Microsoft Sharepoint

Version: 1.5
Updated: Sep 19, 2023
Utilize Microsoft Sharepoint lists, files, and folders during incident investigations.
- Get List (Enrichment) - Gather a specified list from Sharepoint.
- Get Lists (Enrichment) - Gather all lists from Sharepoint.
- Get List Item Files (Enrichment) - Gather all files for a specific item.
- Get Files (Enrichment) - Gather all files from Sharepoint.
- Get Folders (Enrichment) - Gather all folders from Sharepoint.
- Get List Item File (Enrichment) - Gather a specific file from an item.
- Get File (Enrichment) - Gather a specific file from Sharepoint.
- Get List Fields (Enrichment) - Gather all list fields from Sharepoint.
- Create List (Notification) - Create a new list.
- Add File (Notification) - Add a new file to Sharepoint.
- Add List Item (Notification) - Add a new list item.
- Add List Item File (Notification) - Add a new file to an existing list item.
Change Log​
- August 14, 2019 - First upload
- March 10, 2022 - Logo
- August 17, 2023 (v1.3) - Updated the integration with Environmental Variables
- September 4, 2023 (v1.4) - Fixed a bug where if the timeout was not specified, an error would occur
- September 19, 2023 (v1.5) - Versioning