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Universal Connector

With our Universal Connector cloud source, you can collect log data from vendor APIs with a modular configuration. The goal of this source is for Sumo Logic to expand the configuration modules over time giving greater compatibility with vendor APIs, but to acknowledge complex APIs will still require a specific cloud source and not be compatible with this source.


Follow the sections below to gather the required vendor information and setup the source with a compatible configuration.

Vendor configurations​

You need to gather various information from the third party vendor in order to configure collecting log data from their API using this source. Our goal is to support many of the common ways to expose APIs functionality to retrieve log data, but we recognize we cannot support every feature. We recommend gathering all of the requirements listed below.


If you are unable to configure the source to support your vendor API, you can either request to add additional features to support it or take a request to build a dedicated source integration if needed.

  1. Locate the vendors API docs describing the API.
  2. Identify how the API implements authentication.
  3. Identify one API endpoint to collect logs from. You will need to create multiple Sumo Logic sources if you wish to collect log data from more than one endpoint.
    • What is the endpoint URL?
    • Are there any required HTTP Headers?
    • What URL parameters are available to use? Which ones track progression such as ingest timestamps?
    • How is pagination implemented?
    • Where in the response body is the array of logs to ingest?
    • Are there timestamps within the response array of logs indicating the individual log timestamp?
  4. Identify API rate limits.
    • Does the API specify a rate limit?
    • Is bursting allowed?

Source configuration​

When you create an Universal Connector Source, you add it to a Hosted Collector. Before creating the Source, identify the Hosted Collector you want to use or create a new Hosted Collector. For instructions, see Configure a Hosted Collector and Source.

  1. Classic UI. In the main Sumo Logic menu, select Manage Data > Collection > Collection.
    New UI. In the Sumo Logic top menu select Configuration, and then under Data Collection select Collection. You can also click the Go To... menu at the top of the screen and select Collection.
  2. On the Collection page, click Add Source next to a Hosted Collector.
  3. Search for and select Universal Connector.
  4. Enter a Name for the Source. The description is optional.
  5. (Optional) For Source Category, enter any string to tag the output collected from the Source. Category metadata is stored in a searchable field called _sourceCategory.
  6. Forward to SIEM. Check the checkbox to forward your data to Cloud SIEM.

    Select Forward to SIEM only if you have Cloud SIEM installed.

  7. (Optional) Parser path. If Forward to SIEM option is selected, provide a parser path.
  8. (Optional) Fields. Click the +Add button to define the fields you want to associate. Each field needs a name (key) and value.
    • green check circle.png A green circle with a check mark is shown when the field exists in the Fields table schema.
    • orange exclamation point.png An orange triangle with an exclamation point is shown when the field doesn't exist in the Fields table schema. In this case, an option to automatically add the nonexistent fields to the Fields table schema is provided. If a field is sent to Sumo Logic that does not exist in the Fields schema it is ignored, known as dropped.
  9. Configuration Sections. Expand each section to learn more about the options available for configuration.
Authentication Configuration

Choose the type of authentication based on the vendor API requirements and configure the details of that specific authentication type.


Basic is the default value. Select this authentication option if the vendor API requires basic HTTP authentication. The source will always add the Authorization HTTP request header with the base64-encoded username:password as the value.

  • Basic HTTP Username. Enter the Username to access the vendor API.
  • Basic HTTP Password. Enter the Password to access the vendor API.

API Key​

Select this authentication option if the vendor API requires you to use a static API key.

  • How should we use your API key?
    • In HTTP Request Header. The requests always include the API key in the HTTP headers. It is a default value.
    • In HTTP Request URL Parameters. The request always includes the API key as part of the URL query parameters.
  • Location Key. The key value when using the API key. This is called as header key if used in the headers and URL parameter key if used in the URL parameters.
  • API Key. Your secret API key credentials.
  • API Key Prefix. This is an optional prefix you can add to your API key. Some APIs require a text prefix, followed by a space and then your secret API key. For example: SSWS {api-key}. By default the value is empty and no prefix will be used.


Select this authentication option if the vendor API requires bearer authentication. This is similar to the API Key option, but it is a common format many APIs use. The source will always add the Authorization HTTP request header with text Bearer followed by your API token. For example: Authorization: Bearer <token>.

  • Bearer Token. Your secret API key credentials.

OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials​

Select this authentication option if the vendor API allows OAuth 2 Client Credentials Grant Type as a form of authentication. Please be aware, this is specifically for APIs that support the Client Credentials grant type and NOT any other form of OAuth grant type.

You will need to provide your API Client ID, Client Secret, and the OAuth Token URL as required fields.

Optionally, if the vendor API requires it, you can provide one or more Scopes and additional HTTP request parameters when we ask for the token with the OAuth Token URL. Reference the vendor's API docs for obtaining the token URL and another other scope information if required by the vendor.

No Auth​

Select this authentication option if the vendor API does not require any form of authentication.

Request Configuration

Configure how the HTTP requests are created for your source.

protect your credentials

Do NOT include any sensitive information such as authentication secrets in this section. Use the authentication section for any sensitive information such as keys and passwords.

HTTP method used in the request​

Enter the HTTP method used in the request. The supported values are: GET and POST with GET as the default.

Endpoint Url​

The endpoint URL should include the https:// protocol, vendor domain, and the full path to the API endpoint hosting the log data. It should NOT include any URL parameters as that information can be included in a dedicated section below.


Invalid examples:

  • Missing HTTPS protocol
  • Insecure HTTP protocol not allowed
  • Do not include URL parameters

Request Headers​

Include any HTTP request headers required by the vendor API. The key names are static text, but the values can access our template feature to make them dynamic.

Example Header KeyExample Header Value
User-AgentVendor Required Agent Name

Request Parameters​

Include any URL query parameters required by the vendor API. The key names are static text, but the values can access our template feature to make them dynamic.

Example Header KeyExample Header Value
since{{ .WindowStartUTC "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z" }}
until{{ .WindowEndUTC "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z" }}

Examples URL encoded: ?limit=100&since=2024-02-01T08:15:00Z&until=2024-02-01T08:20:00Z

Request Body​

This is optional and only used if the HTTP POST method is configured above. You can use this field to include any information in the HTTP request body. The data included in this field can access our template feature.

Tracking Progression

The source needs a way to keep track of its progress to prevent data loss and duplication. Select the type of progression used and configure the details.

Time Window​

The source will provide both a start and end timestamp for you to dynamically use in your HTTP request. The window will only move forward if no errors are raised when collecting logs from the vendor API for the current window.

Use the template feature to include the window start and end timestamps within your HTTP request.

The start time is inclusive and the end time is exclusive as that is the behavior of most APIs.

Window SizeThis is the maximum size of the window between the start and end timestamp. The default is 5m and we recommend leaving this setting unless there is a specific reason to adjust it. The source has 512MB of memory and processing data from the vendor API in small window sizes is ideal to work within the memory limits. Larger windows can be used if you need to make fewer API calls to the vendor and the data volume is low. The smallest window size is 1m and the largest is 24h. You must keep this setting less than or equal to your polling interval.
Initial LookbackThis setting determines how far back from current time to start the window when the source is created. Adjusting this after source creation will not have an affect. This value must be greater than or equal to the window size and no further back than 31d. The default value is 24h.
Max LookbackThis will determine how far back the window is allowed and should be set based on the vendors data retention policy. If the source encounters a repetitive error causing the window to not move forward for a period of time, the window will not be allowed to stagnate past this configured time. The default is 31d and we recommend leaving the default unless the vendor specifically states their data retention policy. You can configure this setting between the window size and 365d.
HTTP Response Log Ingest Configuration

Select the format of the data returned by the vendor and configure how the source should break down the response into into individual logs with the correct timestamp.

JSON with JPath​

Use this option when the vendor API returns a JSON document with an array of log data somewhere inside the document. You will need to add one or more log location configurations telling the source where the array log are and how to parse their timestamps. In most cases, the vendor will only provide one array of log data and you only need to configure this once.

The source follows the JSON Path standard defined here.

Logs JPath. Provide the JPath to the location of the array of individual logs you want to ingest into Sumo Logic starting at the root of the JSON response. The destination of this path must be an array.

Timestamp JPath. Provide the JPath to the log timestamp, starting within an individual log. The source will use current time if this field is not populated.

Timestamp Format. Provide the timestamp format the logs use in the Go programming language format. See our time formatting section for more details.

JSON with JPath Examples

Vendor API JSON Response Example
"meta": {
"trace": "1234567890",
"error": false
"events": [
"id": 45345,
"ts": "2024-02-01T16:07:54Z",
"type": "security",
"msg": "some security event details"
"id": 45346,
"ts": "2024-02-01T16:07:57Z",
"type": "security",
"msg": "some other security event details"
"pagination": {
"nextUrl": ""
Logs JPath$.events[*]
Timestamp JPath$.ts
Timestamp Format2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00
Vendor API JSON Response Example with Only Logs
"id": 45345,
"ts": "2024-02-01T16:07:54.512Z",
"type": "security",
"msg": "some security event details"
"id": 45346,
"ts": "2024-02-01T16:07:57.452Z",
"type": "security",
"msg": "some other security event details"
Logs JPath$[*]
Timestamp JPath$.ts
Timestamp Format2006-01-02T15:04:05.999Z07:00

Select how the source should handle pagination.

Use this type of pagination if the vendor API provides a next URL in the response in the format <URL>; rel="next" outlined in RFC 8288. Choose where in the vendor API response this next link is provided.

Headers. The source will look through all of the Link HTTP response headers from the vendor API and find the next url in the described format.

Body. The source expects a JSON response body and you will need to provide the Next Page URL JPath as part of this configuration pointing the source to the location of the next link. JPath is the standard used by the source.

Continuation Token​

Use this type of pagination if the vendor API provides a continuation token in the header or the response body. This pagination will continue until the API returns an empty string for a continuation token. Choose where the vendor API uses the continuation token in the HTTP request Headers or Parameters, and you can customize the key names if needed.

Headers. The source will search for a provided key in the response headers from the vendor API to locate the continuation token.

Body. The source expects a JSON response body, and you will need to provide the Next Page Continuation Token JPath as part of this configuration, directing the source to the location of the continuation token. JPath is the standard used by the source.

Numeric Offset​

Use this type of pagination if the vendor API uses a numeric limit and offset value to paginate through the data. This pagination will keep paginating (increasing the offset) until the API returns a response with results less than the limit value. You can use the limit/offset key names in the HTTP request Headers or Parameters and you can customize the key names if needed.

Here is an example of the pagination using the values as parameters:

  1. api/v1/events?limit=100
  2. api/v1/events?offset=100&limit=100
  3. api/v1/events?offset=200&limit=100
  4. api/v1/events?offset=300&limit=100

Page Based​

Use this type of pagination if the vendor API uses a numeric pageSize and pageNumber to paginate through the data. This pagination will continue (by increasing the pageNumber) until the API returns a result less than the pageSize. You can use the pageSize/pageNumber key names in the HTTP request Headers or Parameters, and customize the key names if required. You can also specify the initial pageNumber supported by the vendor.

Here is an example of the pagination using values as parameters:

  1. api/v1/events?pageNumber=1&pageSize=100
  2. api/v1/events?pageNumber=2&pageSize=100
  3. api/v1/events?pageNumber=3&pageSize=100


Use this type of pagination if the vendor API does not implement any kind of pagination.

HTTP Client Options

You can adjust some options specific to the HTTP client used to make calls to the vendor API. Follow the vendor's recommendations any of these settings.


The client will automatically handle HTTP 429 response status codes that include the Retry-After response header and back off as instructed by the vendor API.

HTTP TimeoutHow long the source allows the HTTP connection to live before closing it and setting the health to a context deadline exceeded timeout error. This time includes receiving the server response and downloading all of the data returned in the response body. The default is 5m.
HTTP Client RetriesThe source will automatically retry without waiting for the next poll interval this many times for some temporary service errors such as a 500 Internal Server. If not specified, the default value 5 will be used.
Rate Limit RequestsThe number of HTTP requests the source is allowed to make within the Rate Limit Duration. The default is 1000 requests.
Rate Limit DurationThe amount of time the source is allowed to make HTTP request to the vendor API using the Rate Limit Requests. The default is 1m
Rate Limit BurstThe number of requests the source is allowed to burst. The default is 1000. Set this value to 1 to disable bursting.
  1. (Optional) Polling Interval. Set how frequently to poll for new data. It must be between 5 minutes and 48 hours
  2. When you are finished configuring the Source, click Save.

JSON schema​

Sources can be configured using UTF-8 encoded JSON files with the Collector Management API. See Use JSON to Configure Sources for details.

schemaRefJSON Object{"type":"Universal Connector"}YesDefine the specific schema type.
sourceTypeString"Universal Connector"YesType of source.
configJSON ObjectConfiguration objectYesSource type specific values.

Configuration Object​

nameStringYesnullType a desired name of the source. The name must be unique per Collector. This value is assigned to the metadata field _source."mySource"
descriptionStringNonullType a description of the source."Testing source"
categoryStringNonullType a category of the source. This value is assigned to the metadata field _sourceCategory. See best practices for details."mySource/test"
parserPathStringNonullThe path to a parser name
fieldsJSON ObjectNonullJSON map of key-value fields (metadata) to apply to the Collector or Source. Use the boolean field _siemForward to enable forwarding to SIEM.{"_siemForward": false, "fieldA": "valueA"}
authCategoryStringYes"Basic"One of currently supported authentication types."Basic", "ApiKey", "Bearer", "OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials", "NoAuth"
authBasicUsernameStringNonullThe HTTP basic authentication username."collection-user"
authBasicPasswordStringNonullThe HTTP basic authentication password.
authLocationStringYes"headers"The location to include the HTTP authentication information."headers", "parameters"
authKeyNameStringYes"Authorization"The key name used to provide the authentication secret."Authorization", "X-API-Key"
authKeyValueStringYesnullThe authentication secret value used for the authKeyName key.
authKeyValuePrefixStringNonullAn optional non-secret text prefix prepended to the authKeyValue secret."SSWS"
authBearerTokenStringYesnullThe authentication bearer secret token.
oauthClientIdStringYesnullYour OAuth API client id.
oauthClientSecretStringYesnullYour OAuth API client secret.
oauthTokenUrlStringYesnullYour OAuth API token URL.
oauthScopesJSON ObjectNonullOne or more OAuth scopes.
oauthParamsJSON ObjectNonullOne or more optional HTTP request parameters when calling the OAuth API token URL.
requestMethodStringYesGETThe HTTP method used in the request."GET", "POST"
requestEndpointStringYesnullThe API endpoint URL excluding the URL parameters.""
requestHeadersJSON ObjectNonullAny HTTP request headers to include."requestHeaders": [{"headerName": "Accept", "headerValue": "application/json"}, {"headerName": "Content-Type", "headerValue": "application/json"}]
requestParamsJSON ObjectNonullAny HTTP URL parameters to include."requestParams": [{"paramName": "limit", "paramValue": "1000"}, {"paramName": "since", "paramValue": "{{ .WindowStartUTC \"2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00\" }}"}, {"paramName": "until", "paramValue": "{{ .WindowEndUTC \"2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00\" }}"}
requestBodyStringNonullThe data to include in the HTTP request body if the POST method is used.
progressTypeStringYes"window"Select the type of progression the source will use to prevent data loss and duplication."progressionType": "window"
progressWindowSizeStringYes"5m"The size of the time window."windowSize": "5m"
progressWindowInitLookbackStringYes"24h"How far back the source should start collecting data when created. This setting has no affect after the initial creation."windowInitialLookback": "24h"
progressWindowMaxLookbackStringYes"31d"How far the window is allowed to stagnate when encountering repetitive errors."windowMaxLookback": "31d"
responseLogsTypeStringYes"json"How the source should ingest logs from the response."json"
responseLogsJsonPathsJSON ObjectYesnullThe location of logs to ingest in the JSON response and how to handle event timestamps. See full documentation for details.[{"logsPath": "$[*]", "logTimestampPath": "$.published", "logTimestampFormat": "2006-01-02T15:04:05.999Z"}]
paginationTypeStringYes"LinkHeaders"Pagination type LinkHeaders, Offset, or None"LinkHeaders", "None"
paginationLinkHeadersTypeStringYes"headers"Configures if the next page URL is included in the Link HTTP response header or in the response body."headers", "body"
paginationLinkHeadersJPathStringNonullA JSON Path to the appropriate body property
paginationOffsetLocationStringNoparametersThe location in the HTTP request to use the numeric offset pagination key/value pairs
paginationOffsetKeyStringNooffsetThe key name for the offset to use in the HTTP request headers or parameters
paginationOffsetLimitKeyStringNolimitThe key name for the limit to use in the HTTP request headers or parameters
paginationOffsetLimitValueIntegerNo5000The limit value to use to restrict the results per page"$"
clientTimeoutDurationStringYes"5m"How long the source allows the HTTP connection to live before closing it and setting the health to a timeout error."5m"
clientTimeoutRetriesIntegerYes5The source will automatically retry without waiting for the next poll interval this many times for some errors such as 500 Internal Server.5
clientRateLimitReqsIntegerYes1000The number of HTTP requests the source is allowed to make within the rate limit duration.1000
clientRateLimitDurationStringYes"1m"The duration the rate limit requests, must be between 1s and 1h."1m"
clientRateLimitBurstIntegerYes1000The number of requests the source is allowed to burst.1000
pollingIntervalStringYes"5m"Set how frequently to poll for new data. It must be between 5 minutes and 48 hours."5m"

Template Dynamic Values​

The source has the ability to template in dynamic text into the values of certain fields providing flexibility in crafting the HTTP requests sent to the vendor API.

The following fields values are allowed to access dynamic text from the template functions described in this section:

  • HTTP Request Header Values
  • HTTP Request Parameter Values
  • HTTP Request Body

To start using the template with one of the supported config values listed above, you will need to enclose the template logic inside double curly braces {{}}. Any text outside these double curly braces will be treated as normal unmodified text.

Here are some syntax examples calling functions with and without arguments:

Template Syntax Examples
{{ .FunctionName }}
{{ .FunctionName "string argument 1" }}
{{ .FunctionName "string argument 1" "string argument 2" }}

Available Template Functions


This function will template in the start timestamp of the source window when source is configured to use the Time Window progression. The timestamp will always use UTC time and never adjust for a specific timezone.

The syntax for this function requires a timestamp format as a single argument. See the Timestamp Formatting section for more information on how to format the timestamp.

{{ .WindowStartUTC "<timestamp format>" }}
Template ExampleOutput
{{ .WindowStartUTC "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z" }}2024-03-07T20:15:56Z
{{ .WindowStartUTC "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ" }}2024-03-07T20:15:56Z
{{ .WindowStartUTC "2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999Z07:00" }}2024-03-07T20:15:56.905571Z
{{ .WindowStartUTC "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSSSSZ" }}2024-03-07T20:15:56.905571Z
greaterThan:{{ .WindowStartUTC "2006-01-02T15:04:05.999Z07:00" }}greaterThan:2024-03-07T20:15:56.905Z
greaterThan:{{ .WindowStartUTC "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ" }}greaterThan:2024-03-07T20:15:56.905Z


This function is the same as WindowStartUTC except it has an additional argument to specify the timezone location.

Best Practice

We strongly recommend you always use WindowStartUTC instead of WindowStartLocation. Most vendors support and expect UTC timestamps when using their APIs.

Refer to the TZ identifier for specifying the time zone in the first argument and refer to the Timestamp Formatting section for more information on how to format the timestamp.

{{ .WindowStartLocation "<time zone location>" "<timestamp format>" }}
Template ExampleOutput
{{ .WindowStartLocation "US/Eastern" "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z" }}2024-03-07T15:15:56-05:00
{{ .WindowStartLocation "US/Eastern" "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ" }}2024-03-07T15:15:56-05:00
{{ .WindowStartLocation "US/Pacific" "2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999Z07:00" }}2024-03-07T12:15:56.905-08:00
{{ .WindowStartLocation "US/Pacific" "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSSSSZ" }}2024-03-07T12:15:56.905-08:00
greaterThan:{{ .WindowStartLocation "Europe/Berlin" "2006-01-02T15:04:05.999Z07:00" }}greaterThan:2024-03-07T21:15:56.905+01:00
greaterThan:{{ .WindowStartLocation "Europe/Berlin" "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ" }}greaterThan:2024-03-07T21:15:56.905+01:00


This function will template in the end timestamp of the source window when source is configured to use the Time Window progression. The timestamp will always use UTC time and never adjust for a specific timezone.

The syntax for this function requires a timestamp format as a single argument. Refer to the Timestamp Formatting section for more information on how to format the timestamp.

{{ .WindowEndUTC "<timestamp format>" }}
Template ExampleOutput
{{ .WindowEndUTC "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z" }}2024-03-07T20:15:56Z
{{ .WindowEndUTC "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ" }}2024-03-07T20:15:56Z
{{ .WindowEndUTC "2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999Z07:00" }}2024-03-07T20:15:56.905571Z
{{ .WindowEndUTC "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSSSSZ" }}2024-03-07T20:15:56.905571Z
{{ .WindowEndUTC "epoch" }}1709842556
{{ .WindowEndUTC "epochMilli" }}1709842556000
lessThan:{{ .WindowEndUTC "2006-01-02T15:04:05.999Z07:00" }}lessThan:2024-03-07T20:15:56.905Z
lessThan:{{ .WindowEndUTC "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ" }}lessThan:2024-03-07T20:15:56.905Z


This function is the same as WindowEndUTC except it has an additional argument to specify the timezone location.

Best Practice

We strongly recommend you always use WindowEndUTC instead of WindowEndLocation. Most vendors support and expect UTC timestamps when using their APIs.

Refer to the TZ identifier for specifying the time zone in the first argument and refer to the Timestamp Formatting section for more information on how to format the timestamp.

{{ .WindowEndLocation "<time zone location>" "<timestamp format>" }}
Template ExampleOutput
{{ .WindowEndLocation "US/Eastern" "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z" }}2024-03-07T15:15:56-05:00
{{ .WindowEndLocation "US/Eastern" "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ" }}2024-03-07T15:15:56-05:00
{{ .WindowEndLocation "US/Pacific" "2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999Z07:00" }}2024-03-07T12:15:56.905-08:00
{{ .WindowEndLocation "US/Pacific" "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSSSSZ" }}2024-03-07T12:15:56.905-08:00
lessThan:{{ .WindowEndLocation "Europe/Berlin" "2006-01-02T15:04:05.999Z07:00" }}lessThan:2024-03-07T21:15:56.905+01:00
lessThan:{{ .WindowEndLocation "Europe/Berlin" "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ" }}lessThan:2024-03-07T21:15:56.905+01:00

Timestamp Formatting​

The source uses the Go programming language timestamp formatting and the Human-readable timestamp formatting. See the table below for references and examples.

Best Practice

We recommend using this code snippet as a quick way to locally test timestamp parsing with a format before configuring the source.

Format Reference​

Date FormatReference ValueHuman Readable Referencce Value
Month Full NameJanuary-
Month Abbreviated NameJanMMM
Month Zero Leading Number01MM
Month Number1-
Day Zero Leading Number02dd
Day Number2-
Day Weekday Full NameMonday-
Day Weekday Abbreviated NameMon-
24 Hour Zero Leading Number15HH
12 Hour Zero Leading Number03-
12 Hour Number3-
Minute Zero Leading Number04mm
Minute Number4-
Second Zero Leading Number05ss
Second Number5-
Fractional Seconds.999 Milliseconds, .999999 Microseconds, .999999999 Nanoseconds.SSS Milliseconds, .SSSSSS Microseconds, .SSSSSSSSS Nanoseconds`
AM/PM UppercasePMa
AM/PM Lowercasepmaa
Timezone Offset without Colon Use Z for UTCZ0700Z
Timezone Offset with Colon Use Z for UTCZ07:00Z
Timezone Offset without Colon-0700-HHmm
Timezone Offset with Colon-07:00-HH:mm
Timezone Abbreviated NameMSTzzz

Format Examples​

StandardTimestamp in LogTimestamp Format
RFC 33392024-02-01T16:07:57Z2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00
RFC 33392024-02-01T16:07:57Zyyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ
RFC 3339 Nano Seconds2024-02-01T16:07:57.541468757Z2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999999Z07:00
RFC 3339 Nano Seconds2024-02-01T16:07:57.541468757Zyyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSSSSSSSZ
Epoch in Milliseconds1706803677000epochMilli



Click here for more information about Cloud-to-Cloud sources.

What if I want to query multiple HTTP endpoints?
You will need to create a new source per endpoint for the data you wish to collect, even if the endpoint is within the same API.
Can I transform the data collected?
No, this source only collects the data. You can use the Sumo Logic platform features to parse/transform the data further after collection.
What timestamp is used for the data?
If you leave the time parsing configuration blank, it will cause the source to use current time for the collected logs. Be sure to configure the HTTP response log ingestion configuration section to ensure time parsing is correctly handled. The source will enter an error health status if time parsing is configured and is unsuccessful.
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