
Version: 1.4
Updated: Sep 19, 2023
Launch and manage scans and utilize Qualys scan data to enrich incident artifacts.
- List Scan (Enrichment) - Generates a list of previously executed scans.
- Launch VM Scan (Enrichment) - Launch a new VM scan.
- Get Scan Result (Enrichment) - Gather results of an executed scan.
- Add Asset (Enrichment) - Add an asset.
- List Asset Group (Enrichment) - Generates a list of all asset groups.
- List Asset (Enrichment) - Generates a list of all available assets.
- Get Scanner Details (Enrichment) - Gather details of a specific scanner.
- List Option Profiles (Enrichment) - Generates a list of all available option profiles.
- Add Asset Group (Enrichment) - Add an asset group.
- Launch VM Scan By Tag (Enrichment) - Launch a VM scan.
- Get Tags (Enrichment) - Get all tags.
- List Scanner Appliance (Enrichment) - List information on a scanning appliance.
- List Host Detection (Enrichment) - Gathers QIDs for a host (used with List Vulnerabilities, see note).
- Assets View Search (Enrichment) - Gathers QIDs for a particular asset (used with List Vulnerabilities, see note).
- List Vulnerabilities (Enrichment) - Used with List Host Detection & Assets View Search to gather vulnerabilities of a particular asset (see notes).
- Get Report Templates (Enrichment) - Gathers all report template information.
- Launch Scan Report (Enrichment) - Launch a new scan report.
- List Reports (Enrichment) - List all reports.
- Download Saved Report (Enrichment) - Download a saved report.
- List Scanned Hosts (Enrichment) - List all scanned hosts.
- Manage VM Scans (Containment) - Manage existing VM scans.
- Cancel Report (Containment) - Cancel a report.
- Delete Report (Containment) - Delete a report.
- Report Status Polling (Containment) - Gather details about a report's progress.
- Scan Status Polling (Containment) - Gather details about a scan's status.
- Tag Existence Polling (Containment) - Tag an existing poll.
External Libraries​
Change Log​
- February 21, 2020 - First upload
- September 2, 2020 - New actions added
- July 21, 2023 (v1.2) - Updated the integration with Environmental Variables
- September 4, 2023 (v1.3) - Fixed a bug where if the timeout was not specified, an error would occur
- September 19, 2023 (v1.4) - Versioning