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Jenkins Plugin - Send Build and Deploy Event to Sumo Logic from Jenkins Pipeline


Use the latest Sumo Logic Jenkins Plugin version of the plugin. You will be using SumoUpload function to send an event to Sumo Logic from your DevOps pipeline.

As an example: Upload a Key-Value map as JSON to Sumo Logic.

"deploy_event ="[

Add a hook in your DevOps Pipeline to send Deploy and Build Events to Sumo Logic

A Jenkins pipeline needs to be configured and instrumented to send Deploy and Build events from your DevOps pipeline to Sumo Logic.

This section explains how you can configure your pipeline to send Deploy and Build Events to Sumo Logic. These Events will be correlated with other Events such as Pull Request Merge to calculate Lead Time.

Data Schema of Deploy and Build Events can be described by the following fields:

event_typeEnum Values: build, deploy, test, releaseRequired
trace_idThis is the inner join key between deploy/build event and code merge event. It can be commit id. This key will be used to join two events: "Code Merge (PR) and Build" and "Code Merge (PR) and Deploy"Required
linkUsed so that we can provide links back into this SaaS tool. It can be PR link, Commit Link, Build/Deploy Result LinkRequired
DateTimeDate/Time in epoch milliseconds of an eventRequired
environment_nameCan be production, test, pre-prod, and so on.Required for Deploy Events
statusStatus of Event. Enum Values: Success, Failure, Unstable, Unknown, Other ValuesRequired
commit_idRequired to tie GitHub data to Jenkins data. This is typically set as the merge commit hash or HEAD commitRequired
teamOptional but highly recommended if you want to slice data by this dimension. Set N/A if not available.Optional
serviceOptional but highly recommended if you want to slice data by this dimension. Set N/A if not available.Optional
userUser. Set N/A if not available.Optional
titleTitle. It can be a job name, description of pipeline/stage, env. JOB_NAME
Set N/A if not available.
messageAny related message. Can be ${env.BUILD_NUMBER}. Set N/A if not available.Optional
target_branchOptional but highly recommended if you want to slice data by this dimension. Set N/A if not available.Optional
repository_nameOptional but highly recommended if you want to slice data by this dimension. Set N/A if not available.Optional


  1. Define a wrapper function that calls SumoUpload() in your common library.
    def sendDeliveryEvent(Map args) {
    def deliveryEvent = [
    "event_type": args.eventType,
    "trace_id": args.traceId,
    "service": args.service,
    "team": ( ?: "n/a"),
    "user": (args.user ?: "n/a"),
    "link": env.BUILD_URL,
    "title": env.JOB_NAME,
    "timeStamp": currentBuild.startTimeInMillis,
    "message": "Build # ${env.BUILD_NUMBER}",
    "env_name": (args.envName ?: "n/a"),
    "result": currentBuild.currentResult ?: "unknown",
    "git_url": (args.gitUrl ?: "n/a"),
    "target_branch": (args.targetBranch ?: "n/a"),
    "repository_name": (args.repositoryName ?: "n/a"),
    "commit_id": (args.commitId ?: "n/a")
    SumoUpload(keyValueMap: deliveryEvent)
  2. Next, call the wrapper function from your pipeline in Post Always script after Deploy and Build Stages.
For Deploy Event
deliveryPerformance.sendDeliveryEvent(eventType: "deploy",
traceId: env.GIT_COMMIT_ID,
envName: env.DEPLOYMENT,
service: env.AGR,
team: env.TEAM,
serviceVersion: env.VERSION,
repository_name: "Sanyaku/sumologic")
For Build Event
deliveryPerformance.sendDeliveryEvent(eventType: "build",
traceId: env.GIT_COMMIT_ID,
envName: “n/a”,
service: env.AGR,
team: env.TEAM,
repository_name: "Sanyaku/sumologic")

Sample Payload

Once you configure your DevOps pipeline to send Build and Deploy Events to Sumo Logic. The payload of events will look something like this:

build Event

"title":"build # 6881",
"message":"Building artifacts... it may take few minutes. build # 6881",

deploy Event

"title":"deployment # 6899",
"message":"deploying to...GCP deployment # 6899",


This is a very basic Jenkins pipeline code which sends a deploy event to Sumo Logic using Sumo Logic Jenkins Plugin.

In this example, we'll create a map deploy_event with a key-value pair of all fields (as explained in the above table), and using SumoUpload() to send that map to Sumo Logic as a json payload.

pipeline {
agent any
environment {


tools {
maven "M3"
stages {
stage('Build') {
steps {
script {
git ''
//setting uo env variables
GIT_COMMIT_REV = sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'git rev-parse HEAD').trim()
GIT_URL = sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'git config remote.origin.url').trim()
sh "mvn -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true clean package"
post {
success {
junit '**/target/surefire-reports/TEST-*.xml'
archiveArtifacts 'target/*.jar'
stage('Deploy') {
sh 'ls "$JENKINS_HOME/jobs/$JOB_NAME/builds/$BUILD_NUMBER/archive"'
echo "Deploying to Production"
deploy_event = [
event_type: "deplpoy"
service: env.AGR,
team: env.TEAM,
user: "ankit-goel"
link: env.BUILD_URL,
title: env.JOB_NAME,
message: "Build # ${env.BUILD_NUMBER}",
timeStamp: currentBuild.startTimeInMillis,
status: currentBuild.currentResult,
commit_id: GIT_COMMIT_REV,
env_name: ENV_NAME,
git_url: GIT_URL,
repository_name: "SumoLogic",
commit_id: env.commit_id
SumoUpload(keyValueMap: deploy_event)
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