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Palo Alto Networks 6

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The Palo Alto Networks 6 app provides four dashboards, giving you several ways to discover threats, consumption, traffic patterns, and other security-driven issues, providing additional insight for investigations.

Log types​

Parsing in the Palo Alto Networks 6 app for PAN 6 is based on the PAN-OS Syslog integration.

Sample log messages​

<12>Dec 22 13:22:14 PA-5050 1,2016/12/22 13:22:14,002201002211,THREAT,vulnerability,1,2016/12/22 13:22:14,,,,,Alert Logging,,,web-browsing,vsys1,IDS,IDS,ethernet1/21,ethernet1/21,Sumo_Logic,2016/12/22 13:22:14,34403128,1,59305,80,0,0,0x80000000,tcp,alert,"1794",HTTP SQL Injection Attempt(38195),any,medium,client-to-server,128764886,0x0,NL,US,0,,1345817091864062106,,,1,,,,,,,,0

<11>Dec 22 13:08:28 PA-5050 1,2016/12/22 13:08:28,002201002211,THREAT,vulnerability,1,2016/12/22 13:08:28,,,,,Alert Logging,,,web-browsing,vsys1,IDS,IDS,ethernet1/21,ethernet1/21,Sumo_Logic,2016/12/22 13:08:28,34645066,1,38899,80,0,0,0x80000000,tcp,alert,"message",HTTP /etc/passwd Access Attempt(30852),any,high,client-to-server,128763724,0x0,UA,US,0,,1345817091864061211,,,1,,,,,,,,0
<14>Dec 22 16:24:05 AO-PA500-01.domain.local 1,2016/12/22 16:24:04,009401007189,TRAFFIC,drop,1,2016/12/22 16:24:04,,,,,deny untrust - logging,,,not-applicable,vsys1,untrust,untrust,ethernet1/1,,Log-Forwarding-01,2016/12/22 16:24:04,0,1,29272,2083,0,0,0x0,tcp,deny,92,92,0,1,2016/12/22 16:24:04,0,any,0,372320422,0x0,US,US,0,1,0,policy-deny,0,0,0,0,,AO-PA500-01,from-policy

Sample queries​

Threat Type by Severity
_sourceCategory=palo_alto_network | parse "*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*" as f1,recvTime,serialNum,type,subtype,f2,genTime,src_ip,dest_ip,natsrc_ip,natdest_ip,ruleName,src_user,dest_user,app,vsys,src_zone,dest_zone,ingress_if,egress_if,logProfile,f3,sessionID,repeatCnt,src_port,dest_port,natsrc_port,natdest_port,flags,protocol,action,misc,threatID,cat,severity,direction,seqNum,action_flags,src_loc,dest_loc,f4,content_type | count as count by subtype,severity | transpose row severity column subtype

Collecting Logs for the Palo Alto Networks 6 app​

This section provides instructions on how to collect logs for the Palo Alto Networks 6 app, as well as log and query samples.


  • Configure Syslog Monitoring for your Palo Alto Networks device, as described in Configure Syslog Monitoring in Palo Alto Networks help.
  • This app supports Palo Alto Networks v6.

Configure a Collector​

Configure an Installed Collector or a Hosted source for Syslog-ng or Rsyslog.

Configure a Source​

For Syslog, configure the Source fields:

  1. Name. (Required) A name is required.
  2. Description. Optional.
  3. Protocol. UDP or TCP
  4. Port. Port number.
  5. Source Category. (Required) The Source Category metadata field is a fundamental building block to organize and label Sources. For details, see Best Practices.
  6. Click Save.

For a Hosted source, use advanced settings as necessary, but save the endpoint URL associated in order to configure Palo Alto Networks.

Field Extraction Rules​

When creating a Field Extraction Rule, you have the option to select from a template for Palo Alto Networks.

It is recommended that you add THREAT as a keyword in the scope for the rule.

parse "*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*"
as f1,recvTime,serialNum,type,subtype,f2,genTime,src_ip,dest_ip,natsrc_ip,natdest_ip,

Installing the Palo Alto Networks 6 app​

Now that you have set up collection for Palo Alto Networks, install the Sumo Logic app for Palo Alto Networks to use the preconfigured searches and dashboards that provide insight into your data.

To install the app:

  1. From the Sumo Logic navigation, select App Catalog.
  2. In the Search Apps field, search for and then select your app.
  3. Optionally, you can scroll down to preview the dashboards included with the app. Then, click Install App (sometimes this button says Add Integration).

    If your app has multiple versions, you'll need to select the version of the service you're using before installation.

  4. On the next configuration page, under Select Data Source for your App, complete the following fields:
    • Data Source. Select one of the following options:
      • Choose Source Category and select a source category from the list; or
      • Choose Enter a Custom Data Filter, and enter a custom source category beginning with an underscore. For example, _sourceCategory=MyCategory.
    • Folder Name. You can retain the existing name or enter a custom name of your choice for the app.
    • All Folders (optional). Default location is the Personal folder in your Library. If desired, you can choose a different location and/or click New Folder to add it to a new folder.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Look for the dialog confirming that your app was installed successfully.

Once an app is installed, it will appear in your Personal folder or the folder that you specified. From here, you can share it with other users in your organization. Dashboard panels will automatically start to fill with data matching the time range query received since you created the panel. Results won't be available immediately, but within about 20 minutes, you'll see completed graphs and maps.

Viewing PAN 6 Dashboards​


The Overview Dashboard keeps you up-to-speed on the higher level operations of your PAN deployment.

Palo_Alto_Networks_6 Dashboard

Source Host Locations. Using a geolocation query, this Panel maps the location of source hosts using their IP addresses.

Threat Type by Severity. Breaks down the number of threats, ranked by severity; threat types are divided into separate categories (such as Vulnerabilities and URL). Threat types displayed in this Panel include Low, Informational, High, and Critical.

Bandwidth Consumption (Bytes) by Virtual System. Displays the bandwidth of virtual systems, making it easy to see which systems are consuming the most bandwidth.

Bandwidth Consumption (Percentage) by App. Each app deployed by your organization is represented in an overall breakdown of how apps are consuming bandwidth.

Threat Analysis​

Palo_Alto_Networks_6 Dashboard

Threat Type. Get an idea of the number of threats as well as the type of threats detected by Palo Alto Networks. Top Destination IPs. Shows the top 10 destination IPs (the IPs that have made the most attempts).

Top Destination IPs. Ranks the top 10 destination IPs as a bar chart.

Severity by Protocol. View the number of threats sorted by severity (Critical, High, Low, or Informational).

App by Severity. Shows the breakdown of threats per app, sorted by threat level (Critical, High, Informational, and Low).

Top Source IPs. Ranks the top 10 source IPs hitting your firewall as a bar chart.

Threat by Category. The query behind this Panel parses the threat ID and category from your Palo Alto Network logs, then returns the number of threats sorted by category.

Traffic Monitoring​

The Traffic Monitoring Dashboard includes several Panels that display information about incoming and outgoing traffic, including bytes sent and received.

Palo_Alto_Networks_6 Dashboard

Events by Protocol. Displays the breakdown of events, sorted by protocol (ICMP, TCP, UDP, HOPOPT).

Top Destination IPs by Events. Using a geolocation query, this Panel maps which IPs are being accessed outside the network for all event types.

Top 10 Apps by Bytes Sent. Shows which apps are being sent the most bytes.

Apps by Action. This Panel queries all traffic types and then displays each app per drop, denial, and success.

Top Source IPs by Events. Displays the top 10 IPs generating events.

Top 10 Apps by Bytes Received. Traffic from the 10 most active apps is shown, making unexpected upticks in traffic easy to identify.

Bytes Sent/Received Overtime. Keep an eye on the overall inbound and outbound traffic in your deployment.

Triggered Rules by Virtual System. Including all existing trigger rules, this Panel displays traffic from each virtual system in your deployment.


This advanced Dashboard includes specialized, targeted Panels that are typically used by IT Admins.

Palo_Alto_Networks_6 Dashboard

Top 10 Source IPs by Byte. Watch for unexpected spikes in traffic from the top 10 Source IP addresses.

High Severity Threat Distribution. Displays the severity of threats over the past hour.

High Severity Threats by Destination & ID. Counted by the number of threats coming from specific destinations and IP addresses, Critical and High severity threats are shown.

Bandwidth Consumption by App. View the total bandwidth consumed by each app in one place.

Threat Distribution. Displays the source of threats as well as the number of threats over the past 24 hours.

High Severity Threats by Source & ID. No need to guess where Critical and High threats are coming from. This Panel displays each threat source.

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