Amazon CloudTrail - Cloud Security Monitoring and Analytics

This set of CloudTrail monitoring and analytics dashboards provide one dashboard for the most critical analytics. Think of this bundle of dashboards as a good starting place to see trends and outliers on specific aspects of your CloudTrail data -- including access monitoring, login activity, system monitoring, privileged activity, and threat intelligence.
Collecting logs for the AWS CloudTrail app​
This section has instructions for configuring log collection for the AWS CloudTrail app.
If you intend to use the AWS CloudTrail app in multiple environments, see Configure the AWS CloudTrail App in Multiple Environments.
To configure an AWS CloudTrail Source, perform these steps:
- Configure CloudTrail in your AWS account.
- Confirm that logs are being delivered to the Amazon S3 bucket.
- Add an AWS CloudTrail Source to Sumo Logic.
- Grant Sumo Logic access to an Amazon S3 bucket.
- Generate the Role-Based Access CloudFormation template in Sumo Logic and download the template.
- Create the CloudFormation stack in AWS Management Console using the template.
- Copy the Role ARN from the Outputs tab and paste it in the Role ARN field in Sumo Logic CloudTrail Source created in step 3. For more information, see Configuring your AWS source with CloudFormation.
- Enable Sumo to track AWS Admin activity. This step is optional, but if you do not do it, the administrator activity panels in the AWS CloudTrail - User Monitoring dashboard won't be populated.
- Install the Sumo Logic App for AWS CloudTrail.
Once you begin uploading data, your daily data usage will increase. It's a good idea to check the Account page to make sure that you have enough quota to accommodate additional data in your account. If you need additional quota, you can upgrade your account at any time.
Sample log messages​
"userAgent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/37.0.2062.124 Safari/537.36",
| parse "\"sourceIPAddress\":\"*\"" as source_ipaddress
| parse "\"eventName\":\"*\"" as event_name
| parse "\"eventSource\":\"*\"" as event_source
| parse "\"awsRegion\":\"*\"" as aws_Region
| parse "\"userName\":\"*\"" as user
Sample queries​
_sourceCategory=AWS_EAGLE (*Security* OR *Network*)
| parse "\"userName\":\"*\"" as user
| parse "\"eventName\":\"*\"" as event
| parse regex field=event "^(?<event_type>[A-Z][a-z]+?)[A-Z]"
| where (event matches "*Security*" OR event matches "*Network*") and event_type in ("Create","Delete")
| count by event
| sort _count
In some cases, your query results may show "HIDDEN_DUE_TO_SECURITY_REASONS"
as the value of the userName
field. That's because AWS does not log the user name that was entered when a sign-in failure is caused by an incorrect user name.
Installing the AWS CloudTrail app​
Now that you have set up collection, install the Amazon CloudTrail - Cloud Security Monitoring and Analytics app to use the preconfigured searches and Dashboards that provide insight into your data.
To install the app:
- Select App Catalog.
- In the 🔎 Search Apps field, run a search for your desired app, then select it.
- Click Install App.
Sometimes this button says Add Integration.
- On the next configuration page, under Select Data Source for your App, complete the following fields:
- Data Source. Select one of the following options:
- Choose Source Category and select a source category from the list; or
- Choose Enter a Custom Data Filter, and enter a custom source category beginning with an underscore. For example,
- Folder Name. You can retain the existing name or enter a custom name of your choice for the app.
- All Folders (optional). The default location is the Personal folder in your Library. If desired, you can choose a different location and/or click New Folder to add it to a new folder.
- Data Source. Select one of the following options:
- Click Next.
- Look for the dialog confirming that your app was installed successfully.
Once your app is installed, it will appear in your Personal folder or the folder that you specified. From here, you can share it with other users in your organization. Dashboard panels will automatically start to fill with data matching the time range query received since you created the panel. Results won't be available immediately, but within about 20 minutes, you'll see completed graphs and maps.
Viewing AWS CloudTrail dashboards​
All dashboards have a set of filters that you can apply to the entire dashboard. Use these filters to drill down and examine the data to a granular level.
- You can change the time range for a dashboard or panel by selecting a predefined interval from a drop-down list, choosing a recently used time range, or specifying custom dates and times. Learn more.
- You can use template variables to drill down and examine the data on a granular level. For more information, see Filtering Dashboards with Template Variables.
- Most Next-Gen apps allow you to provide the scope at the installation time and are comprised of a key (
by default) and a default value for this key. Based on your input, the app dashboards will be parameterized with a dashboard variable, allowing you to change the dataset queried by all panels. This eliminates the need to create multiple copies of the same dashboard with different queries.
Security Analytics - Access Monitoring​
Description: See the details of security group activities and all AWS activities divided by read only and non read only.
Use Case: Provides analysis of group activity events including revoking and authorizing access, creating and deleting groups, and other events.

Security Analytics - Login Activity​
Description: See the details of login activity successes and failures for API, console, and the root account.
Use Case: Provides analysis of login activity. For API access analysis is provided with trending failed API calls and a detailed table of the recent reasons for failure. Additionally a stacked bar chart shows the comparison of overall failed API calls broken down by account. For console and root activity success and failure are broken down with trending and a detailed table provided in each case.

Security Monitoring - Account and System Monitoring​
Description: See the details of identity and access management for users, roles, access keys and other aspects of identity.
Use Case: Provides analysis of IAM activity. Analysis of created and deleted users as well as a summary of IAM events. Created and deleted roles are evidenced. An additional set of analysis looks into password management, user changes in groups and other events.

Security Monitoring - Overview​
Description: Monitoring overview providing one dashboard for the most critical analytics.
Use Case: Provides summary of the dashboards in one location. A good starting place to see trends and outliers before digging into the individual analytic dashboards that will provide more detail.

AWS CloudTrail - Security Analytics - Privileged Activity​
Description: Provides analytics on events that require elevated privileges.
Use Case: Provides top events, trending and outliers on configuration changes, security group events, and security policy changes.

AWS CloudTrail - Security Analytics - Threat Intelligence​
Description: Review this dashboard for details on potential threats and IOCs for AWS CloudTrail.
Use Case: Provides analysis on Threats Associated with CloudTrail Events, Threats By Actor, Threats by Events and I.P, Threats by Events and Result, Threats by Geo Location, Threats Over Time by Result.