Manage Roles

This guide has information about creating and managing Sumo Logic roles. In Sumo Logic, an administrator controls access to capabilities and data by assigning capabilities and search filters to roles, and then assigning user to roles. For more information, see Role-Based Access Control.
To manage users and roles, you must have the administrator role or your role must have been assigned the manage users and roles capability.
Classic UI. To access the Roles page, in the main Sumo Logic menu select Administration > Users and Roles > Roles.
New UI. To access the Roles page, in the top menu select Administration, and then under Users and Roles select Roles. You can also click the Go To... menu at the top of the screen and select Roles.
In this section, we'll introduce the following concepts:

Role-Based Access Control
Learn how to grant access and capabilities to data in Sumo Logic using roles.

Create and Manage Roles
Learn how to create custom roles for your users.

Role Capabilities
Learn how to assign various capabilities while creating user roles.

Construct a Search Filter for a Role
Learn how to define a search filter for a role.

Add or Remove Users from a Role
Learn how to change the default assignment of roles to users.