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January 03, 2024 - Application Update

Changes and Enhancements

  • Playbooks: UserChoice nodes can be handled now from Slack workspace (see documentation).

Cloud SOAR

  • New privilege "Api Admin": Enabling this privilege in Log Analytics Platform will allow user to handle incident operations without being involved directly as investigator.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed black screen when opening a Cloud SOAR or Automation Service URL with invalid session.
  • Playbooks:
    • Fixed: Parameters not being passed to nested playbooks.
    • Fixed: Configuration loss after being installed from App Central.
    • Placeholder TextArea with < and > that were converted in "spaces" in HTML.

Cloud SOAR

  • Groups: Fixed member removal that could result in broken requests.
  • Playbooks:
    • TextArea fixed placeholder view for Artifacts fields.
    • Incident ID placeholder available in node configuration.

Automation Service

  • Playbooks: Start node parameters fixed by using a “.” or a "space" in parameter names that were converted into _.
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