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Send Data

Learn how to send data to Sumo Logic and get started with our observability and security solutions. In this section, we'll introduce the following concepts:

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Sumo Logic Distro for OpenTelemetry

Our OpenTelemetry Distribution is a single unified agent to send Logs, Metrics, Traces, and more.

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Installed Collectors

Installed collector is our proprietary agent that you can deploy in your environment to collect logs and some metrics sources.

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Hosted Collectors

Set up a Hosted Collector to collect data directly from cloud sources like AWS, GCP, and more without installing an agent.

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Learn how to collect Kubernetes logs, metrics, and events.

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Other Data Sources

Collect logs and metrics from a variety of other data sources.

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JSON Configuration

Learn how to configure Installed and Hosted Collectors sources using JSON files.

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Time Reference

Learn about supported timestamps, date formatting, and more.

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Wildcards in Paths

Use wildcards in Source paths to collect all files of a certain type.

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Troubleshooting Sumo Logic data collection.

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