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Hosted Collectors

Hosted Collectors allow you to send data to Sumo Logic without deploying an agent. We host the Collector and its Sources on our end, in AWS — no need to install it on a local system in your deployment.

With a single Hosted Collector, you can create and configure Sources to collect data from any number of Sources, for example:

  • Cloud-to-Cloud collection from AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform, and more SaaS tools
  • Send data directly to a Sumo endpoint using your custom collection method

Data collection flow for S3 buckets and HTTP requests:
Diagram illustrating data flow in Sumo Logic. Data flows from an S3 Bucket to Sumo S3 Sources, then to a Hosted Collector. From the Hosted Collector, data moves to Sumo HTTP Sources and finally to IaaS or PaaS Providers represented by cloud icons.

Just as Installed Collectors, you can monitor the activity of Hosted Collectors using the Status tab.


The maximum number of Collectors allowed per organization is 10,000.

Hosted Collector Overview

Configure a Hosted Collector

Set up Hosted Collectors so you can move data to Sumo Logic.


Amazon and AWS Sources

Collect from one of the many AWS products that we support.

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Google Sources

Collect data from your Google Cloud Platform and other products.

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C2C Integration Sources

Collect logs and events directly from SaaS and Cloud platforms.

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HTTP Sources

Upload logs, metrics, traces, and more to an HTTP Source.

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Microsoft Sources

Collect Audit Log content types to track and monitor usage of MS 365.

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Cloud Syslog Sources

Configure a cloud syslog source to send data to Sumo Logic.

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Zoom Source

Learn how to create HTTP Zoom source and enable events subscriptions.

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