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Legacy Cloud SOAR APIs


This article only applies to organizations having a legacy Cloud SOAR instance URL matching the pattern * If it doesn't, refer to Cloud SOAR APIs for documentation of the APIs used in our latest Cloud SOAR SaaS version. See API Authentication for details about API best practices.

The Cloud SOAR APIs allow you to manage incidents, triage, and other Cloud SOAR features.

Inline API documentation

For organizations with a Cloud SOAR instance URL matching the pattern *, you can find API documentation through your Cloud SOAR instance at:


The APIs listed at this location are internal-facing and unique to the tenant. The documentation lists all the available endpoints, expected parameters, and the required and accepted data schema to use for each exposed endpoint.

Base path for API requests

The base path to be used to access the Cloud SOAR REST API is:


Generate an API token

To use our Cloud SOAR REST API, you must be an authorized user with a valid JWT API key. Org administrators should perform the following steps to issue an API key for a Cloud SOAR user:

  1. Select the desired user in the User Management section.
  2. Scroll to the API Token section.
  3. Click the + button on the right-hand side of the screen.
  4. Click Generate to confirm the generation of the API token. You can find your new JWT token in the API Token section of your user settings.

You can use the token displayed in the API Token section to provide authorization for your API calls. Org administrators can revoke user API tokens by clicking the trash can icon to the far right side of the token row.

GET/PUT request (without data payload)

The following is an example of a GET (or PUT) request which does not contain a data payload using curl:

curl -X GET http[s]://<cloudsoarhost>/incmansuite_ng/api/v3/<endpoint>
--header "Authorization: Bearer <token>"
--header "Accept:application/json"

The following is an example of a GET (or PUT) request which does not contain a data payload using Python:

import requests
import json
headers = {'Authorization' : 'Bearer <token>', 'Accept' :'application/json'}
inc = requests.get('http[s]://<cloudsoarhost>/incmansuite_ng/api/v3/incidents/<incidentId>, headers=headers)
incident = json.loads(inc.text)

POST/PUT request (with data payload)

The following is an example of a POST (or PUT) request which contains a data payload using curl:

--header "Authorization: Bearer <token>"
--header "Accept:application/json"
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
-d “{”<key1>”:”<value1>”, ”<key2>”:”<value2>”,...,”<keyN>”:”<valueN>”}”

The following is an example of a POST (or PUT) request which contains a data payload using Python:

import requests
import json
headers = {'Authorization' : 'Bearer <token>', 'Accept' : 'application/json', 'Content-Type' : 'application/json'}
new_incident = <incident data in JSON>
new_inc ='http[s]://<cloudsoarhost>/incmansuite_ng/api/v3/incidents', data=new_incident, headers=headers)
incident = json.loads(new_inc.text)

In addition to JSON, the payload may also be sent in XML format using the headers:

"Accept: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
"Content-Type: multipart/form-data format"
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