Integration Framework
The Automation Service allows you to develop and extend integrations using a common and open framework. This article describes the framework and provides examples.
Because the Automation Service is a subset of automation capabilities adapted from Cloud SOAR, some of the functionality documented below is unique to Cloud SOAR automation.
Integration file hierarchy
Integrations are defined using two types of text files. The first type, the integration definition file, is used to define the properties of the product which the integration connects. This includes information such as the name, logo, connection parameters, test code, and the Docker container used to execute the actions. One integration definition file is required for each integration and serves as a container for all the actions that the integration will perform.
The second type of file is an action definition file, which is used to define a single action that will be performed using the integration. Each integration action is defined in a separate action definition file, which will be associated with the appropriate integration definition. Action definition files are the files which contain the actual code which will be executed to perform the action. Supported languages include Perl, Python, PowerShell, and Bash. In addition to the action code, action definition files also contain information such as the name, required and optional fields, and the format in which the resulting information will be displayed.
The following diagram shows the integration file hierarchy:

Defining integrations at the action level allows users have greater flexibility in customizing existing integrations and sharing new actions with other users. For example, you may choose to extend the existing RSA NetWitness integration to include an additional action which retrieves all network connections for a given host. Once you create this new action, you can easily add it to the existing RSA Netwitness integration by uploading the new integration action file.
You can also share this new action and use it to extend the functionality of the integration for others. The following diagram shows action file portability:

Integration framework file formats
Both the integration definition file and the action definition file are YAML files. The following sections highlight the formats for each file type. Example files below contains samples of completed integration definition and action definition files as a reference. To see YAML files used in a working integration, see an example for Cloud SIEM in Advanced example: Configure a custom integration.
Integration definition file format
Required fields
- name
[String]: Name displayed in the UI. It must match theintegration
field of each action definition file added to the integration. - official_name
[String] (Cloud SOAR only): To modify the display name of an integration in the Cloud SOAR UI while ensuring the actions YAML remains valid, setofficial_name=OLD-NAME
. - version
[String]: File version number. - icon
[Base64 String]: Integration logo. - script
:- type
[String]: Indicates which code parser should be used to execute the code within the integration and action definition files. All action definition files for the integration must use the same code language as defined in the integration definition file. Acceptable values are:bash
- test_connection_code
[String]: Code which can be used to test the integration through the UI by clicking on Test Saved Settings. Exiting with a value of0
indicates success, while any other value will indicate failure.
- type
- docker_repo_tag
[String]: Docker repository tag of the image build the new container is from. Can be from any local or remote repository configured on the server. - local_repo [Boolean] (Cloud SOAR only): Indicates that the Docker image is a local one and not one present in the repository.
- configuration
:- testable_connection
[Boolean]: Is test code present (true/false). - require_proxy_config
[Boolean]: True/false value indicating whether a proxy configuration tab should be available in the UI for the integration. If the value is set to true and a proxy is configured in the UI, the parameterproxy_url
will be passed to the code on execution as an environment variable. - data_attributes
: Fields required for configuration.<field_name>
[String]: Name of field which will be passed to code as environment variable. One<field_name>
attribute should be added for each configuration parameter that will be required to configure the integration. For example, if a URL, username, and password are required to connect to an integrated solution, the attributesconfiguration:data_attributes:url
, andconfiguration:data_attributes:password
should be added with their appropriate sub-attributes. The<field_name>
parameters will be passed to the code on execution.- label
[String]: Label displayed in the UI. - type
[String]: Type of field. Acceptable values are:checkbox
- required
[Boolean]: Is the field required (true/false). - validator [String]: Input validator type. Acceptable values are:
- default [String]: Default field value.
- values [String]: List of possible values for a list field in key:value format, where the key will be used as the input parameter and the value is what will be shown in the list. For example:
domain: Domain
ip: IP Address
url: URL
In this example, if a user selected IP Address from the dropdown list, the valueip
would be passed to the parameter at runtime as an environment variable.
- label
- listing_attributes Configuration fields to show in the resource table.
[String]: Name of field which will be shown in the table.- name
[String]: Name displayed in the column header.
- testable_connection
- signature [String]: Signature to indicate integration is the original one written by Sumo Logic.
Action definition file format
Required fields
[String]: Name of integration. This should match thename
field of the integration definition file for the integration. -
[String]: Name of action which will be displayed in the UI. If the action name does not already exist, it will be added. However, for consistency and simplicity, it is recommended to use one of the existing names in the list of actions, such asip reputation
orsystem info
. -
[String]: Type of action being performed. Acceptable values are:Containment
(Cloud SOAR only)Notification
(Cloud SOAR only)
:- code
[String]: Action code.
- code
:- id
[String]: Name of field. One ID attribute should be added for each required or optional parameter that may be provided to the integration action at runtime. The name of the ID attribute will be passed as a environment variable to the code containing the dynamic value provided on execution. - label
[String]: Label displayed in the UI. - type
[String]: Type of field. Acceptable values are:checkbox
- required
[Boolean]: Is the field required (true/false). - validator
[String]: Input validator type. Acceptable values are:datetime
- default [String]: Default field value.
- values [String]: List of possible values for a list field in key:value format, where the key will be used as the input parameter and the value will be shown in the list. For example:
domain: Domain
ip: IP Address
url: URL
In this example, if a user selected IP Address from the dropdown list, the valueip
would be passed to the parameter at runtime.
- incident_artifacts [Boolean]: Allow use of incident artifact values for the field (true/false). When set to
, incident artifact values such assourceAddress
can be used as inputs for the field. - observables [String] (Cloud SOAR only): This field defines the link between the action and the observables (entity) section. Specifying an observable type here will cause the action to be displayed in the Actions menu for the specified entity type. Acceptable values are:
noteCloud SOAR automatically extracts observables from incidents content and converts them to entities (domain, email, file, IP address, hash values, URL, and user details). However, usernames are automatically converted into entities only if the input of an automatic action for users contains the observables statement and is also specified as
- id
: Expected fields from results. -
[String]: JSON path for each field which may be returned by the action, using the following JSON as an example:{ country: "US",
response_code: 1,
as_owner: "CloudFlare, Inc.",
detected_urls: {
url: "",
positives: 2
}}The following
attributes should be added:country
Example with special characters
Use quotation marks [““] when there is a text with special character like a hyphen. Consider the following example JSON:{
"payload": {
"headers": {
"MIME-Version": "1.0",
"From": "Joe Smith <>",
"Message-ID": "<>",
"Subject": "Account Verification Required",
"To": "",
"Content-Type": "multipart/mixed; boundary=\"0000008\""
}To correctly parse
in the example, use one of the following formats:payload.headers."MIME-Version"
In addition to using quotation marks to enclose text with special characters, you must separate nested output fields with a period (.). Note that these formats will not parse correctly:
[String]: Type of data returned. Reserved for future use. All outputs are treated as strings. -
: Results to display in table view. The sub-attributes will define which field values returned by the integration will be displayed when viewing the results in table view.- display_name
[String]: Column name. - value
[String]: JSON path for each field which may be returned by the action. See theoutput:path
field above for additional information. - type
[String]: Type of value which is only possible to specify if the value should be shown as a link.
- display_name
use_in_triage [Boolean] (Cloud SOAR only): Action should be manually executable in triage event (default False).
hook [List] (Cloud SOAR only): A list of hooks used to fire trigger actions to interact with Cloud SOAR elements. For more information, see Trigger hooks. Valid values are:
check_not_null_field [String] (Cloud SOAR only): For actions with the hook
, specifies the internal name of the element field. It should be not null to show the button in the UI. -
[String]: Result path or raw output to take the entire output to show in html5 iframe sandboxed. -
[String]: Result path to show in html5 iframe sandboxed. -
[String]: Result path of a base64 image png or jpg format. -
signature [String]: Signature to indicate action is the original one written by Sumo Logic. Not to be set by user.
exit_condition (Cloud SOAR only): Specify what condition system has to evaluate to decide if continue with next execution or to stop scheduled action and continue with playbook next actions.
- path
[String]: Result path where to search in JSON structure astable_view
section or specify an action's input i.e. input.path. - string
[String\List[String]]: Result path of string to check if is equal to result value or an array of string or specify an action's input, for example,input.matchString
- path
[String] (force) (Cloud SOAR only): By default if previous action run is not yet finished, next scheduled run is skipped. If you setre-execution: 'force'
, the previous run will be killed, stopping the Docker container. -
scheduled (Cloud SOAR only):
- every
[String] format<int><interval type>
: Time interval between one run and the next one (for example, 10m, 5d, etc.) or specify an action's input i.e. input.every:- d: DAYS
- h: HOURS
- expire
[String] format<int><interval type>
: Time after the first run to stop scheduling or specify an action's input, for example,input.expire
. The last result will be kept :- d: DAYS
- h: HOURS
- every
Action parameters
For security reasons, all action parameters are passed to the Docker container as an environment variable, with the variable name equal to the ID specified in YAML. For Python code you can always use:
But in that case, you have to specify a class to manage the environment variable:
class EnvDefault(argparse.Action):
def __init__(self, required=True, default=None, **kwargs):
envvar = kwargs.get("dest")
default = os.environ.get(envvar, default) if envvar in os.environ else default
required = False if required and default else required
super(EnvDefault, self).__init__(default=default, required=required,**kwargs)
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
setattr(namespace, self.dest, values)
And you must add it into the action kwargs
parser.add_argument('--host', help='host , REQUIRED', required=True, action=EnvDefault)
Otherwise, if you do not need extra utilities provided by ArgumentParser
for validation, you can simply use:
host = os.environ.get("host", "localhost")
Integration output
Integrations primarily use JSON to pass data between actions and other internal components. There is no requirement that integrations return JSON results; integrations will execute regardless of the data or data type they return. However, in order to pass data returned from an action to a future action in a runbook or to other internal components, the output from an integration action must be returned in JSON, and the JSON fields must be defined in the output:path attributes of the action definition file. In other words, if the action output is not returned in JSON, it will not be able to be used in any other areas.
Most APIs can return JSON data, either by default or as an option. If an integration does not return JSON natively, the returned data may be converted to JSON prior to being returned by the action code so long as it matches the structure specified in the output:path attributes of the action definition file. For example, to return JSON data using Python, the output should be printed as follows:
Import json
print(json.dumps(<JSON Data>))
The system will use the standard error and standard output to determinate if an action terminates successfully or not. So if you print a string in stderr
like the following...
sys.stderr.write(str(err)) -> Action failed with reason string err
...output from each integration action can be viewed in either table view or JSON view when executed. Table view is used to display a subset of the data, defined in the action definition file table_view
attributes listed above, in a table format. For example, the following code in an action definition file would result in a table view with columns for ID, CVSS, A, C, and I:
- display_name: 'ID'
value : 'id'
- display_name: 'CVSS'
value : cvss'
The following image shows the table view:

The JSON view will display the entire output of the integration action in JSON format:

Following is the setting for a link type:
- display_name: 'CVSS'
value : 'cvss'
type : 'link'

Added more output type for action
It's possible to specify a JSON path or use rawOutput to specify text output to use as srcDoc
for iframe sandbox (it is not possible to use JavaScript):
integration: 'Incident tools'
name: 'intervallo date 3ededed'
type: Enrichment
code: |
art = '''
Browser market share June 2015
<dd class='percentage percentage-11'><span class='text'>IE 11: 11.33%</span></dd>
<dd class='percentage percentage-49'><span class='text'>Chrome: 49.77%</span></dd>
<dd class='percentage percentage-16'><span class='text'>Firefox: 16.09%</span></dd>
<dd class='percentage percentage-5'><span class='text'>Safari: 5.41%</span></dd>
<dd class='percentage percentage-2'><span class='text'>Opera: 1.62%</span></dd>
<dd class='percentage percentage-2'><span class='text'>Android 4.4: 2%</span></dd>
src_doc: 'rawOutput'
The following image shows output from the code example:

The image_base64_png(jpg)
field provides the result path where to get base64 png or jpg image, for example:

Working with integrations
All integrations are configured by navigating to Integrations in the UI.
Integration definitions
To add a new integration, click on the + icon on the Integrations page.

The New Integration window allows you to upload an integration definition file by clicking Select File. Once you define the integration definition file, click Save to add the new integration.

To edit an existing integration by uploading a new integration definition file , click on the Edit button. To export the integration definition file for the selected integration, click the Export icon.
Action definitions
To add a new action, select the appropriate integration from the integrations list, then click on the Upload button to the right of the integration.
The New Action window allows you to upload an action definition file by clicking Select File, and lets you select the kind of action.

Once the action definition file has been selected, click Save to add the new action.
Existing actions may be edited by clicking the Upload button below the action name to upload a new action definition file, or by clicking the Edit button below the action name to open a text editor and edit the action directly.

To test an action, click on the Test Action button below the action name.

Enter the required parameters and click Test Action.

To export an action, click on the Export button below the action name.
Action definitions for Cloud SOAR
The following action definitions are for Cloud SOAR only.
Daemon action definitions
Uploading an action YAML file with type Daemon allows you to specify Daemon action. You can also define rules associated with Daemon.

Daemon action must return an array of objects in JSON format:
[{ 'a': 'a1', 'b': 'b1' }, { 'a': 'a2', 'b': 'b2' }]
Every object is processed by filter and action. It is also possible to define which output field should be passed to the next script run and an extra param key value pair to specialize each rule:

All available actions are:
- Create incident from template
- Update incident
- Close Incident
- Change incident status
- Add events to an existing incident
- Change task progress
- Close task
- Add to Triage
Scheduled action definitions
A Scheduled action represents a particular type of action when the execution is iterated until a specific exit condition is met. This type of action permits you to create loops in a playbook.
YAML example:
integration: 'Incident tools'
name: 'intervallo date loop'
type: Scheduled
code: |
- path: 'exit_condition'
string: 'false'
re-execution: 'force'
- every: '10s'
expire: '120s'
- path : 'exit_condition'
Or using strings array:
integration: 'Incident tools'
name: 'intervallo date loop'
type: Scheduled
code: |
- path: 'exit_condition'
- 'Open'
- 'Pending'
- 'Waiting'
re-execution: 'force'
- every: '10s'
expire: '120s'
- path : 'exit_condition'
Or using action's input:
If you use an action's input, this input field should be required = true*
integration: 'Testing Purpose'
name: 'testing Scheduled'
type: Scheduled
code: |
- path: 'input.exit_condition_path'
string: "input.exit_condition_string"
- every: 'input.scheduler_every'
expire: 'input.scheduler_expire'
- id: scheduler_every
label: 'scheduler rate'
type: text
required: true
hint: "schedule rate i.e 1m 5m 1d (supported placeholder m=minutes, h=hours, d=days)"
- id: scheduler_expire
label: 'schedule expiration'
type: text
required: true
hint: "schedule expiration i.e 1m 5m 1d (supported placeholder m=minutes, h=hours, d=days)"
- id: exit_condition_path
label: 'output path'
type: text
required: true
hint: "output path to check"
- id: exit_condition_string
label: 'string to check'
type: tag
required: true
hint: "string to check"
- path : '[]."ip-dst_string"'
- path : '[].{Name: name, ID: _id, Address: address, FriendName: friends.[].name}'
- path : '[].tags.[] | unique()'
- path : '[].tags.[]'
- path : '[].guid | join(,)'
- path : '[].guid | join(SEPARATOR)'
- path : '[].guid'
- path : '[]._id'
- path : '[].guid'
- path : '[].isActive'
- path : '[].balance'
- path : '[].picture'
- path : '[].eyeColor'
- path : '[].name'
- path : '[].age'
- path : '[].gender'
- path : '[].company'
- path : '[].email'
- path : '[].phone'
- path : '[].address'
- path : '[].friends'
Field notes:
- re-execution
By default, if the previous action run is not yet finished, the next scheduled run is skipped. If you setre-execution: 'force'
, the previous run will be killed, stopping the Docker container. - exit_condition
Specify what condition system has to evaluate to decide if continue with next execution or to stop scheduled action and continue with playbook next actions:- exit_condition: path
It's where to search in JSON structure astable_view
section or an action's input. - exit_condition: string
Value to check in path, or you can use an action's input.
- exit_condition: path
- scheduled
Specify the time interval between one run and the next and action expiration.- scheduled: EVERY
The time interval between one run and the next, or you can use an action's input. - scheduled: EXPIRE
The time after the first run to stop scheduling, or you can use an action's input. The last result will be kept. Time interval:- d => DAYS
- h => HOURS
- m => MINUTES
- scheduled: EVERY
Trigger action definitions
Triggers run when users perform specific actions, or can be invoked automatically by interacting with the appropriate endpoint of the API. For example, a trigger can run when a field value is updated in an incident, new objects are created, or when a button is pressed.
Define a trigger action
To create a new trigger action, you must define a trigger action YAML file with the value type
set to Trigger

Depending on the logic that you want to implement in your triggers, specify a list of one or more hooks in the trigger YAML file. Each hook represents a manual event or API endpoint that can invoke the trigger. For example, by specifying the hook updateIncident
inside a trigger, the trigger will fire whenever the field of any incident is updated either manually from the UI or via the API.
Triggers function as individual actions, executed in the backend, without the capability to review the execution output in the GUI except for triggers on entities (observables). If a trigger fails, error logs printed on the stderr
output of the trigger are exported in the audit trail (system log verbosity must be set to ALL
to review trigger audit logs). Triggers cannot receive manual input, except for triggers with the incidentCustomActions
and taskCustomActions
hooks that accept a text input.
Examples of trigger definition files
See the following examples of trigger definition files:
- Trigger definition file (Incident Tools)
- Trigger taskCustomAction definition file (Incident Tools)
- Trigger incidentCustomAction definition file (Incident Tools)
- Trigger webhook definition file
Trigger hooks
Specify hook
values in a Trigger
type action definition file to run the trigger action in specific situations. For example, to automatically run a trigger action when a task is closed, specify the closeTask
The following sections describe the valid hook values to use in a trigger definition file.
Entities hooks
Following are the hooks for entities (observables) events that run when objects are created:
. When an artifact entity is created.addObservableDomain
. When a domain entity is created.addObservableIp
. When an IP address entity is created.addObservableMail
. When an email entity is created.addObservableUrl
. When a URL entity is created.addObservableUserDetail
. When a user detail entity is created.
Task hooks
Following are the hooks for task events:
. When task is approved. Param passed to scripttasksDetail
. When task is closed. Param passed to scripttasksDetail
. When task is created. Param passed to scripttasksDetail
. When task is reassigned. Param passed to scripttasksDetail
. Custom trigger. Param passed to scripttext
. For more information, see Trigger incidentCustomAction and taskCustomAction.updateTask
. When task is updated. Param is passed to scriptstasksBeforeUpdate
Params tasksDetail
, tasksBeforeUpdate
, and tasksAfterUpdate
are JSON strings with the form:
reminder_time: <value>,
report_time: <value>,
assigned_to: <value>,
priority: <value>,
status: <value>,
title: <value>,
end_time: <value>,
hours: <value>,
opt_3: <value>,
opt_6: <value>,
opt_7: <value>,
opt_8: <value>,
opt_9: <value>,
opt_10: <value>,
opt_12: <value>,
Triage hooks
Following are hooks for triage events:
. When event is discarded. Param passed to scripttriage_eventsDetail
. When event is grabbed. Param passed to scripttriage_eventsDetail
. When event is reassigned. Param passed to scripttriage_eventsDetail
Param triage_eventsDetail
is a JSON string with the form:
id: <value>,
status: <value>,
operator: <value>,
username: <value>,
type: <value>,
opt_1: <value>,
opt_3: <value>,
opt_4: <value>,
opt_5: <value>,
opt_7: <value>,
opt_8: <value>,
opt_11: <value>
Incident hooks
Following are hooks for incident events:
. When incident is closed. Param passed to scriptincidentsBeforeUpdate
. Custom trigger. Param passed to scripttext
. For more information, see Trigger incidentCustomAction and taskCustomAction.newIncident
. When incident is created. Param passed to scriptincidentsDetail
. When incident is updated. Param passed to scriptincidentsBeforeUpdate
Params incidentsDetail
, incidentsBeforeUpdate
, and incidentsAfterUpdate
are JSON strings with the form:
id: <value>,
additional_info: <value>,
status: <value>,
investigation_number: <value>,
starttime: <value>,
type: [<value>],
incident_kind: <value>,
incident_category: [<value>],
opt_3: <value>,
opt_6: <value>,
opt_7: <value>,
opt_8: <value>,
opt_9: <value>,
opt_10: <value>,
opt_12: <value>,
External hooks
Use the webhook
hook for external events. For more information, see Define a webhook trigger.
Trigger incidentCustomAction and taskCustomAction
It is possible to create a GUI shortcut (button) to a trigger in the incident or task details by defining the hooks incidentCustomAction
or taskCustomAction
The name of the button will correspond to the name of the trigger defined inside the YAML:

Clicking the button in the UI runs the trigger:

When users interact with the custom action trigger button, they can provide a textual input that can be elaborated by the trigger. To elaborate the input of a custom action trigger, use the text
param inside the code:
integration: 'Incident Tools'
name: 'Custom trigger button'
type: Trigger
show_modal: true
code: |
import json
import argparse
import requests
import sys
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--incidentsDetail', help='incident before update', required=False) #param inherited by
hook defined in the yaml
parser.add_argument('--token', help='JWT token , REQUIRED', required=True)
parser.add_argument('--incmanurl', help='IncMan URL , REQUIRED', required=True)
parser.add_argument('--text', help='text', required=False) #param inherited by hook defined in the yaml
args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args()
inc_det_after = json.loads(args.incidentsDetail)
incidentID = inc_det_after.get('id')
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8',
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + args.token
end_point = '{incmanurl}/api/v2/incidents/{incidentid}'.format(incmanurl=args.incmanurl, incidentid=incidentID)
session = requests.Session()
session.verify = False
additional_info = inc_det_after.get('additional_info')
new_text = "<br>" + str(args.text if args.text else '')
additional_info += new_text
payload = {
"additional_info": additional_info,
incident = session.put(end_point, headers=headers, data=payload, proxies=None, timeout=(5, 60))
except Exception as e:
check_not_null_field: 'opt_92' #specify that the custom field with internal id “opt_92” should be populated in
order to display this button in the GUI.
- incidentCustomAction #hook that generates a custom button in the incident tombstone when field opt_92 is not
integration: 'Incident Tools'
name: 'Custom trigger button'
type: Trigger
show_modal: false
code: |
import json
import argparse
import requests
import sys
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--incidentsDetail', help='incident before update', required=False) #param inherited by
hook defined in the yaml
parser.add_argument('--token', help='JWT token , REQUIRED', required=True)
parser.add_argument('--incmanurl', help='IncMan URL , REQUIRED', required=True)
args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args()
inc_det_after = json.loads(args.incidentsDetail)
incidentID = inc_det_after.get('id')
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8',
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + args.token
end_point = '{incmanurl}/api/v2/incidents/{incidentid}'.format(incmanurl=args.incmanurl, incidentid=incidentID)
session = requests.Session()
session.verify = False
additional_info = inc_det_after.get('additional_info')
payload = {
"additional_info": additional_info,
incident = session.put(end_point, headers=headers, data=payload, proxies=None, timeout=(5, 60))
except Exception as e:
check_not_null_field: 'opt_92' #specify that the custom field with internal id “opt_92” should be populated in
order to display this button in the GUI.
- incidentCustomAction #hook that generates a custom button in the incident tombstone when field opt_92 is not
For other example YAML files, see:
- Trigger taskCustomAction definition file (Incident Tools)
- Trigger incidentCustomAction definition file (Incident Tools)
Specifies whether to display the textual input. Default value is true
Specifying the YAML field check_not_null_field : <field ID>
inside a trigger, you can ensure that the trigger is only executed (or displayed in case of custom actions buttons) when a specific incident field is populated.
For example, if we want to display our custom action trigger button only when our custom field with field ID opt_15
is populated, inside the YAML file you can set:
check_not_null_field: 'opt_15'
- incidentCustomAction
Define a webhook trigger
Triggers with the hook webhook
specified can interact with the payload that is posted on your webhook endpoint:

In the following example, a trigger ingests the JSON payload posted to the webhook endpoint, and writes its content in the description widget of a specific incident (ID 1743):
type: Trigger
code: |
import json
import argparse
from datetime import datetime
import sys
import requests
import time
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--payload', help='WebHook payload , REQUIRED', required=True)
parser.add_argument('--token', help='JWT token , REQUIRED', required=True)
parser.add_argument('--incmanurl', help='IncMan URL , REQUIRED', required=True)
args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args()
payload = json.dumps(args.payload)
incidentID = 1743
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8',
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + args.token
end_point = '{incmanurl}/api/v2/incidents/{incidentid}'.format(incmanurl=args.incmanurl,
session = requests.Session()
session.verify = False
additional_info = json.loads(payload)
payload = {
"additional_info": additional_info,
incident = session.put(end_point, headers=headers, data=payload, proxies=None, timeout=(5,60))
except Exception as e:
sys.stderr.write("Error updating incident Severity: ")
# sys.stderr.write(str(json.dumps(args.triage_eventsDetail)))
- webhook
For another example YAML file of a webhook trigger, see Trigger webhook definition file.
Example files
Following are example definition and action files for integrations. To see an explanation of the file contents, see Integration framework file formats above. To see integration definition and action files used in a working integration for Cloud SIEM, see Advanced example: Configure a custom integration.
Integration definition file (VirusTotal)
name: 'VirusTotal'
version: '1.0'
type: python
test_connection_code: |
import json
import argparse
import requests
import sys
class EnvDefault(argparse.Action):
def __init__(self, required=True, default=None, **kwargs):
envvar = kwargs.get("dest")
default = os.environ.get(envvar, default) if envvar in os.environ else default
required = False if required and default else required
super(EnvDefault, self).__init__(default=default, required=required,**kwargs)
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
setattr(namespace, self.dest, values)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--api_key', help='api_key , REQUIRED', required=True, action=EnvDefault)
parser.add_argument('--proxy_url', help='proxy_url', required=False, action=EnvDefault)
args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args()
params = {"apikey": args.api_key, 'url': ''}
end_point = ""
session = requests.Session()
if args.proxy_url is not None:
proxies = {'http': args.proxy_url, 'https': args.proxy_url}
proxies = None
r =, data=params, proxies=proxies, timeout=(5, 60))
except Exception as e:
docker_repo_tag: 'virustotal:latest'
testable_connection: true
require_proxy_config: true
label: 'api key'
type: 'password'
required: true
Action definition file (VirusTotal)
integration: 'VirusTotal Open Framework CS'
name: 'scan file'
type: Enrichment
code: |
import json
import argparse
import virustotal from os import listdir
import subprocess
import os from os.path import isfile, join
class EnvDefault(argparse.Action):
def __init__(self, required=True, default=None, **kwargs):
envvar = kwargs.get("dest")
default = os.environ.get(envvar, default) if envvar in os.environ else default
required = False if required and default else required
super(EnvDefault, self).__init__(default=default, required=required,**kwargs)
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
setattr(namespace, self.dest, values)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--api_key', help='api_key , REQUIRED', required=True, action=EnvDefault)
parser.add_argument('--filename', help='filename , REQUIRED', required=True, action=EnvDefault)
args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args()
v = virustotal.VirusTotal(args.api_key)
report = v.scan(args.filename)
assert report.done == True
result = {
'Resource UID':,
'Scan UID': report.scan_id,
'Permalink': report.permalink,
'Resource SHA1': report.sha1,
'Resource SHA256': report.sha256,
'Resource MD5': report.md5,
'Resource status': report.status,
'Antivirus total':,
'Antivirus positives': report.positives,
'Malware': []
for antivirus, malware in report:
if malware is not None:
malware_obj = {'Antivirus': antivirus[0], 'Antivirus version': antivirus[1], 'Antivirus update': antivirus[2], 'Malware': malware}
print(json.dumps({'filepath': ['file1', 'file2'],'report': [result]}))
except Exception as e:
- id: filename
label: 'file to scan'
type: fileDetonate
required: true
incident_artifacts: true
observables: 'file'
- path : 'filepath.[]'
type : text
- path : 'report.[].Antivirus positives'
type : integer
- path : 'report.[].Antivirus total'
type : text
- path : 'report.[].Permalink'
type : text
- path : 'report.[].Resource SHA256'
type : text
- display_name: 'filepath'
value : 'filepath'
- display_name: 'SHA256'
value : 'report.[].Resource SHA256'
- display_name: 'MD5'
value : 'report.[].Resource MD5'
- display_name: 'Malware'
value : 'report.[].Malware.[].Malware'
- display_name: 'Antivirus'
value : 'report.[].Malware.[].Antivirus'
Example files for Cloud SOAR
The following example files are for Cloud SOAR only.
Integration definition file to change integration name from VirusTotal to VirusTotalNew
name: 'VirusTotalNew'
official_name: 'VirusTotal'
version: '1.0'
type: python
test_connection_code: |
import json
import argparse
import requests
import sys
class EnvDefault(argparse.Action):
def __init__(self, required=True, default=None, **kwargs):
envvar = kwargs.get("dest")
default = os.environ.get(envvar, default) if envvar in os.environ else default
required = False if required and default else required
super(EnvDefault, self).__init__(default=default, required=required,**kwargs)
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
setattr(namespace, self.dest, values)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--api_key', help='api_key , REQUIRED', required=True, action=EnvDefault)
parser.add_argument('--proxy_url', help='proxy_url', required=False, action=EnvDefault)
args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args()
params = {"apikey": args.api_key, 'url': ''}
end_point = ""
session = requests.Session()
if args.proxy_url is not None:
proxies = {'http': args.proxy_url, 'https': args.proxy_url}
proxies = None
r =, data=params, proxies=proxies, timeout=(5, 60))
except Exception as e:
docker_repo_tag: 'virustotal:latest'
testable_connection: true
require_proxy_config: true
label: 'api key'
type: 'password'
required: true
Daemon definition file (QRadar)
integration: 'IBM QRadar OIF'
name: 'Get Offenses Daemon'
type: Daemon
code: |
import argparse
import base64
import json
import sys
import requests
import warnings
from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning
import traceback
warnings.simplefilter('ignore', InsecureRequestWarning)
class EnvDefault(argparse.Action):
def __init__(self, required=True, default=None, **kwargs):
envvar = kwargs.get("dest")
default = os.environ.get(envvar, default) if envvar in os.environ else default
required = False if required and default else required
super(EnvDefault, self).__init__(default=default, required=required,**kwargs)
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
setattr(namespace, self.dest, values)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--url', help='URL , REQUIRED', required=True, action=EnvDefault)
parser.add_argument('--authMethod', help='Authentication method ,
REQUIRED', required=True, action=EnvDefault)
parser.add_argument('--validateSSL', help='validateSSL , REQUIRED',
required=True, action=EnvDefault)
parser.add_argument('--id', help='last offense id', required=False, action=EnvDefault)
parser.add_argument('--username', help='username', required=False, action=EnvDefault)
parser.add_argument('--password', help='password', required=False, action=EnvDefault)
parser.add_argument('--token', help='token', required=False, action=EnvDefault)
parser.add_argument('--proxy_url', help='proxy url',
required=False, action=EnvDefault)
args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args()
max_destination_ip_to_get = 10
host = str(args.url) + '/api/siem/offenses'
host += "?filter=id>" +
host += "?filter=id>145366"
host += '&status!=CLOSED'
header = {
'Version': '5.0',
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
if args.authMethod == "credentials":
base64byte = base64.b64encode(bytes(args.username + ":" + args.password, 'utf-8'))
credential = base64byte.decode("utf-8")
header['Authorization'] = 'Basic ' + credential
header['SEC'] = args.token
verifySSL = args.validateSSL == "true"
proxies = {'http': args.proxy_url, 'https': args.proxy_url} if args.proxy_url is not None else None
s = requests.Session()
r = s.get(url=host, headers=header, verify=verifySSL, proxies=proxies, timeout=(5, 60))
json_data = json.loads(r.text)
new_array = []
for event in json_data:
ariel_search_utl = args.url + '/api/siem/source_addresses/'
event['source_address_ip'] = []
for source_ip_id in event['source_address_ids']:
search_ip = ariel_search_utl + str(source_ip_id) + '?fields=source_ip'
request_post = s.get(url=search_ip, headers=header, verify=verifySSL, proxies=proxies, timeout=(5, 60))
json_data_post = json.loads(request_post.text)
except Exception:
ariel_search_utl = args.url + '/api/siem/local_destination_addresses/'
event['local_destination_ip'] = []
for destination_ip_id in event['local_destination_address_ids'][:max_destination_ip_to_get]:
search_ip = ariel_search_utl + str(destination_ip_id) + '?fields=local_destination_ip'
request_post = s.get(url=search_ip, headers=header, verify=verifySSL, proxies=proxies, timeout=(5, 60))
json_data_post = json.loads(request_post.text)
except Exception:
except Exception as e:
- id: id
label: "From offence id"
type: text
- path: '[].username_count'
type: integer
- path: '[].description'
type: string
- path: '[].event_count'
type: integer
- path: '[].flow_count'
type: integer
- path: '[].assigned_to'
type: string
- path: '[].security_category_count'
type: integer
- path: '[].follow_up'
type: string
- path: '[].source_address_ids.[]'
type: integer
- path: '[].source_count'
type: integer
- path: '[].inactive'
type: string
- path: '[].protected'
type: string
- path: '[].category_count'
type: integer
- path: '[].source_network'
type: string
- path: '[].destination_networks.[]'
type: string
- path: '[].closing_user'
type: string
- path: '[].close_time'
type: datetime
- path: '[].remote_destination_count'
type: integer
- path: '[].start_time'
type: datetime
- path: '[].last_updated_time'
type: datetime
- path: '[].credibility'
type: integer
- path: '[].magnitude'
type: integer
- path: '[].id'
type: integer
- path: '[].categories.[]'
type: string
- path: '[].severity'
type: integer
- path: '[].policy_category_count'
type: integer
- path: '[].device_count'
type: integer
- path: '[].closing_reason_id'
type: string
- path: '[].offense_type'
type: integer
- path: '[].relevance'
type: integer
- path: '[].domain_id'
type: integer
- path: '[].offense_source'
type: string
- path: '[].local_destination_address_ids.[]'
type: integer
- path: '[].local_destination_count'
type: integer
- path: '[].status'
type: string
- path: '[].source_address_ip'
type: string
- path: '[].local_destination_ip'
type: string
Trigger definition file (Incident Tools)
integration: 'Incident Tools'
name: 'Change severity trigger'
type: Trigger
code: |
import json
import argparse
from datetime import datetime
import sys
import requests
import time
class EnvDefault(argparse.Action):
def __init__(self, required=True, default=None, **kwargs):
envvar = kwargs.get("dest")
default = os.environ.get(envvar, default) if envvar in os.environ else default
required = False if required and default else required
super(EnvDefault, self).__init__(default=default, required=required,**kwargs)
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
setattr(namespace, self.dest, values)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--incidentsBeforeUpdate', help='incident before update', required=False, action=EnvDefault)
parser.add_argument('--incidentsAfterUpdate', help='incident after update', required=False, action=EnvDefault)
parser.add_argument('--token', help='JWT token , REQUIRED', required=True, action=EnvDefault)
parser.add_argument('--cloudsoarurl', help='Cloud SOAR URL , REQUIRED', required=True, action=EnvDefault)
args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args()
inc_det_before = json.loads(args.incidentsBeforeUpdate)
inc_det_after = json.loads(args.incidentsAfterUpdate)
incidentID = inc_det_after.get('id')
prio = inc_det_after.get('restriction')
if inc_det_after.get('restriction') != inc_det_before.get('restriction'):
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8',
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + args.token
end_point = '{cloudsoarurl}/api/v2/incidents/{incidentid}'.format(cloudsoarurl=args.cloudsoarurl incidentid=incidentID)
session = requests.Session()
session.verify = False
additional_info = inc_det_after.get('additional_info')
additional_info += "<br>incident field Priority modified to " + str(prio)
payload = {
"additional_info": additional_info,
incident = session.put(end_point, headers=headers, data=payload, proxies=None, timeout=(5, 60))
except Exception as e:
sys.stderr.write("Error updating incident Severity: ")
- updateIncident
Trigger taskCustomAction definition file (Incident Tools)
integration: 'Incident tools'
type: Trigger
code: |
import json
import argparse
from datetime import datetime
import sys
import time
class EnvDefault(argparse.Action):
def __init__(self, required=True, default=None, **kwargs):
envvar = kwargs.get("dest")
default = os.environ.get(envvar, default) if envvar in os.environ else default
required = False if required and default else required
super(EnvDefault, self).__init__(default=default, required=required,**kwargs)
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
setattr(namespace, self.dest, values)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--tasksDetail', help='tasksDetail', required=False, action=EnvDefault)
parser.add_argument('--text', help='text', required=False, action=EnvDefault)
args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args()
task = json.loads(args.tasksDetail)
print({'element_json': task, 'text': args.text})
check_not_null_field: opt_3
- taskCustomAction
Trigger incidentCustomAction definition file (Incident Tools)
integration: 'Incident tools'
type: Trigger
import json
import argparse
from datetime import datetime
import sys
import time
class EnvDefault(argparse.Action):
def __init__(self, required=True, default=None, **kwargs):
envvar = kwargs.get("dest")
default = os.environ.get(envvar, default) if envvar in os.environ else default
required = False if required and default else required
super(EnvDefault, self).__init__(default=default, required=required,**kwargs)
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
setattr(namespace, self.dest, values)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--incidentsDetail', help='incidentsDetail', required=False, action=EnvDefault)
parser.add_argument('--text', help='text', required=False, action=EnvDefault)
args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args()
task = json.loads(args.incidentsDetail)
print({'element_json': task, 'text': args.text})
check_not_null_field: opt_15
- incidentCustomAction
Scheduled definition file (Incident Tools)
integration: 'Incident tools'
name: 'intervallo date loop'
type: Scheduled
import json
import argparse
from datetime import datetime
import sys
import time
class EnvDefault(argparse.Action):
def __init__(self, required=True, default=None, **kwargs):
envvar = kwargs.get("dest")
default = os.environ.get(envvar, default) if envvar in os.environ else default
required = False if required and default else required
super(EnvDefault, self).__init__(default=default, required=required,**kwargs)
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
setattr(namespace, self.dest, values)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--cloudSoarTaskDetails', help='cloudSoarTaskDetails', required=False, action=EnvDefault)
parser.add_argument('--days', help='days', required=False, action=EnvDefault)
args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args()
dictionary = {
'exit_condition': 'true',
'array': [{
'amount': '23',
'amount2': 11,
'days': args.days,
'start': str(datetime.utcnow().strftime("%m/%d/%Y, %H:%M:%S")),
'end': str(datetime.utcnow().strftime("%m/%d/%Y, %H:%M:%S"))
print(json.dumps(dictionary, default=lambda val: str(val)))
- path: 'exit_condition'
string: 'false'
re-execution: 'force'
- every: '10s'
expire: '120s'
- id: days
label: 'intervallo giorni'
type: number
required: true
- path : 'array.[].start'
- path : 'array.[].end'
- path : 'array.[].days'
- path : 'array.[].amount'
- path : 'array.[].amount2'
- path : 'exit_condition'
Other example (using strings array)
integration: 'Incident tools'
name: 'intervallo date loop'
type: Scheduled
import json
import argparse
from datetime import datetime
import sys
import time
class EnvDefault(argparse.Action):
def __init__(self, required=True, default=None, **kwargs):
envvar = kwargs.get("dest")
default = os.environ.get(envvar, default) if envvar in os.environ else default
required = False if required and default else required
super(EnvDefault, self).__init__(default=default, required=required,**kwargs)
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
setattr(namespace, self.dest, values)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--cloudSoarTaskDetails', help='cloudSoarTaskDetails', required=False, action=EnvDefault)
parser.add_argument('--days', help='days', required=False, action=EnvDefault)
args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args()
dictionary = {
'exit_condition': 'true',
'array': [{
'amount': '23',
'amount2': 11,
'days': args.days,
'start': str(datetime.utcnow().strftime("%m/%d/%Y, %H:%M:%S")),
'end': str(datetime.utcnow().strftime("%m/%d/%Y, %H:%M:%S"))
print(json.dumps(dictionary, default=lambda val: str(val)))
- path: 'exit_condition'
- 'false'
- 'null'
- 'waiting'
re-execution: 'force'
- every: '10s'
expire: '120s'
- id: days
label: 'intervallo giorni'
type: number
required: true
- path : 'array.[].start'
- path : 'array.[].end'
- path : 'array.[].days'
- path : 'array.[].amount'
- path : 'array.[].amount2'
- path : 'exit_condition'
Other example (using action's input):
integration: 'Testing Purpose'
name: 'testing Scheduled'
type: Scheduled
code: |
import json
import argparse
from datetime import datetime
import sys
import os
import time
class EnvDefault(argparse.Action):
def __init__(self, required=True, default=None, **kwargs):
envvar = kwargs.get("dest")
default = os.environ.get(envvar, default) if envvar in os.environ else default
required = False if required and default else required
super(EnvDefault, self).__init__(default=default, required=required,**kwargs)
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
setattr(namespace, self.dest, values)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--days', help='days', required=False, action=EnvDefault)
parser.add_argument('--protocol', help='protocol', required=False, action=EnvDefault)
parser.add_argument('--closingReasonID', help='closingReasonID', required=False, action=EnvDefault)
args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args()
days = args.days
asd = [
"_id": "5fda1d0faa3f39c44361b84e",
"index": 0,
"days": days,
"guid": "900c39df-837f-4394-a463-f0dffdb5420e",
"isActive": False,
"balance": "$2,434.45",
"picture": "",
"age": 37,
"eyeColor": "brown",
"name": "Lindsey Mcknight",
"gender": "male",
"company": "PORTALIS",
"email": "",
"phone": "+1 (868) 490-3497",
"address": "566 Bainbridge Street, Waterloo, Nebraska, 1714",
"about": "Sunt quis culpa enim eiusmod ullamco tempor enim. Culpa nisi nostrud quis nisi commodo mollit mollit irure. Duis sunt reprehenderit duis labore dolor dolor ullamco Lorem eiusmod. Nulla nulla excepteur ipsum dolor qui reprehenderit laborum elit esse nulla do incididunt. Ea qui tempor sunt veniam magna do ea laborum qui ut. Veniam veniam ut consequat duis. Commodo incididunt duis culpa mollit eu.\r\n",
"registered": "2015-12-30T12:58:10 -01:00",
"latitude": -78.618655,
"longitude": -148.652818,
"tags": [
"friends": [
"id": 0,
"name": "Herman Sharp"
"id": 1,
"name": "Foreman Berger"
"id": 2,
"name": "Loretta Blair"
"greeting": "Hello, Lindsey Mcknight! You have 3 unread messages.",
"favoriteFruit": "apple"
- path: 'input.exit_condition_path'
string: "input.exit_condition_string"
- every: 'input.scheduler_every'
expire: 'input.scheduler_expire'
- id: scheduler_every
label: 'scheduler rate'
type: text
required: true
hint: "schedule rate i.e 1m 5m 1d (supported placeholder m=minutes, h=hours, d=days)"
- id: scheduler_expire
label: 'schedule expiration'
type: text
required: true
hint: "schedule expiration i.e 1m 5m 1d (supported placeholder m=minutes, h=hours, d=days)"
- id: exit_condition_path
label: 'output path'
type: text
required: true
hint: "output path to check"
- id: exit_condition_string
label: 'string to check'
type: tag
required: true
hint: "string to check"
- path : '[]."ip-dst_string"'
- path : '[].{Name: name, ID: _id, Address: address, FriendName: friends.[].name}'
- path : '[].tags.[] | unique()'
- path : '[].tags.[]'
- path : '[].guid | join(,)'
- path : '[].guid | join(SEPARATOR)'
- path : '[].guid'
- path : '[]._id'
- path : '[].guid'
- path : '[].isActive'
- path : '[].balance'
- path : '[].picture'
- path : '[].eyeColor'
- path : '[].name'
- path : '[].age'
- path : '[].gender'
- path : '[].company'
- path : '[].email'
- path : '[].phone'
- path : '[].address'
- path : '[].friends'
Trigger webhook definition file
integration: 'Testing Purpose'
name: 'testing webhook'
type: Trigger
- webHook
code: |
import json
import argparse
from datetime import datetime
import sys
import os
import time
class EnvDefault(argparse.Action):
def __init__(self, required=True, default=None, **kwargs):
envvar = kwargs.get("dest")
default = os.environ.get(envvar, default) if envvar in os.environ else default
required = False if required and default else required
super(EnvDefault, self).__init__(default=default, required=required,**kwargs)
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
setattr(namespace, self.dest, values)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--payload', help='payload', required=True, action=EnvDefault)
args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args()
payload = json.loads(args.payload)
- id: payload
label: 'payload'
type: text
required: true
Now you can perform a POST
request to the Cloud SOAR API /webhook
resource with a raw payload:
"title": "test",
"hours": 2,
"percentage": 90,
"priority": 88,
"report_time": "2023-01-19T15:28:38.000Z",
"start_time": "2023-01-19T15:28:34.000Z",
"end_time": "2023-01-19T15:28:37.000Z",
"status": 776,
"assigned_to": 3,
"additional_info": "lorem ipsum additional info text"
Your script will print (print(payload.get("title")))
tests. (Cloud SOAR saves log-only action errors, but doesn’t save webhook trigger results.)
You can add more than one webhook trigger. While you cannot discriminate execution at the API request, you can do so inside an action script. For example:
if payload.get("title") == "test":
Docker use - Cloud SOAR only
You can execute all the actions of an integration in a container built from a custom Docker image. This is particularly useful, for example, if you want to improve actions by taking advantage of third-party libraries. In that case, you can install those third-party libraries in the Docker container where actions will be executed making them available to the interpreter of the action scripts. However, there are many other ways in which using a custom Docker image can allow you to customize your integrations and actions.
Steps to create a custom Docker image
- Go to the Integrations page.
- Look for the integration for which you need to create a custom Docker image and click on it.
- Next to the name of the integration, you will see two buttons. Click on the one that is on the far right and has the Docker logo on it.
This will open the custom Docker editor: - Type a name for your custom image in the Docker image tag field. This is a required field.
- When you are creating a new custom Docker image, you will see the Last update field is showing Never edited before. The text area below allows you to write a Dockerfile with the instructions to build your custom image:
- Proceed to write your custom Dockerfile as you would normally do. If you need tips on how to do this, refer to Useful Docker commands or check the Docker official documentation. Keep in mind that the following statements are not currently available, which means they will be ignored when building the image:
. - In the editor you will see there is a dropdown menu above the text area that reads Valid Instructions. This dropdown menu enumerates in a descriptive way a set of instructions that you can use in your Dockerfile. If you choose them from the dropdown menu, a new line will be added to your Dockerfile with the keyword to start the statement, so you can pick up from there. The use of this dropdown menu is completely optional and you can write your Dockerfile directly in the text area.
- As soon as you change something in your Dockerfile, a Save button will appear next to the Docker editor button. Click on it if you are ready to save your custom Dockerfile.
Once you have saved a custom Dockerfile, the integration will be executed on a container built from the relative custom Docker image.
Testing your custom Docker image
We strongly suggest that you test your custom images as soon as you create or modify them. If by any chance you save a faulty custom Dockerfile, when the actions from that integration are triggered, their execution will fail because the Docker image will fail as well.
- To test your custom images, click where it says TEST IMAGE at the bottom right corner of the editor.
The system will try to build an image from your Dockerfile. While this happens, a spinner will appear in the editor. Consider this may take a few moments, depending on the instructions used in your Dockerfile. - If your custom Docker image was built without error, a success message will pop up in your screen. Otherwise, if a proper image cannot be built from your custom Dockerfile, an error message will pop up, containing details on what went wrong. In that case, it is very important that you correct your Dockerfile and test it again until an image is built successfully. As an alternative, you can always revert to the original Docker image used by the integration, by clicking on Reset Default Image at the bottom of the editor.
Deleting your custom Docker image and reverting to the original one
The RESET DEFAULT IMAGE button that appears at the bottom of the editor allows you to delete your custom Docker image and revert to the original Docker image used for that integration.
As soon as you click on it, the integration will start being executed again in a container based on the original integration image. Notice that your custom Dockerfile will be lost, so you will have to write it again if you want to revert back to your custom image.
Checking whether an integration is using a custom Docker image
If you have appropriate permissions, you can set up custom Docker images for any integration. There are many ways to check if any of your integrations are being executed in a container from a custom Docker image.
If you go to the Docker YAML editor of the integration, if it is using a custom image, a comment above the docker_repo_tag
will tell you so:

However, the best way to check whether an integration is using a custom image is to open the Docker editor for that integration (by clicking on the button with the Docker logo on it).
Integrations using a custom image will have a Docker image tag, a Last update date, and some Dockerfile content.
On the other hand, integrations that are not using a custom Docker image will have an empty Docker editor showing Never edited before in the Last update field:

Useful Docker commands
The following commands may be useful in performing some common actions in Docker on your server. See the official Docker documentation at for additional information.
Create Docker image (Python example)
- Create a file with name dockerfile inside a dedicated directory:
FROM python:2-slim
RUN pip install --trusted-host requests suds - Inside this directory run:
docker build -t <my_integration>
- If you run Docker image ls you can see your image with tag
- Now you can use this tag in YAML:
docker_repo_tag: '<my_integration>:latest'
Load an image from a tar archive
docker load < docker_image.tar
Add third-party libraries to the Docker image when building
pip install --trusted-host tenable_io mock==2.0.0 pytest==3.0.4 Sphinx==1.5.1
List all Docker images
docker image ls
Show Docker disk usage
docker system df
Use multi-select in output
"_id": "5fda1d0faa3f39c44361b84e",
"index": 0,
"days": days,
"guid": "900c39df-837f-4394-a463-f0dffdb5420e",
"isActive": False,
"balance": "$2,434.45",
"picture": "",
"age": 37,
"eyeColor": "brown",
"name": "Lindsey Mcknight",
"gender": "male",
"company": "PORTALIS",
"email": "",
"phone": "+1 (868) 490-3497",
"address": "566 Bainbridge Street, Waterloo, Nebraska, 1714",
"about": "Sunt quis culpa enim eiusmod ullamco tempor enim. Culpa nisi nostrud quis nisi commodo mollit mollit irure. Duis sunt reprehenderit duis labore dolor dolor ullamco Lorem eiusmod. Nulla nulla excepteur ipsum dolor qui reprehenderit laborum elit esse nulla do incididunt. Ea qui tempor sunt veniam magna do ea laborum qui ut. Veniam veniam ut consequat duis. Commodo incididunt duis culpa mollit eu.\r\n",
"registered": "2015-12-30T12:58:10 -01:00",
"latitude": -78.618655,
"longitude": -148.652818,
"tags": [
"friends": [
"id": 0,
"name": "Herman Sharp"
"id": 1,
"name": "Foreman Berger"
"id": 2,
"name": "Loretta Blair"
"greeting": "Hello, Lindsey Mcknight! You have 3 unread messages.",
"favoriteFruit": "apple"
"_id": "5fda1d0fa888a79dbbf27e40",
"index": 1,
"guid": "246533ba-31ca-4cd0-b307-e3c8ff450ff1",
"isActive": True,
"balance": "$3,469.55",
"picture": "",
"age": 21,
"eyeColor": "brown",
"name": "Johnston Merritt",
"gender": "male",
"company": "TERRAGEN",
"email": "",
"phone": "+1 (960) 583-2954",
"address": "405 Oxford Walk, Sunnyside, Alaska, 4197",
"about": "Voluptate cillum deserunt veniam ullamco in culpa ad amet ut ea. Sit et reprehenderit deserunt reprehenderit consequat anim elit pariatur sint irure proident. Non sint velit mollit irure amet aute in ad. In amet magna consectetur esse dolor Lorem est proident.\r\n",
"registered": "2016-10-27T03:29:02 -02:00",
"latitude": 73.096704,
"longitude": 98.965585,
"tags": [
"friends": [
"id": 0,
"name": "Viola Bailey"
"id": 1,
"name": "Jodi Richardson"
"id": 2,
"name": "Strong Patel"
"greeting": "Hello, Johnston Merritt! You have 6 unread messages.",
"favoriteFruit": "apple"
With a result as shown above it's possible to add into OIF YAML output section:
- path : '[].{Name: name, ID: _id, Address: address}'
And if you use that output into textarea
as placeholder:

You will get a print HTML of aggregated elements

Pipe functions in YAML output
With the same action used in Use mult-select in output, it's possible to use two common pipe functions to process action output.
Pipe function join('separator')
- path : '[].guid | join(,)'

And so the next action will run one time with a string created join array element with separator

Pipe function unique()
- path : '[].tags.[] | unique()'

The array will be populated with not duplicated element: