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JSON Parameters for Installed Sources

This topic describes JSON Source parameters for installed Collectors. For more information about configuring sources in JSON files, and how to configure Sumo to read the JSON files, see Local Configuration File Management.


JSON files need to be UTF-8 encoded following RFC 8259.

Source types for installed collectors

Each Source can have its own unique fields in addition to the generic fields listed in Use JSON to configure sources. The sourceType field determines the type of Source (and the associated parameters). The next table lists the valid field types. The sections that follow list the unique parameters for each and associated JSON examples.

Log source parameters for installed collectors

Field TypeType Value
Local File SourceLocalFile
Remote File SourceRemoteFileV2
Local Windows Event Log SourceLocalWindowsEventLog
Remote Windows Event Log SourceRemoteWindowsEventLog
Local Windows Performance SourceLocalWindowsPerfMon
Remote Windows Performance SourceRemoteWindowsPerfMon
Windows Active Directory Inventory SourceActiveDirectory
Syslog SourceSyslog
Script SourceScript
Docker Log SourceDockerLog
Docker Stats SourceDockerStats

Local file source

In addition to the common parameters, the following parameters are for local file source. 

sourceTypeStringYesLocalFilenot modifiable
pathExpressionStringYesA valid path expression (full path) of the file to collect. For files on Windows systems (not including Windows Events, enter the absolute path including the drive letter. Escape special characters and spaces with a backslash [\]. If you are collecting from Windows using CIFS/SMB, see Prerequisites for Windows Log Collection. Use a single asterisk wildcard [*] for file or folder names. Example: [var/foo/*.log]. Use two asterisks [**] to recurse within directories and subdirectories. Example: [var/**/*.log].modifiable
denylistString ArrayNo[ ]Comma-separated list of valid path expressions from which logs will not be collected. Example: ["/var/log/**/*.bak","/var/oldlog/*.log"]modifiable
encodingStringNoUTF-8Defines the encoding form. Default is "UTF-8"; options include "UTF-16"; "UTF-16BE"; "UTF-16LE".modifiable

Local File Source JSON example with cutoffTimestamp:


Remote file source

In addition to the common parameters, the following parameters are for remote file source.

sourceTypeStringYes RemoteFileV2not modifiable
remoteHostsListYes Host name of remote machine. Make sure to enclose IP addresses in brackets. Example: ["","", ""].modifiable
remotePortIntYes Port of remote machine (SSH)modifiable
remoteUserStringYes User account to connect to the remote machine.modifiable
remotePasswordStringYes Password used to connect to remote machine. Required only when authMethod is set to "password".modifiable
keyPathStringYes Path to SSH key used to connect to the remote machine. Required only when authMethod is set to "key".modifiable
keyPasswordStringNoNullPassword to SSH key to connect to the remote machine, required only with authMethod is set to "password".modifiable
pathExpressionStringYes Path expression of the files to collect.modifiable
authMethodStringYes Authentication method used to connect to the remote machine. Options are "password" to connect with a password or "key" to connect with an SSH key.modifiable
denylistListNo[ ]List of valid path expression to skip. Default is [ ].modifiable

Remote file source JSON example:


Local Windows event log source

In addition to the common parameters, except hostName, the following parameters are for local Windows event log source. The Source Host (_sourceHost) value is parsed and applied to your event logs automatically. The value is parsed from the field Computer in your event logs.

sourceTypeStringYes LocalWindowsEventLognot modifiable
logNamesListYes List of Windows log types to collect. For example, "Security" or "Application". To obtain the list of available logs on a given machine, use the PowerShell command Get-WinEvent -ListLog * or the legacy command wevtutil el. We do not support "Analytic" or "Debug" ETW logs.modifiable
renderMessagesBooleanNo, only applicable to the legacy format.trueWhen using legacy format, this indicates if full event messages are collected (true) or just core event built-in metadata (false).modifiable
eventFormatIntegerNo0Sets how you want your event logs formatted.
Use 0 for the legacy format. Where events retain their default XML format from Windows.
Use 1 for JSON format. Where events are formatted into JSON that is designed to work with Sumo Logic features, making it easier for you to reference your data.
eventMessageIntegerYes if eventFormat is 0. Use 0 for the complete message. It will ingest the entire event content along with metadata.
Use 1 for the message title. It will ingest the first line of event messages along with all of the metadata.
Use 2 for metadata only. It will ingest metadata fields from each event, including event ID and timestamp.
allowlistString arrayNo Available in Collector version 19.351-4 and later. You can set allow and deny Windows Event ID filters to only collect important events. We recommend only using one at a time. Your list needs to be a comma-separated list of event IDs.modifiable
denylistString arrayNo Available in Collector version 19.351-4 and later. You can set allow and deny Windows Event ID filters to only collect important events. We recommend only using one at a time. Your list needs to be a comma-separated list of event IDs.modifiable

Local Windows event log source JSON example:


Remote Windows event log source

In addition to the common parameters, except hostName, the following parameters are for remote Windows event log source. The Source Host (_sourceHost) value is parsed and applied to your event logs automatically. The value is parsed from the field Computer in your event logs.

sourceTypeStringYesRemoteWindowsEventLognot modifiable
domainStringYesWindows domain from which logs will be created.modifiable
usernameStringYesUsername needed to connect to the remote machine.modifiable
passwordStringYesPassword needed to connect to the remote machine.modifiable
hostsListYesList of hosts to collect from.modifiable
logNamesListYesList of Windows log types collected.modifiable
logNamesListYes List of Windows log types to collect. For example, "Security" or "Application". To obtain the list of available logs on a given machine, use the PowerShell command Get-WinEvent -ListLog * or the legacy command wevtutil el. We do not support "Analytic" or "Debug" ETW logs.modifiable
renderMessagesBooleanNo, only applicable to the legacy format.trueWhen using legacy format, this indicates if full event messages are collected (true) or just core event built-in metadata (false).modifiable
eventFormatIntegerNo0Sets how you want your event logs formatted.
Use 0 for the legacy format. Where events retain their default XML format from Windows.
Use 1 for JSON format. Where events are formatted into JSON that is designed to work with Sumo Logic features, making it easier for you to reference your data.
eventMessageIntegerYes if eventFormat is 0. Use 0 for the complete message. It will ingest the entire event content along with metadata.
Use 1 for the message title. It will ingest the first line of event messages along with all of the metadata.
Use 2 for metadata only. It will ingest metadata fields from each event, including event ID and timestamp.
allowlistString arrayNo Available in Collector version 19.351-4 and later. You can set allow and deny Windows Event ID filters to only collect important events. We recommend only using one at a time. Your list needs to be a comma-separated list of event IDs.modifiable
denylistString arrayNo Available in Collector version 19.351-4 and later. You can set allow and deny Windows Event ID filters to only collect important events. We recommend only using one at a time. Your list needs to be a comma-separated list of event IDs.modifiable

Remote Windows event log source JSON example:


Local Windows performance source 

In addition to the common parameters, the following parameters are for local Windows performance source.

sourceTypeStringYes LocalWindowsPerfMonnot modifiable
wmiQueriesListYes List of queries to be executed. Each query is an object with two fields: name and querymodifiable

Example response:

"query":"select * from Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_Processor"
"query":"select * from NonExistence"

Remote Windows performance source 

In addition to the common parameters, the following parameters are for remote Windows performance source.

sourceTypeStringYesRemoteWindowsPerformancenot modifiable
domainStringYesWindows domain from which logs will be created.modifiable
remoteUserStringYesUser name needed to connect to the remote machine. 
remotePasswordStringYesPassword needed to connect to the remote machine. 
remoteHostsListYesList of hosts to collect from. 
wmiQueriesListYesList of queries to be executed. Each query in an object with two fields: name and query 

Remote Windows performance source JSON example:

"query":"select * from Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_Processor"
"query":"select * from NonExistence"

Windows performance metric example

This example shows how to use WMI queries to collect performance metrics from Windows systems.

"name":"Windows Performance",
"query":"select * from Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_Processor"
"name":"Logical Disk",
"query":"select * from Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfDisk_LogicalDisk"
"name":"Physical Disk",
"query":"select * from Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfDisk_PhysicalDisk"
"query":"select * from Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_Memory"
"query":"select * from Win32_PerfFormattedData_Tcpip_NetworkInterface"

Windows Active Directory Inventory Source 

In addition to the common parameters, the following parameters are for a Windows Active Directory Inventory Source.

sourceTypeStringYesActiveDirectorynot modifiable
nameSuffixesStringNoSemi-colon separated list of Distinguished Name suffixes. When set, the source won't ingest any records that contain the Distinguished Name suffixes specified.modifiable
filterStringNoSpecifies a filter to use when searching for Domain Objects in Active Directory.modifiable
additionalAttrStringNoSemi-colon separated list of the LDAP Names of Active Directory attributes to report, in addition to the default list.modifiable
excludedAttrStringNoSemi-colon separated list of the LDAP Names of Active Directory attributes to be excluded from the report.modifiable
intervalIntegerNoSeconds to check for new data. By default, Active Directory is queried for data every 24 hours. You can select a more frequent interval down to every minute.modifiable

Windows Active Directory Inventory Source JSON example:



Syslog source

Syslog Sources do not support Multiline Detection, which means the common parameters multilineProcessingEnabled, useAutolineMatching and manualPrefixRegexp are not applicable. If you provide these in the Syslog Source configuration they are ignored.


Syslog sources break a syslog message on each newline character and send each line as individual messages to the service.

sourceTypeStringYes Syslognot modifiable
protocolStringYes Protocol that syslog should use.  Both UDP and TCP are supported.modifiable
portIntegerYes Port that syslog should use to connect to the machine.  Recommended ports: 514 or 1514modifiable

Syslog source JSON example: 


Script source

In addition to the common parameters, the following parameters are for script source.

sourceTypeStringYes Scriptnot modifiable
commandsListYes[ ]List of command line arguments.modifiable
fileStringNonullPath to script file to runmodifiable
workingDirStringNonullWorking directory for commands/script.modifiable
timeoutLongNo0Script timeout (in milliseconds). By default, this is set to 0.modifiable
scriptStringNonullScript contents (if no file is provided).modifiable
cronExpressionStringYes Schedule for running the script. Must be a valid Quartz cron expression.modifiable

Script Source JSON Example: 

"cronExpression":"0 * * * *"

Docker log source

In addition to the common parameters, the following parameters are for Docker log source.

sourceTypeStringYes DockerLog 
uriStringYes URI of the Docker daemon.modifiable
specifiedContainersList Comma-separated list of Docker containers. Collection will be only from running containers.  If the list contains stopped containers, the source can start collecting from these containers if they are started later. For advanced container filtering options, see More about defining container filters.modifiable
allContainersBooleanYes Flag indicating whether the Source includes all running containers (true) or only the containers listed in specifiedContainers (false).modifiable
certPathString* Enter the path to the cert files on the local machine where the Collector is running. Required if the URI uses HTTPS.modifiable
collectEventsBooleanYes Must be set to true to collect the Docker logs. 

Example source JSON with all containers:


Example source JSON with specified containers:


Docker stats source

In addition to the common parameters, the following parameters are for Docker stats source.

sourceTypeStringYesDockerStatsnot modifiable
contentTypeStringNoIf value is empty or does not exist, it’s a json-based source, if value is “DockerMetrics”, it’s a metrics source.modifiable
metricsStringArrayNoAll metrics List of metrics to be collected. Each metric is an object with two fields, category and metric. For a full list of available metrics, see Docker metrics definitions. When omitted, all available host metrics will be collected.modifiable
uriStringYesURI of the Docker daemon.modifiable
specifiedContainersListComma-separated list of Docker containers. Collection will be only from running containers. If the list contains stopped containers, the source can start collecting from these containers if they are started later. For advanced container filtering options, see More about defining container filters.modifiable
allContainersBooleanYesFlag indicating whether the Source includes all running containers (true) or only the containers listed in specifiedContainers (false).modifiable
certPathString*Enter the path to the cert files on the local machine where the Collector is running. Required if the URI uses HTTPS.modifiable
pollIntervalLongNoContinuous (By default, polling occurs continuously, rather than on a periodic basis.)The frequency, in milliseconds, at which stats are polled. The minimum acceptable polling frequency is 1 second.modifiable

Example source JSON with all containers:

"sourceType":"DockerStats" }

Example source JSON to collect metrics:

"metrics":[{"category":"CPU", "metric":"cpu_usage.percpu_usage"},{"category":"Memory", "metric":"usage"}],

Metric source parameters for installed collectors

Field TypeType Value
Host metrics SourceSystemStats
Streaming Metrics SourceStreamingMetrics

Host metrics source 

The following parameters are for a host metrics source. 

nameStringYesType a desired name of the Source. The name must be unique per Collector. This value is assigned to the built-in metadata field _source.modifiable
descriptionStringNonullType a description of the Source.modifiable
categoryStringNonullType a category of the source. This value is assigned to the metadata field _sourceCategory. See best practices for details.modifiable
sourceTypeStringYesSystemStatsnot modifiable
metricsString ArrayNoall metricsComma-separated list of metrics to collect. Example: "metrics" : ["CPU_User", "CPU_Sys", "Mem_Used"] For a full list of available metrics, see Host Metrics Source. When omitted, all available host metrics will be collected.modifiable
interval (ms)IntegerYesTime interval in milliseconds of the metrics collection. We recommend 60 second granularity (60000). The Sumo Logic UI offers some pre-defined values (10s, 15s, 30s, 1m, 5m).modifiable
hostNameStringNoHost from which the metrics are collected.modifiable

Host metrics source JSON example: 

"api.version": "v1",
"sources": [{
"sourceType" : "SystemStats",
"name" : "Host_Metrics",
"interval" : 60000,
"hostName" : "my_host",
"metrics" : ["CPU_User", "CPU_Sys", "Mem_Used"]

Streaming metrics source 

The following parameters are for a streaming metrics source.


The streaming metrics source can receive Prometheus data as long as that data is pushed to it. This source cannot scrape Prometheus exporters. For that, we suggesting using Telegraf.

Graphite contentType JSON example: 


Additional information

See the following topics for additional information:

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