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The Sumo Logic App for Bitbucket provides insights to development teams into how their software delivery pipeline components are performing. The pre-configured dashboards organize issues, builds, and deployments that require the most attention.

The Bitbucket App supports only Bitbucket Cloud.

Event types​

Sumo Logic analyzes the following required types of logs for more efficient monitoring.

There are two types of events of interest from Bitbucket to Sumo Logic: Bitbucket and Deploy events. This section provides an example of Bitbucket Events and Deploy Events log messages.

Bitbucket Events​

Bitbucket Events send the event request to the server URL for the Webhook whenever that event occurs.

Available Repository events​

Available Issue events​

Refer to the event documentation for descriptions and examples of each event payload above.

For log samples, refer to Bitbucket Event Documentation

Sample log messages​

Deploy Events are triggered whenever code is pushed to test, staging, or production environments.

  • Success Code Deploys
  • Failed Code Deploys
Sample Deploy Event Log
"buildNumber": "160",
"deploymentEnvironment": "production",
"gitHttpOrigin": "",
"commit": "67be2cdb4db18556df9b49872d7d3945ada3cb09",
"branch": "master",
"tag": "",
"prDestinationBranch": "",
"projectKey": "",
"repoFullName": "app-dev-sumo/backendservice",
"repoOwner": "app-dev-sumo",
"pr_id": "",
"pipe_result_link": "!/results/160",
"deploy_status": "0",
"commit_link": "",
"event_date": "2020-03-23 08:07:34"

Sample queries​

This section provides a sample from the Failed Deployments panel on the Bitbucket Deployment dashboard.


  • Event_Date:*
  • Build_Number:*
  • Deploy_Status:*
  • Deployment_Environment:*
  • Files_Committed:*
  • Repo_Full_Name:*
  • Repo_Owner:*
  • Source_Branch:*
  • Deploy_Result:*
Query String
_sourceCategory="bitbucket" production  deploymentEnvironment pipe_result_link deploy_status commit_link
| json field=_raw "buildNumber", "deploymentEnvironment", "branch", "repoFullName", "pipe_result_link", "deploy_status", "pr_id", "commit", "tag", "projectKey", "repoOwner", "commit_link" , "event_date"
| repoFullName as repo_name
| where repoFullName matches "*" AND buildNumber matches "*"
| branch as source_branch
| if (deploy_status matches "0", "Success", "Failed") as deploy_status
| where deploymentEnvironment="production" and deploy_status="Failed"
| tourl (commit_link, concat("Commit # ",commit)) as files_commited
| tourl (pipe_result_link, buildNumber) as deploy_result
| count by event_date, buildNumber, deploy_status, deploymentEnvironment, files_commited, repoFullName, repoOwner, source_branch, deploy_result
| fields - _count

Collecting logs for Bitbucket App​

This section provides instructions for configuring log collection for the Bitbucket App. Configuring log collection consists of the following tasks:

Step 1: Configure Hosted Collector to Receive Bitbucket events​

In this step, you configure a Hosted Collector to receive Webhook Events from Bitbucket and set up an HTTP source on it.

  1. Configure a Hosted Collector, or select an existing hosted collector for the HTTP source.
  2. Configure an HTTP source on the hosted collector.
    • For Source Category, specify bitbucket/events.
    • Click +Add Field and provide the following:
      • Field Name. _convertHeadersToFields
      • Value. true
    • Click Save and make note of the HTTP address for the source. You will supply it when you configure a Jira Webhook in the next step.

Step 2: Adding a Webhook in Bitbucket​

  1. From Bitbucket, open the repository where you want to add the Webhook.
  2. Click the Settings link on the left side.
  3. From the links on the Settings page, click the Webhooks link.
  4. Click the Add Webhook button to create a Webhook for the repository. The Add New Webhook page appears.
  5. Enter a Title with a short description.
  6. Enter Sumo Logic Http source URL, you configured this in Configure Hosted Collector to Receive Bitbucket events.
  7. Click on Status to make it Active.
  8. Triggers - Click on Choose from a full list of triggers, and choose all triggers under Repository, Issue and Pull Request.
  9. Click Save

Step 3: Configure the Bitbucket CI/CD Pipeline to Collect Deploy Events​

A Bitbucket pipe needs to be configured to send code deploy status to Sumo Logic. Add the following pipe code to the step section of your deployment part of the bitbucket-pipelines.yml file. Replace SUMOLOGIC_HTTP_URL with HTTP Source URL configured in Step 1.

- pipe: docker://appdevsumologic/sumologic-send-event:1.15

If you want to deployment events to multiple Sumo Logic orgs, include a -pipe statement, as shown above, for each of the Sumo Logic endpoints.

For reference: This is how the bitbucket-pipelines.yml looks after adding deploy pipe code to our sample Bitbucket CI/CD pipeline.

Step 4: Enable Bitbucket Event-Key tagging at Sumo Logic​

Sumo Logic needs to understand the event type for incoming events (for example, repo:push events). To enable this, the X-Event-Key event type needs to be enabled. To enable this, perform the following steps in the Sumo Logic console:

  1. Classic UI. In the main Sumo Logic menu, select Manage Data > Logs > Fields.
    New UI. In the top menu select Configuration, and then under Logs select Fields. You can also click the Go To... menu at the top of the screen and select Fields.
  2. Add Field ‎X-Event-Key‎.

Installing the Bitbucket App​

This section provides instructions for installing the Bitbucket app.

To install the app:

  1. Select App Catalog.
  2. In the 🔎 Search Apps field, run a search for your desired app, then select it.
  3. Click Install App.

    Sometimes this button says Add Integration.

  4. On the next configuration page, under Select Data Source for your App, complete the following fields:
    • Data Source. Select one of the following options:
      • Choose Source Category and select a source category from the list; or
      • Choose Enter a Custom Data Filter, and enter a custom source category beginning with an underscore. For example, _sourceCategory=MyCategory.
    • Folder Name. You can retain the existing name or enter a custom name of your choice for the app.
    • All Folders (optional). The default location is the Personal folder in your Library. If desired, you can choose a different location and/or click New Folder to add it to a new folder.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Look for the dialog confirming that your app was installed successfully.


Once your app is installed, it will appear in your Personal folder or the folder that you specified. From here, you can share it with other users in your organization. Dashboard panels will automatically start to fill with data matching the time range query received since you created the panel. Results won't be available immediately, but within about 20 minutes, you'll see completed graphs and maps.

Viewing Bitbucket Dashboards​

This section provides descriptions and examples for each of the pre-configured app dashboards.

Filter with template variables

Template variables provide dynamic dashboards that can rescope data on the fly. As you apply variables to troubleshoot through your dashboard, you view dynamic changes to the data for a quicker resolution to the root cause. You can use template variables to drill down and examine the data on a granular level. For more information, see Filter with template variables.


The Bitbucket - Overview dashboard provides an overview of issues by repository, pull requests, builds and deployment status. Panels identify key trends and summarize the status across each workflow.

Use this dashboard to:

  • Quickly get insight around how various Bitbucket components are being used.
  • Drill-down into the specifics of builds, deploy or commit events.


The Bitbucket - Deployments dashboard provides details around failed and successful deployments in production, staging, and test environments

Use this dashboard to:

  • To confirm whether code was successfully deployed to production.
  • To understand and drill-down into commits that led to failed deployments.
  • Identify and investigate deploys to various environments that led to bugs or degradation in performance.


The Bitbucket - Builds dashboard provides a detailed view of the failed and successful builds overtime and by repository. It also lists the details of each build which includes the time when it was started and also identifies the changes made to the build.

Use this dashboard to:

  • Speed up the overall software delivery processes by identifying bottlenecks in build failures.
  • Monitor the success/failure rate of builds and identify relevant individuals, repos, and branches.
  • Identify code commits that led to failed builds.


The Bitbucket - Issues dashboard provides a view of issues classified by type, priority, assignee, and project. This dashboard also provides details on issues escalated, issues summary, and issues over time.

Use this dashboard to:

  • Get insights into high-level statistics around software issues.
  • Improve overall software delivery processes by identifying issues by priority, projects, users, and type.
  • Get insights into identifying regressions and blockers.

Pull Requests​

The Bitbucket - Pull Request dashboard gives a view of pull requests opened, merged, and declined as well as average time taken to close the pull request by repository and by reviewers.

Use this dashboard to:

  • Improve the overall software delivery processes by identifying bottlenecks in review processes.
  • Identify commits and code changes.
  • Identify the teams and repos that take the longest to close pull requests.
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