Threat Intel Quick Analysis

The Threat Intel Quick Analysis app correlates threat intelligence data with your own log data, providing security analytics that helps you to detect threats in your environment, while also protecting against sophisticated and persistent cyber-attacks. The Threat Intel Quick Analysis app scans selected logs for threats based on IP, URL, domain, SHA-256 hashes, and email.
Log types​
The Threat Intel Quick Analysis app can be used for any type of logs, regardless of format. Ideal log sources should include IP, URL, domain, SHA-256 hashes, and/or email information.
Installing the Threat Intel Quick Analysis app​
This app contains generic regex expressions and thus may not perform well at very large scale. Once you are familiar with Sumo Logic, you can apply performance optimization techniques as described in Threat Intel optimization. Alternatively, you can run this app on smaller and more specific data streams.
This section provides instructions on how to install the Threat Intel Quick Analysis app, and examples of each of dashboards. The preconfigured searches and dashboards provide easy-to-access visual insights into your data.
To install the app:
- Select App Catalog.
- In the 🔎 Search Apps field, run a search for your desired app, then select it.
- Click Install App.
Sometimes this button says Add Integration.
- On the next configuration page, under Select Data Source for your App, complete the following fields:
- Data Source. Select one of the following options:
- Choose Source Category and select a source category from the list; or
- Choose Enter a Custom Data Filter, and enter a custom source category beginning with an underscore. For example,
- Folder Name. You can retain the existing name or enter a custom name of your choice for the app.
- All Folders (optional). The default location is the Personal folder in your Library. If desired, you can choose a different location and/or click New Folder to add it to a new folder.
- Data Source. Select one of the following options:
- Click Next.
- Look for the dialog confirming that your app was installed successfully.
Once your app is installed, it will appear in your Personal folder or the folder that you specified. From here, you can share it with other users in your organization. Dashboard panels will automatically start to fill with data matching the time range query received since you created the panel. Results won't be available immediately, but within about 20 minutes, you'll see completed graphs and maps.
Threat Intel optimization​
The Threat Intel Quick Analysis App provides baseline queries. You can further optimize and enhance these queries for the log and events types being scanned for threats. Use the following guidelines to customize your Threat Intel queries:
Filter out unwanted logs before you use lookup operator
- Use keywords
- Use the where operator
- Use general search optimization rules
For example:
_sourceCategory=cylance "IP Address"
| parse regex "(?<ip_address>\b\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})"
| where !isNull(ip_address)
| where ip_address != "" and ip_address != ""
| lookup type, actor, raw, threatlevel as malicious_confidence from sumo://threat/cs on threat=ip_address
Field Extraction Rule​
Use Field Extraction Rules (FER) to parse fields from your log messages at the time the messages are ingested, which eliminates the need to parse fields at the query level. Use these parsed fields along with lookup operator.
- Create the FER For example, for Cylance Security Events, create and use the following Field Extraction Rule:
parse "Event Type: *, Event Name: *, Device Name: *, IP Address: (*, *), File Name: *, Path: *, Drive Type: *, SHA256: *, MD5: *, Status: *, Cylance Score: *, Found Date: *, File Type: *, Is Running: *, Auto Run: *, Detected By: *" as event_type,event_name,device_name,src_ip,dest_ip,file_name,path,drive_type,sha,md5,status,score,found,file_type,isRunning,autoRun,detected
- Customize your query so you can use parsed fields from FER with the lookup operator, where src_ip is the parsed field from FER (see step # 1). For example:
| lookup type, actor, raw, threatlevel as malicious_confidence from sumo://threat/cs on threat=src_ip
| json field=raw "labels[*].name" as label_name
| replace(label_name, "\\/","->") as label_name
| replace(label_name, "\""," ") as label_name
| where type="ip_address" and !isNull(malicious_confidence)
| if (isEmpty(actor), "Unassigned", actor) as Actor
| count as threat_count by src_ip, malicious_confidence, Actor, _source, label_name
| sort by threat_count
Scheduled view​
Use scheduled views with the threat lookup operator to find threats. Scheduled view reduces aggregate data down to the bare minimum, so they contain only the raw results that you need to generate your data. Queries that run against scheduled views return search results much faster because the data is pre-aggregated before the query is run. And a scheduled view query runs continuously, once per minute.
- Create a scheduled view. For example, for Cylance, create a scheduled view, cylance_threat:
_sourceCategory=cylance | lookup type, actor, raw, threatlevel as malicious_confidence from sumo://threat/cs on threat=src_ip
| json field=raw "labels[*].name" as label_name
| replace(label_name, "\\/","->") as label_name
| replace(label_name, "\""," ") as label_name
| where type="ip_address" and !isNull(malicious_confidence)
| if (isEmpty(actor), "Unassigned", actor) as Actor
| lookup latitude, longitude, country_code, country_name, region, city, postal_code, area_code, metro_code from geo://default on ip = src_ip
| count as threat_count by src_ip, malicious_confidence, Actor, _source, label_name, city, country_name, raw
- Now, you can run your Threat Intel query on top of this view:
| count by src_ip
Viewing Threat Intel Quick Analysis dashboards​
All dashboards include filters that you can use in Interactive Mode for further analysis of your Threat Intel Quick Analysis data. Because the Threat Intel Quick Analysis has the most bearing on recent threats, most panels are set to the 15 minute time range. You can adjust time ranges as needed.
Live mode and real-time queries are not supported for dashboards at this time.
See the frequency of Domain threats by Actor, Log Source, Malicious Confidence, and view trends over time.

- Welcome to the Threat Intel Quick Analysis App. Informational panel to help you find information on working with the threat intelligence database.
- Number of Log Lines (Events) Scanned for Threats. Count of log lines scanned across all selected sources for the last 15 minutes.
- IP Threat Count. Count of threats related to malicious IPs, for the last 15 minutes.
- File Name Threat Count. Count of threats related to malicious file names, for the last 15 minutes.
- URL Threat Count. Count of threats related to malicious URLs, for the last 15 minutes.
- Email Threat Count. Count of threats related to malicious email addresses, for the last 15 minutes.
- Domain Threat Count. Count of threats related to malicious domains, for the last 15 minutes.
- Threats by Malicious Confidence. Qualifies all threats into High, Medium, Low, Unverified, according to Sumo Logic's machine learning engine.
See the frequency of Domain threats by Actor, Log Source, Malicious Confidence, and view trends over time.

- Threat Count. Count of threats related to malicious domains, for the last 15 minutes.
- Threats by Malicious Confidence. Qualifies domain threats into High, Medium, Low, Unverified, according to Sumo Logic's machine learning engine.
- Threats by Actor. Count of threats related to malicious domains, broken down by Actors, for the last 15 minutes. Actors are identified individuals, groups or nation-states associated to threats.
- Threats by Sources. Count of threats related to malicious domains, broken by Sources, for the last 15 minutes.
- Threats Over Time. Trends of domain threats over time for the last 60 minutes.
- Threats Over Time by Sources. Trends of domain threats over time, broken by Sources for the last 60 minutes.
- Threats Table. Listing of all domain threats, including Malicious Confidence, Actors and Sources.
See the frequency of Email threats by Actor, Log Source, Malicious Confidence, and view trends over time.

- Threat Count. Count of threats related to malicious emails addresses, for the last 15 minutes.
- Threats by Malicious Confidence. Qualifies email address threats into High, Medium, Low, Unverified, according to Sumo Logic's machine learning engine.
- Threat Breakdown by Sources. Count of threats related to malicious email addresses, broken by Sources, for the last 15 minutes.
- Threats Over Time. Trends of email address threats over time for the last 60 minutes.
- Threats Over Time by Sources. Trends of email address threats over time, broken by Sources for the last 60 minutes.
- Threats by Actor. Count of threats related to malicious email addresses, broken by Actors, for the last 15 minutes. Actors are identified individuals, groups or nation-states associated to threats.
- Threats Table. Listing of all domain threats, including Malicious Confidence, Actors and Sources.
See the frequency of IP threats by Actor, Log Source, Malicious Confidence, and view trends over time.

- Threat Count. Count of threats related to malicious IPs, for the last 15 minutes.
- Threats by Geo Location. Count of threats related to malicious IPs, broken by geo location, for the last 15 minutes.
- Threat Breakdown by Sources. Count of threats related to malicious IPs, broken by Sources, for the last 15 minutes.
- Threats by Malicious Confidence. Qualifies IP threats into High, Medium, Low, Unverified, according to Sumo Logic's machine learning engine.
- Threats by Actors. Count of threats related to malicious IPs, broken by Actors, for the last 15 minutes. Actors are identified individuals, groups or nation-states associated to threats.
- Threats Over Time. Trends of IP threats over time for the last 60 minutes.
- Threats Table. Listing of all IP threats, including Malicious Confidence, Actors and Sources.
- Threats Over Time by Sources. Trends of IP threats over time, broken by Sources for the last 60 minutes.
See the frequency of URL threats by Actor, Log Source, Malicious Confidence, and view trends over time.

- Threat Count. Count of threats related to malicious URLs, for the last 15 minutes.
- Threats by Sources. Count of threats related to malicious URLs, broken by Sources, for the last 15 minutes.
- Threats by Actors. Count of threats related to malicious URLs, broken by Actors, for the last 15 minutes. Actors are identified individuals, groups or nation-states associated to threats.
- Threats by Malicious Confidence. Qualifies URLP threats into High, Medium, Low, Unverified, according to Sumo Logic's machine learning engine.
- Threats Over Time. Trends of URL threats over time for the last 60 minutes.
- Threats Over Time by Sources. Trends of URL threats over time, broken by Sources for the last 60 minutes.
- Threat Table. Listing of threats identified by URL, including information on Malicious Confidence, Actors, Source, and count.
Hash 256​
See the frequency of SHA-256 threats by Actor, Log Source, Malicious Confidence, and view trends over time.

- Threat Count. Count of total SHA-256 threats over the last 15 minutes.
- Threats by Malicious Confidence. Qualifies SHA-256 threats for the last 60 minutes into High, Medium, Low, Unverified, according to Sumo Logic's machine learning engine and displayed as a pie chart.
- Threat Breakdown by Sources. Pie chart of SHA-256 threats over the last 60 minutes broken down by source.
- Threats Over Time. Line chart of the number of SHA-256 threats over the last 60 minutes.
- Threat Breakdown by Source. Line chart of the number of SHA-256 threats over the last 60 minutes, broken down by source.
- Threats by Actor. Identifies Actors, if any, that can be attributed to SHA-256 threats over the last 15 minutes. Actors are identified individuals, groups or nation-states associated to threats.
- Threat Table. Aggregation Table of SHA-256 threats over the last 15 minutes.