Cybersecurity Help

Version: 1.1
Updated: Jul 06, 2023
Cybersecurity Help is a global vulnerability intelligence provider.
- Get Subscription Info (Enrichment) - Retrieve your current subscription status.
- Get Subscribed Software Status (Enrichment) - Retrieve recent software subscription requests and their current status.
- List Assets (Enrichment) - List your assets.
- List Subscribed Software (Enrichment) - List of software that is being monitored according to your subscription settings.
- List User Tasks (Enrichment) - Retrieve unprocessed tasks.
- List User Tasks Asset (Enrichment) - Retrieve unprocessed tasks for a particular asset.
- List User Tasks Group (Enrichment) - Retrieve unprocessed group tasks.
- Add Subscribed Software Monitoring (Containment) - Configure software subscription for a particular asset.
- Mark User Task Processed (Containment) - Set current task as processed.
- Mark User Task Updated (Containment) - Set the current task as updated and update current software version in subscription.
- Remove Asset (Containment) - Remove an asset and cancel all subscriptions connected with it.
- Remove Asset Subscribed Software (Containment) - Remove subscribed software for a particular asset.
Cybersecurity Help configuration​
- Log in to Cybersecurity Help to get your API Key.
- Select Subscription from the menu, choose Settings and copy your Token.
Cybersecurity Help in Automation Service and Cloud SOAR​
- Access integrations in the Automation Service or Cloud SOAR.
- After the list of the integrations appears, search for the integration and click on the row.
- The integration details will appear. Click on the "+" button to add new Resource.
- Populate all the required fields (*)
- Label. The desired name for the resource.
- URL. The default Cybersecurity Help url is
- Token. Your Cybersecurity Help token you copied earlier from Cybersecurity Help.
- Click Save.
- To make sure the resource is working, hover over the resource and then click the pencil icon that appears on the right.
- You should receive a successful notification in the bottom right corner.
Change Log​
- October 26, 2022 - First upload
- July 6, 2023 (v1.1) - Updated the integration with Environmental Variables