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luhn Search Operator

The luhn operator uses Luhn’s algorithm to check message logs for strings of numbers that may be credit card numbers and then validates them. It takes a string as an input, strips out all characters that are not numerals, and checks if the resulting string is a valid credit card number, returning true or false accordingly.


luhn(<field>) [as <field>]
luhn("<input string>") [as <field>]


Identify and verify credit card numbers in message logs​

Use the following query to identify credit card numbers in message logs, and verify them using the Luhn operator:

| parse regex "(?<maybecc>\d{4}-\d{4}-\d{4}-\d{4})" nodrop
| parse regex "(?<maybecc>\d{4}\s\d{4}\s\d{4}\s\d{4})" nodrop
| parse regex "(?<maybecc>\d{16})" nodrop
| if (luhn(maybecc), true, false) as valid

which provides results such as:

operator example

Search for and verify a specific credit card number​

Use the following query to search for a specific credit card number and verify it using the Luhn operator:

*| "6666-7777-6666-8888" as b
| luhn(b) as d

It would provide the following results:

operator example

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