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STIX/TAXII 1 Client Source

The STIX/TAXII 1 Client source supports collecting threat intelligence indicators from STIX/TAXII 1.x and sending them to Sumo Logic as normalized threat indicators. For more information, see About Sumo Logic Threat Intelligence.

STIX/TAXII are two standards used together to exchange threat intelligence information between systems. STIX defines the format and structure of the data. TAXII defines how the API endpoints are served and accessed by clients.

Best Practice

This source only supports STIX/TAXII 1.x. Sumo Logic recommends using our STIX/TAXII 2.x source instead as it is the current version of STIX/TAXII.

Data collected​

This source collects threat intelligence indicators from a vendor's STIX/TAXII 1.x endpoints. This means the specific endpoints we collect data from are the endpoints defined in the TAXII standard. Vendor APIs must follow the standard. The source will collect all indicators from the TAXII server when it runs for the first time and it will check for updates once an hour. This one-hour polling interval can be adjusted in the source configuration.


Vendor configuration​


The threat intel vendor must follow the STIX/TAXII 1.x standards.

  1. Identify a vendor who uses the STIX/TAXII 1.x standard for sharing threat intelligence indicators.
  2. Follow their documentation to obtain the following information:
    • The TAXII Discovery URL
    • Your authentication credentials if required

Source configuration​

When you create an TAXII 1 Client Source, you add it to a Hosted Collector. Before creating the Source, identify the Hosted Collector you want to use or create a new Hosted Collector. For instructions, see Configure a Hosted Collector and Source.

To configure a TAXII 1 Client Source:

  1. Classic UI. In the main Sumo Logic menu, select Manage Data > Collection > Collection.
    New UI. In the Sumo Logic top menu select Configuration, and then under Data Collection select Collection. You can also click the Go To... menu at the top of the screen and select Collection.  
  2. On the Collection page, click Add Source next to a Hosted Collector.
  3. Search for and select TAXII 1 Client.
  4. Enter a Name for the Source. The description is optional.
  5. (Optional) For Source Category, enter any string to tag the output collected from the Source. Category metadata is stored in a searchable field called _sourceCategory.
  6. (Optional) Fields. Click the +Add button to define the fields you want to associate. Each field needs a name (key) and value.
    • green check circle.png A green circle with a check mark is shown when the field exists in the Fields table schema.
    • orange exclamation point.png An orange triangle with an exclamation point is shown when the field doesn't exist in the Fields table schema. In this case, an option to automatically add the nonexistent fields to the Fields table schema is provided. If a field is sent to Sumo Logic that does not exist in the Fields schema it is ignored, known as dropped.
  7. Sumo Logic Threat Intel Source ID. Enter the name you want to use for the source that will be created in the Threat Intelligence tab in Sumo Logic. The threat intelligence indicators will be stored in this source. Do not use spaces in the name.
  8. STIX/TAXII Configuration:
    • Discovery URL. Enter the TAXII Discovery URL provided by the vendor (optional).
  9. Collection Names. Enter the collections to fetch, using the poll URL.
  10. Authentication. This source only supports basic HTTP authentication. Check Use Basic Auth to enable it.
    • HTTP Basic Auth User. The threat intel API username
    • HTTP Basic Auth Password. The threat intel API password
  11. Other Settings:
    1. (Optional) Polling Interval. Set how frequently to poll for new or updated indicators. It must be between 5 minutes and 48 hours.
  12. When you are finished configuring the Source, click Save.

JSON Configuration​

Sources can be configured using UTF-8 encoded JSON files with the Collector Management API. See Use JSON to Configure Sources for details. 

schemaRefJSON Object{"type":"TAXII 1 Client"}YesDefine the specific schema type.
sourceTypeString"Universal"YesType of source.
configJSON ObjectConfiguration objectYesSource type specific values.

Configuration Object​

nameStringYesnullType a desired name of the source. The name must be unique per Collector. This value is assigned to the metadata field _source."mySource"
descriptionStringNonullType a description of the source."Testing source"
categoryStringNonullType a category of the source. This value is assigned to the metadata field _sourceCategory. See best practices for details."mySource/test"
fieldsJSON ObjectNonullJSON map of key-value fields (metadata) to apply to the Collector or Source. Use the boolean field _siemForward to enable forwarding to SIEM.{"_siemForward": false, "fieldA": "valueA"}
userSourceIDStringYesnullYour Sumo Logic threat intel destination source name
discoveryURLStringYesnullThe STIX/TAXII discovery URL
useBasicAuthBooleanNofalseEnforces basic HTTP authentication
http_userStringNonullHTTP basic authentication username
http_passwordStringNonullHTTP basic authentication password
collectionNamesArrayNoEmptyUsed to get collections using the poll URL.
pollingIntervalStringYesHow frequently to poll for messages from the threat intel provider.

JSON example​

"name":"STIX TAXII 1 Client for Unit 42",
"description":"Collects indicators from Unit 42 and stores them in Sumo Logic",
"userSourceID": "My Important Indicators",
"discoveryURL": "",
"useBasicAuth": true,
"http_user": "",
"http_password": "****************************",
"collectionNames": [
"pollingInterval": "1h"
"type":"TAXII 1 Client"
Download example

Terraform example​

resource "sumologic_cloud_to_cloud_source" "taxii2_source" {
collector_id =
schema_ref = {
type = "TAXII 1 Client"
config = jsonencode({
"name":"STIX TAXII 1 Client for Unit 42",
"description":"Collects indicators from Unit 42 and stores them in Sumo Logic",
"userSourceID": "My Important Indicators",
"discoveryURL": "",
"useBasicAuth: true,
"http_user": "",
"http_password": "****************************",
"pollingInterval": "1h",
"collectionNames": [

resource "sumologic_collector" "collector" {
name = "my-collector"
description = "Just testing this"
Download example

Below is a list of Sumo Logic recommended configuration examples for specific threat intel vendors using TAXII 1.

AlienVaultUse your API key as the HTTP username and leave the password blank.
Recorded FutureUse your API key as the HTTP password and leave the username blank. The Recorded Future TAXII v1 service supports Recorded Future’s default and large risk lists, as well as collections for each risk rule. More information can be found on the Recorded Future Support portal.



Click here for more information about Cloud-to-Cloud sources.

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