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Atlassian Jira


Version: 1.7
Updated: Mar 29, 2024

This integration is built specifically for Jira OnPrem (Server and Data Center) and provides a range of issue management capabilities.


  • Add Comment (Notification) - Adds a new comment to an issue.
  • Create Issue (Notification) - Creates a new issue in the specified Jira project.
  • Delete Issue (Containment) - Deletes the specified issue.
  • Get Attachments (Enrichment) - Retrieves attachments from an issue and stores them in Cloud SOAR.
  • Get Issue (Enrichment) - Returns an issue in JSON format.
  • Jira Issues Daemon (Daemon) - Automatically pulls issues from the specified project.
  • List Comments (Enrichment) - Returns all comments for an issue.
  • List Fields (Enrichment) - Returns a list of all fields, both System and Custom.
  • List Issue Types (Enrichment) - Returns a list of all issue types visible to the user.
  • List Projects (Enrichment) - Returns all projects which are visible for the currently logged-in user.
  • List Statuses (Enrichment) - Get all issue types with valid status values for a project.
  • List Transitions (Enrichment) - Get a list of the transitions possible for this issue by the current user.
  • Search (Enrichment) - Searches for issues using JQL.
  • Update Issue (Notification) - Edits an issue.
  • Update Issue Status (Notification) - Perform a transition on an issue.


Ticketing System

Change Log

  • June 3, 2019 - First upload
  • April 5, 2021 - New actions added
  • June 3, 2021 - New action added
  • June 24, 2022 - New actions added:
    • Get Issue
    • Monitor Issue Status
  • August 02, 2022 - Updated action: Create Issue (update the description field to support the new line)
  • August 02, 2022 - New action added:
    • Get Issue Comments
  • January 24, 2023
    • added hint for Host
    • solved issue for which the integration test will throw an error if no value for timeout is provided
    • set the timeout field as not required
  • July 18, 2023 (v1.4) - Updated the integration with Environmental Variables
  • January 9, 2024 (v1.5)
    • New Logo
    • The following actions have been renamed:
      • Add Comment To Issue: Add Comment
      • Add Issue Attachments To Incident: Get Attachments
      • Get Issue Comments: List Comments
      • List Issue Fields: List Fields
      • List Issue Status: List Statuses
      • List Project: List Projects
      • Search Into Issues Jira: Search
      • Set Issue Status: Update Issue Status
    • Please note that this update introduces BREAKING CHANGES: both the output mapping and some input fields have been revised and updated.
  • February 14, 2024 (v1.6)
    • Enhanced "Create Issue" and "Update Issue" actions to support Jira custom fields
  • March 29, 2024 (v1.7)
    • Create Issue Action updated to allow new lines in the description field
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