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January 30, 2024 - Application Update

Changes and Enhancements

  • Added public help document for supported integrations. See Integrations in App Central.
  • Integrations: Added possibility to rename an integration keeping original reference in YAML.
  • Playbooks:
    • List view set as default. View changes are saved in user preferences.
    • Deprecated Nested attribute.
    • Added possibility to dynamically reference a resource in actions.
  • Automation now tracks failed actions executions.

Cloud SOAR

  • Playbooks: Fixed insight execution for nested playbooks with more than 2 nesting levels.
  • Rules: Added ability to change the Daemon Name or Integration Resource within an existing automation rule.

Bug fixes

  • Email encoding a character to UTF8 for literal string fixed.
  • Playbooks:
    • Unable to use variable fields with quotes in text area fixed.
    • Fixed playbook inputs not visible in TextArea placeholder.
    • Resolved scheduled action execution issue with playbook status.

Cloud SOAR

  • Incidents:
    • Fixed war room export for updated tasks.
    • Fixed possibility to copy table contents in Notes description field.
    • Incident creation: Fixed infinite spinner in Automation tab.
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