks.

To add a new integration resource, click the + Resources button in the upper left-hand corner of the integrations screen. To edit an existing integration resource, hover over the resource and click the pencil icon to the far right of the resource name in the resource list.

Resources modal

Each Integration's configuration screen may be different, but in most cases, administrators will need information such as IP addresses, API tokens, usernames and passwords for their network/security products.

To test the configuration, click save and reopen the Integration. Once the Integration is reopened, click test and successful connections will display a success message at the bottom of the screen. Any unsuccessful attempts will display an error message with information needed to remediate the issue.

Additionally, some integration types also allow users to use a pre-configured general proxy or define a specific one for its integration with Cloud SOAR. To configure a proxy for an integration, open the integration and click the Proxy dropdown. Select Use different proxy and add the corresponding proxy information.

Once the information has been added, click save to commit the integration. Next, open up the integratio again and click the Test button to test the new configuration settings. A successful connection attempt will be displayed at the bottom right-side of the screen. Once the proxy test is successful, click save again to commit the final configuration settings for the integration.

Deleted bookmark

The Deleted bookmark allows you to view or hide integrations that have been deleted.
Deleted bookmark activated

Click the Deleted button to see all the deleted integrations.
Deleted bookmark deactivated

Integration Framework

Cloud SOAR's Integration Framework allows Sumo Logic and Cloud SOAR users to develop and extend integrations using a common, open and easy to use framework. For increased security and isolation, each integration is executed in its own Docker container, which can be easily customized by the user when the integration is created.

Integrations are defined using two types of YAML text files. The first type, the integration definition file, is used to define the properties of the product with which the integration connects. This includes information such as the name, logo, connection parameters, test code and the Docker container used to execute the actions. One integration definition file is required for each integration and serves as a container for all of the actions that the integration will perform.

The second type of file is an action definition file, which is used to define a single action that will be performed using the integration. Each integration action is defined in a separate action definition file, which will be associated by Cloud SOAR with the appropriate integration definition. Action definition files are the files which contain the actual code which will be executed to perform the action. Supported languages include Perl, Python, PowerShell and Bash. In addition to the action code, action definition files also contain information such as the name, required and optional fields and the format in which the resulting information will be displayed.

Integration definition

Integration file hierarchy

Defining integrations at the action level allows users greater flexibility in customizing existing integrations and sharing new actions with other users. For example, a user may choose to extend Sumo Logic's existing RSA Netwitness integration to include an additional action which retrieves all network connections for a given host.

Once the user has created this new action, it can easily be added to the existing RSA Netwitness integration by uploading the new integration action file. This new action can also be shared between customers and used to extend the functionality of the integration in other customer instances as well.

New action

See Integration Framework for more details on utilizing the integration framework within Cloud SOAR.

Integration Builder

You can build basic integrations without having to provide custom YAML files.

  1. Click the gear icon Settings menu icon in the top right, select Automation, and then select Integrations in the left nav bar.
  2. Select the + icon at the top of the screen to the left of Integrations.
    Add Integration button
  3. Fill out the New Integration dialog:
    1. Upload a Logo for your integration.
    2. Provide a Name.
    3. Click Use Connection Configuration and fill out the fields for credentials configuration.
    4. Click Add to add the connection configuration.
    5. If other fields are needed at the integration resource level, click + Field to add the fields and their information. For example, for an integration like VirusTotal, you would need to add apikey and domain as required fields.
    6. Click Create. The integration file is created for the integration.

    New Integration dialog
  4. Now that you have created the integration file, you need to create an action file for the integration.
    1. Hover your mouse over the new integration and click the Upload button that appears.
      Upload button
    2. In the Upload dialog, notice how Integration File is highlighted. That's because it was created in the last step.
      Upload dialog
    3. Click Action and Next.
  5. Fill out the Upload dialog:
    1. Provide a Name for the action.
    2. Select a Type for the action, such as enrichment, containment, custom, or notification.
    3. Click Use Connection Configuration if it is needed for the action, fill out the fields for credentials configuration, and click Add.
    4. If other fields are needed at the action level, click + Field to add the fields and their information.
    5. Click Create. The action file is created for the integration.
      Create action
      The new action displays.
      Example integration
  6. Add the resource information:
    1. Click the + button to the left of Resources.
    2. Give the resource a Label and enter the connection configuration needed by the resource. What you enter is specific to the integration you're adding the resource for. Each resource's configuration screen may be different, but in most cases, you will need information such as IP addresses, API tokens, usernames, and passwords for the application you're integrating with.
      Add Resource dialog
    3. Click Save. The new integration is complete.
      VirusTotal example integration
  7. To test the new action, click on the action, then click Test Action in the dialog that displays.
    Test action dialog

Configure a webhook for Cloud SOAR

You can configure a webhook connection to allow you to send an alert from a scheduled search to Sumo Logic Cloud SOAR.

  1. In the main Sumo Logic menu, select Manage Data > Monitoring > Connections.

  2. Click + and choose Cloud SOAR as the connection type. The Create Cloud SOAR Connection dialog is displayed.
    New connection

  3. Enter a Name and give an optional Description to the connection.

  4. The URL field shows your Sumo Logic API endpoint followed by /csoar/v3/incidents/. For example,

  5. In Authorization Header, enter your basic authentication access information for the header. For example, Basic <base64 encode <accessId>:<accessKey>>. For more information, see Basic Access (Base64 encoded).

  6. Click Save. After save, the Templates dropdown shows a list of all incident templates by name configured in your Cloud SOAR environment.

  7. Select a Template.

  8. The default payload synchronizes with the selected template, and the Alert Payload field shows the associated template_id field automatically defined in the default payload. A template_id is required in the payload in order to configure the connection:

    "template_id": <Template ID>,
    "fields": {
    "incidentid": "Incident Id"

    You can add additional variables. For example:

    "fields": {
    "description": "string",
    "additional_info": "string",
    "starttime": "ISO-8601 datetime string",
    "incident_kind": <ID incident kind>,
    "incident_category": <ID incident category>,
    "status": <ID incident status>,
    "restriction": <ID incident restriction>
  9. Click Save.

Cloud or Bridge execution

You can set integrations, and their related action execution, to be executed in the cloud or through the Bridge. Only certified integrations can be executed in the cloud, while custom integrations must be executed through the Bridge.

  1. Click the gear icon Settings menu icon in the top right, select Automation, and then select Integrations in the left nav bar.
  2. Select an integration.
  3. Hover your mouse over the resource name and click the Edit button that appears.
    Resource edit button
  4. In the Edit resource dialog, click the Automation engine field to select Cloud execution (for certified integrations only) or select a Bridge option (for custom integrations).
    Automation engine field

Configure Slack for Cloud SOAR

With the Cloud SOAR Slack integration, teams can remain connected, organize conversations, and quickly find what is needed to get the work done.

With the Cloud SOAR Slack integration, you can directly manage User Choice actions within the playbooks from your Slack workspace. Furthermore, for each new incident, a related conversation channel will be created within your Slack workspace, where users will correspond to investigators. Changing a user within the incident will also result in a change to the user within the conversation channel.


To configure Slack for use inside Cloud SOAR, you must first create a public or private channel so you can send messages or files to channels or users directly.

Step 1: Create a Slack app

Before you can use the Slack integration in Cloud SOAR, you need to create a Slack app on the user or company workspace.

  1. Navigate to the Slack API page.
  2. Click Create an App.
    Create a Slack app
  3. Select From scratch.
    Create a Slack app from scratch
  4. Enter "CSOAR Bot" as the app name and select the workspace where you wish to install it.
    Insert name and workspace for Slack app
  5. Click Create App.

Step 2: Add permissions to the Slack app

After you create a Slack app, you must add the appropriate permissions for use with Cloud SOAR.

  1. Click Permissions, or from the left nav bar, click OAuth & Permissions.
    Slack OAuth and Permissions
  2. Scroll down to the Scopes section.
    You must add permissions for the Bot Token. Bot tokens let your app act independently.
  3. Click Add an OAuth Scope under Bot Token Scopes.
    Add an OAuth Scope in Slack
  4. Enter the following permissions.
    • Actions: List Channels / Get Channel / Get Members
      • channels:read. View basic information about public channels in a workspace.
      • groups:read. View basic information about private channels that your Slack app has been added to.
      • im:read. View basic information about direct messages that your Slack app has been added to.
      • mpim:read. View basic information about group direct messages that your Slack app has been added to.
    • Actions: Create channel / Invite To Channel / Remove User From Channel / Archive Channel
      • channels:manage. Manage public channels that your Slack app has been added to and create new ones.
      • channels:write.invites. Invite members to public channels.
      • groups:write. Manage private channels that your Slack app has been added to and create new ones.
      • groups:write.invites. Invite members to private channels.
      • im:write. Start direct messages with people.
      • mpim:write. Start group direct messages with people.
      • mpim:write.invites. Invite members to group direct messages.
    • Actions: List Users / Get User
      • users:read. View people in a workspace.
      • View email addresses of people in a workspace.
    • Actions: List Conversations History
      • channels:history. View messages and other content in public channels that your Slack app has been added to.
      • groups:history. View messages and other content in private channels that your Slack app has been added to.
      • im:history. View messages and other content in direct messages that your Slack app has been added to.
      • mpim:history. View messages and other content in group direct messages that your Slack app has been added to.
    • Actions: Send Message / Delete Message
      • chat:write. Post messages in approved channels and conversations.
  5. Verify that scopes are set up correctly:
    • Here are the Bot Token scopes after configuration:
      Bot token 1
  6. Place your instance URL in the Interactivity & Shortcuts page.
  7. Click Install to Workspace to make the app available for use.
    Install the app
  8. Installation generates a Bot User OAuth Token and a Signing Secret. Copy the tokens and keep them in a secure location for use in the next step.
    Bot Oauth token
    Signing Secret

Step 3: Configure the Slack integration in Cloud SOAR

Now you must configure the Slack integration in Cloud SOAR to use the Bot OAuth Token and Signing Secret you saved in the previous step. These tokens will give the Slack integration the permissions it needs to perform the tasks in the scopes you set up.

  1. Add resources for the tokens:

    1. Click the gear icon Settings menu icon in the top right, select Automation, and then select Integrations in the left nav bar.
    2. Select the Slack integration. The integration's resources appear.
      Select the Slack integration
    3. Click + to add a new Resource.
      Add a resource
    4. Name the resource "Bot User OAuth Access Token".
    5. Click Edit.
    6. Copy the Bot Oauth Token you saved from the Slack API setup and paste it Into the Bot/User OAuth Token field.
    7. Once you have filled in all the required fields, click Save.
    8. Click TEST SAVED SETTINGS to verify configuration.
      Bot resource
  2. Configure instant messaging:

    1. Click the gear icon Settings menu icon in the top right and select Settings.
    2. Scroll down and open Instant Messaging.
      Successful configuration
    3. For Integration select Slack.
    4. Paste your previously saved Bot User OAuth Access Token to the Bot OAuth field.
    5. Paste your previously saved Signing Secret to the Signing Secret for verify requests field. If configuration is successful, Workspace displays "Success".

    If your new resources are configured correctly, and Instant Messaging displays a "Success" message for the configured workspace, you can Use the Slack app in User Choice.

Use the Slack app in User Choice

If you have configured Slack as described in Configure Slack for Cloud SOAR, you can set a playbook’s User Choice to be answered by Slack.

  1. Run a playbook with a User Choice action. The following example shows a simple playbook with two available answers: Close Incident and Investigate. Notice that the option Answer By Slack is enabled.
    Playbook with user choices
    In this case, the Authorizer set is just a user. If a group is chosen, a message will be sent directly from the CSOAR Bot to every available user. If a user is not selected, and the playbook is inside an incident, the message will be sent within the relevant channel in the Slack workspace, and all the users within it will be authorized to choose one of the User Choice available options.
  2. When the playbook flow reaches the User Choice, the user will receive a message containing the reference to the incident, the playbook name, and the question set for the User Choice.
    Slack user choice message
  3. After a recipient chooses one of the available options, the playbook flow will continue and a message will inform the user or the group about the choice made.
    Selected user choice

Bidirectional use cases between Slack and incident management

You can manage Slack communication channels directly by creating/editing various incidents within Cloud SOAR. Here are some use cases:

  • Creating an incident
    When an incident is created, a conversation channel will automatically be created within your Slack workspace, where the channel name will be formed like this: incident-incident_id. Furthermore, all users (owners, investigators, groups) who are part of the workspace will be added to the channel.
    Created incident
    Created Slack channel
  • Adding / removing users from the incident
    When users (owners, investigators, groups) are added or removed from the incident, they will be managed in the same way within the channel in the workspace.
  • Close / delete an incident
    When an incident is closed / deleted, the related channel in the workspace will automatically be archived as well.
    Archived Slack channel
  • Viewing channel history from the War room section
    Within the war room section of an incident, it will be possible to view the history of a Slack channel.
    Slack message in the war room


Automation rules allow specific data to be parsed from the incoming data sources and then acted upon automatically or through manual actions. You can establish any daemonized integration rules to define what occurs when data is received from each of these sources.

Creating a rule

  1. Click the gear icon Settings menu icon in the top right, select Automation, and then select Rules in the left nav bar.
  2. Click + to the left of Rules.
  3. Select a name for the rule, then select the daemon to use with this new rule and the resource and fill all the remain parameters.
    Add automation rule
  4. In the detail section of the rule you can define filters to be used in the rule and the action to be performed.
  5. The Action Type dropdown will contain the specific actions Cloud SOAR can take when the specified activity is observed. Users have the option to take the following actions:
    • Create incident from template. Specify what incident template to use, the incident owner, and incident ID format. This is the most common action.
    • Close incident. Allows for the automatic closure of a known false positive incident
    • Update incident. Updates a field in an existing incident based on parameters from the parsed message
    • Change incident status. Change the incident status based on parameters from the parsed message
    • Set task progress. Set task progress based on parameters from the parsed message
    • Close task. Close a task based on parameters from the parsed message
    • Add to Triage. Create a new triage event based on parameters from the parsed message 1.To add a new mapping setting, click on the plus button near Mapping if enable for that action.
      Add action
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