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2018 Archive


This is an archive of the 2018 Sumo Logic Service Release Notes. To view the full Service Release Notes archive, click here.

December 20, 2018 (Metrics)

Need more metric monitors? You asked, we answered. We've increased the number metric monitors you can create from 50 to 300.

December 12, 2018 (Apps)

New - The Sumo Logic App for PagerDuty V2 collects incident messages from your PagerDuty account via a webhook, and displays incident data in pre-configured Dashboards that allow you to monitor and analyze the activity of your PagerDuty account and Services. The Sumo Logic App for PagerDuty V2 uses Webhooks V2, to provide enhanced context for alert object models.


December 12, 2018 (Operators)

New - You can use the isPrivateIP and isPublicIP operators to determine if an IPv4 address is private or public.

New - You can use the isValidIP operator to check if a string is a valid IP address.

December 4, 2018 (Collection)

New - Searching for Collectors and Sources is now easier. You can filter search results by Installed or Hosted Collectors. See Search for a Collector or Source for details.

November 30, 2018 (Apps)

New - The Sumo Logic App for VMware ULM uses unified logs and metrics (ULM) from the VMware cloud computing virtualization platform to enable monitoring of vCenter, ESXi hosts and individual virtual machines metrics with real-time date displayed in predefined dashboards.

The dashboards provide insight into key events and metrics such as VM CPU, memory, disk utilization, under-provisioned physical hosts, and idle VMs. This enables you to determine capacity constraints and troubleshoot operational issues related to over-provisioning, changes to configuration, and VM movement.


November 28, 2018 (Apps)

New - The Sumo Logic App for AWS Security Hub leverages findings data from Security Hub and visually displays security state data in Dashboards. The dashboards provide a high-level view of findings, showing the type, when they occurred, the resources that were affected, their severity, and their distribution, showing the current security and compliance status of an aws account from all sources.

AWS Security Hub is an AWS security service that provides a comprehensive view of your security state within AWS and your compliance with the security industry standards and best practices.


November 27, 2018 (Apps)

Update - An update to the Sumo Logic App Amazon VPC Flow Logs was released today. The updated app supports a new collection method. You can now Collect Amazon VPC Flow Logs using AWS S3 Source. The alternative Lambda-based collection method is enhanced: you can filter internal traffic logs, and customize your VPC flow logs with the following AWS attributes: vpc-id, subnet-id, aws-region, security-group-ids, and direction. The updated app also includes a new "Security Groups" dashboard.


November 20, 2018 (API Beta)

New - As part of our new API-centric development approach, we have several new APIs now available. Contact your sales rep to sign up to be one of our Beta Customers for the following APIs:

  • Connections
  • Content
  • Field Extraction Rules
  • Ingest Budgets
  • Partitions
  • Roles
  • Scheduled Views
  • Users

And the following APIs are coming soon:

  • Dashboards
  • Metrics Monitors

November 16, 2018 (Apps)

New - The Sumo Logic App for Amazon Aurora MySQL ULM(Migrated to Amazon RDS) is now available to help you to monitor slow queries executing on the database, the number of connections made, identify users and client hosts, and client locations used to connect to database. The app also provides insights for queries executed per second, CPU utilization, free memory, network utilization, volume read and write IOPS, replica lags, latency, throughput, failed login and connection attempts, and other health and performance related data.


New - The Sumo Logic App for Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL ULM (migrated to Amazon RDS) is now available to help you to monitor slow queries executing on the database, the number of connections made, identify users and client hosts, and client locations used to connect to database. The app also provides insights for queries executed per second, CPU utilization, free memory, network utilization, volume read and write IOPS, replica lags, latency, throughput, failed login and connection attempts, and other health and performance related data.


November 6, 2018 (Prometheus Metrics Source Support)

New - Sumo’s HTTP source now supports the Prometheus format, so you can ingest Prometheus metrics directly into Sumo Logic. We’ve also released a handy open source tool for sending Prometheus-formatted metrics to Sumo Logic.

Update - Keyboard shortcuts are disabled when typing in the search text box.

November 2, 2018 (Apps)

New - The Google Cloud Firewall app is now available to help you monitor request activity and the effect of your firewall rules. The preconfigured dashboards provide insight into ingress and egress request traffic, including the location of allowed and denied requests, allowed and denied requests over time, and the top networks, subnetworks, and VMs by allowed and denied ingress requests.


New - The Sumo Logic App for PostgreSQL is now available to help with monitoring your PostgreSQL database. The app provides operational insights into the PostgreSQL database—installed on your local hardware—for real time analysis. The app includes predefined searches and dashboards that allow you to monitor logs and metrics for the database. The logs enable you to monitor database activity, user activity, incoming connections, query execution time, and errors. The metrics allow you to monitor database resource utilization and throughput performance.


October 31, 2018 (Apps)

Update - An update to the Sumo Logic App for Kubernetes is now available. We updated the searches in the app to work around a bug in the FluentD Kubernetes Plugin. The updated app requires v2.0.0 of FluentD plugin.

Deprecated - The Sumo Logic App for Kubernetes was deprecated September 6, 2019, and replaced with the current Kubernetes App.

October 23, 2018 (Apps)

Update - An update to the Sumo Logic App for Linux is now available. The update includes fixes to capture failed login events for certain event formats, enhancements to support additional use cases for sudo failed attempts, and updated searches and dashboards.

October 23, 2018 (Browser Support)

Update - We now support the latest two versions of the following browsers:

  • Chrome latest two versions
  • Firefox latest two versions
  • Safari latest two versions
  • Microsoft Edge latest two versions

We still provide limited support for Microsoft Internet Explorer but due to the age of the browser we will only provide limited support and make best efforts to resolve reported defects. We recommend that you use one of the fully supported browsers.

October 23, 2018 (Webhooks)

New - Instead of sending the whole object, you can now specify one field within the object for webhook notifications from Metrics monitors. We provide a payload variable, AlertSource.fieldname, that returns the value from the AlertSource object for the specified field name.

New - To help you better organize data you pull from Sumo, we now allow you to add up to five key-value pairs in your webhook header.

October 23, 2018 (Library)

Update - Dashboards are displayed above searches when navigating the Library.

October 23, 2018 (Operators)

New - You can use the new isNumeric operator to check whether a string is a valid Java number.

October 17, 2018 (Apps)

Update - An update to the Sumo Logic App for Amazon GuardDuty was released today. We have a new log collection strategy. Instead of manually setting up event collection, now you can simply deploy a serverless application from the AWS Serverless repo. For more information, see Collect Logs For Amazon GuardDuty.

October 16, 2018

Cloud Flex is now generally available.


Effective March 2024, Cloud Flex is now our legacy account plan. Refer to our newer Sumo Logic Credits Accounts doc for the latest information.

October 10, 2018

Browser support has been updated. Sumo Logic supports the following web browser versions:

  • Chrome latest two versions

  • Firefox latest two versions

  • Safari latest two versions

  • Microsoft Edge version 13

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 11*

  • Due to age of browser we will only provide limited support and make best efforts to resolve reported defects. We recommend that you use one of the fully supported browsers.

October 9, 2018 (Logs-to-Metrics)

New - Logs-to-Metrics is now GA! Transform your logs into metrics for high performance analytics using our Logs-to-Metrics solution. Gain 13-month retention and up to 100x query performance by parsing out or creating metrics from log streams in real-time.

October 9, 2018 (SAML)

Update - The Sumo page for configuring SAML for SSO (Administration > Security > SAML) has a new option: Disable Requested Authn Context. If you check this option, Sumo will not include the optional RequestedAuthnContext element of the SAML AuthnRequests it sends to your Idp. This is useful if your IdP does not support the RequestedAuthnContext SAML element. If you use Azure Active Directory for SSO, you should check the Disable Requested Authn Context option to prevent the following error message:

SAML authentication request's RequestedAuthenticationContext's
Comparison value must be "exact"

October 9, 2018 (Metrics)

New - Metric Chart Sharing. After you run a metric query you can obtain a URL for the chart and send it to other users so that they can view the chart.


New - Queries in the web interface now preserve the case of search fields. For example, a query such as:

| count as HOSTFIELD by _sourceHost

preserves the case of the output field:


Update - Using lookup fields to provide parameters in Search Templates is now easier. Instead of typing the filename, you can select from a dropdown of available lookup files.


October 9, 2018 (Operators)

Update - The transpose operator now sorts columns in alphabetical order.

October 3, 2018

We launched a new Amazon Web Services (AWS) instance in the APAC region (Tokyo) to provide a holistic view of global data as well as its first regional partnership with Classmethod, to provide Japanese customers with local deployment, support and storage of mission critical data. See our press release for details.

September 27, 2018 (Apps)

New - The Sumo Logic App for Puppet provides insight into software configuration management activity in Puppet. You can use the app dashboards to monitor Puppet runs, resource updates, and the root cause of Puppet run issues.


September 26, 2018 (Apps)

New - The Sumo Logic App for Jira provides insight into Jira usage, request activity, issues, security, sprint events, and user events.


September 19, 2018 (Apps)

New - The Sumo Logic App for PCI Compliance for Palo Alto Networks was released today. The new app provides offers dashboards to monitor firewall traffic activity for compliance with PCI requirements 01, 02, and 04.


September 18, 2018 (Sources)

Update - To increase reliability for the Office 365 Audit Source, we will no longer ingest validation notifications and failed notifications. These notifications are now routed to our audit index and can be looked up there. This change allows us greater reliability and retry attempts, which are especially useful if there's an outage.

September 18, 2018 (Operators)

New urlencode operator encodes a URL into an ASCII character set.

September 13, 2018 (Apps)

New -- The Sumo Logic App for Palo Alto Networks 8 gives you visibility into firewall and traps activity, including information about firewall configuration changes, details about rejected and accepted firewall traffic, traffic events that match the Correlation Objects and Security Profiles you have configured in PAN, and events logged by the Traps Endpoint Security Manager.


Update - An update to the Sumo Logic App for Payment Card Industry (PCI) Compliance for Linux was released today. The app provides dashboards to monitor systems, account and users activity to ensure that login activity and privileged users are within the expected ranges. The PCI Compliance for Linux App covers PCI requirements 02, 07, 08 and 10. The update to the app supports new use cases for monitoring login failures and sudo activity.


September 11, 2018

Announcing the new Security User Certification, and a number of user-requested updates to the product such as expanded availability to track receipt time, more detailed FER creation and modification information, and the ability to choose your continent in geo://lookup.

September 11, 2018 (Security User Certification)

New - Our first Security Certification is now available in-product! Sumo Security Users exhibit deep technical knowledge on how to analyze and correlate their security and compliance logs, join their numbers and take the Security Certification.


September 11, 2018 (Receipt Time)

New - Receipt time is now available for scheduled searches, share links for searches, pinned searches, and Search Job API queries. To support receipt time, the Search Job API has a new parameter, byReceiptTime, under Create a new search job.

September 11, 2018 (Detailed information on Field Extraction Rules (FER))

New - The Field Extraction Rules page now gives you detailed information on who created the rule and the date of creation, as well as who has last modified the rule and when. This can be useful in tracking changes to FERs as well as reviewing future FER changes with the original creator.


September 11, 2018 (More Cities Listed by Time Zone)

New - Time zones were previously listed by one city, sometimes making it difficult to locate your time zone if you weren’t familiar with time zones. We’ve added new time zone names to help you find your time zone more efficiently.

September 11, 2018 (Line numbers in Dashboard Tables)

New - Dashboard tables now show line numbers for easy reference and to allow for quick collaboration between dashboard users.


September 11, 2018 (Choose Your Continent)

New - If you like to use maps in dashboards, we now support the optional continent field for our geo lookup operator. Simply add it to your current queries or start creating new ones.

September 11, 2018 (Tracking Alerts for Scheduled Search in the Audit Index)

New - The Audit Index now tracks scheduled search events. When scheduled searches trigger alerts, you can now search that status information from the Audit Index.

September 4, 2018 (Operators)

The replace and matches operators can now use an RE2 compliant regex to match against your data.

August 30, 2018 (Apps)

New - The Sumo Logic App for AWS WAF analyzes traffic flowing through AWS Web Application Firewall (WAF) and automatically detects threats using Sumo Logic Threat Intel. The App provides pre-configured dashboards and searches that allow you to monitor threat and traffic details by client IP, allowed and blocked traffic, malicious IPs, threat actors, location, rules configured, trends and more.


August 29, 2018 (Event-Based S3 support)

New - Support for S3 Event Notifications with AWS Sources is now out of Beta and Generally Available (GA). Sumo’s S3 integration combines scan-based discovery and event-based discovery into a unified integration that gives you the ability to maintain a low-latency while collecting logs from S3 and provides assurances that no data was missed or dropped. When you enable event-based notifications, S3 automatically notifies Sumo Logic that new files are added. Check out the Log File Discovery option.


August 27, 2018 (Subquery)

New - The subquery operator is now generally available. With subquery, you can create complex filtering conditions within the same query. It’s also valuable when you don’t know the necessary data to restrict the scope of the query, but another query could return the right conditions. For example, if Crowdstrike identifies a threat, you can correlate the time of that attack with your Windows Events from the time of that threat.

August 23, 2018 (Apps)

New - The Duo Security App helps you monitor your Duo account’s authentication logs, administrator logs, and telephony logs. The pre-built dashboards provide insight into failed and successful authentications, events breakdown by applications, factors, users, geo-location of events, admin activities, outliers, threat analysis of authentication and administrator events.


August 20, 2018 (SAML)

Signed Authn Requests are now available as an option when you set up SP Initiated Login Configuration in SAML.


August 3, 2018 (Access Keys)

An access key now has a rate limit of 10 concurrent requests to an API endpoint.

August 1, 2018 (Apps)

The Sumo Logic App for Jenkins was released today. The new app helps you monitor build successes, failures, and performance in Jenkins. The preconfigured dashboards provide insight into current and recent build activity.


July 27, 2018 (Apps)

The Sumo Logic App for Azure Active Directory was released today. The new app helps you monitor activity in the Azure Active Directory. The dashboards provide insight into role management, user management, group management, successful and failed sign-in events, directory management, and application management data that helps you understand your users' experience.


July 26, 2018 (Apps)

An update to the Sumo Logic App for Nginx was released today. Searches in the app were optimized and updated to use Sumo's parse regex operator rather than the Apache Access Parser. In addition, filters were added to each dashboard in the app.

July 24, 2018

We’ve made the switch over to MapBox and enhanced the fields operator.

July 24, 2018 (Mapbox Powers Sumo Logic Maps)

New - We're excited to announce that Mapbox now powers all maps in Sumo Logic. Mapbox is the leading data location platform and will help you get the most out of your map panels.


July 24, 2018 (Collection)

Update - For consistency, we’ve renamed the Google Audit Source to G Suite Apps Audit Source. Just wanted to give you a quick heads-up in case you notice the change.

July 24, 2018 (Operators)

Enhancement - The fields operator now maintains the order you specify for fields in non-aggregate search results. This is great when you want these fields in a specific order.

July 18, 2018

A new collection endpoint, was added in the US1 environment.


July 18, 2018 (Apps)

The Sumo Logic App for Azure SQL was released today. The new app helps you monitor activity in Azure SQL with preconfigured dashboards that provide insight into resource utilization, blocking queries, database wait events, errors, runtime execution stats, and other database analytics.

July 6, 2018 (Search Job API)

Techniques that manage load, like rate limiting and throttling, help keep the Sumo platform reliable and stable. Towards that end, a new Search Job API throttling limit was introduced today. Until now, search jobs were subject only to the global rate limit: each user is limited to four API requests/second. Now, to improve reliability Sumo is limiting the number of active search jobs for a given account to 200. To manage the number of active search jobs you can manually clear completed searches. For more information, see Search Job API throttling.

July 3, 2018

We’ve made some great improvements to setting up our IAM Role support and added five new operators to improve your query experience.

July 3, 2018 (IAM Roles and AWS Sources)

New feature - To keep up with the recommended best practices by Amazon, we are now supporting IAM Role authentication for AWS Sources. When you set up a source you can select role-based access and a CloudFormation template to set up access to your AWS Sources. Key-based access is still available, but we definitely recommend using role-based access.


July 3, 2018 (Operators)

New Operators - We’re pleased to offer the following new operators to make your query experience easier:

  • hexToDec Need to convert a hexadecimal field to long format? Now you can convert a hexadecimal string up to 16 characters to long format.
  • decToHex Need a long field converted to hexadecimal? Now you can convert up to 16 digits to a hexadecimal value.
  • contains Only want a field to show up in your logs if it contains another field? Contains can help you find things like the only the addresses with cities, or only the user information that contains email addresses.
  • base64Encode You can now encode ASCII strings to Base64.
  • base64Decode You can now convert base64 strings to ASCII.

Enhancement-Sumo schedule search email functionality is enhanced! Now you can use variables that return search results to form the subject line of email alerts. This is great for creating a friendly subject line. For example, you can configure the subject line like this:

{{Results.client_ip}} had {{Results.errors}} errors

Resulting in a subject line like this: had 391 errors

For more information, see Create an Email Alert.

June 20, 2018

We’ve updated your service to include a few new features including Certifications in the product, a configurable Home page, and a quick note on the required June 20th TLS 1.2 upgrade.

June 20, 2018 (Training)

You can be Sumo-Certified directly from Sumo Logic. Just click the Certifications tab and select your class. You’ll be logged into the Sumo Logic LMS and can begin taking your desired certification.


June 20, 2018 (Configurable Home Page)

You can organize your Home page display based on what you’d like to see first, and resize objects based on how many searches or dashboards you want displayed at one time. Simply drag and drop objects on the Home page to where you want them


June 20, 2018 TLS 1.2 Requirement Reminder for Collectors)

Deprecation - We will be removing support for TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 from all public endpoints on Jun 20. All Sumo Logic collector agents will need to be upgraded to version 19.155 or above while running JRE 7+. All clients of Sumo Logic's public REST APIs, or clients that upload data to a Sumo Logic HTTP Source should be checked for TLS 1.2 support.

June 15, 2018 (Apps)

An update to the Sumo Logic App for Azure Web Apps was released today. The log collection strategy has changed. We are deprecating the VM-based solution template provided through the Azure Market Place. You can now configure a serverless pipeline for shipping logs from Azure Blob Storage to a Sumo Logic hosted collector.

June 13, 2018 (Apps)

The Sumo Logic App for Google Cloud Load Balancing was released today. The new app helps you monitor load balancing activity, with preconfigured dashboards that provide insight into request locations and volume, response codes, and request and response data by load balancer.


Jun 12, 2018 (Integrations)

An update to Sumo’s LogGroup Lambda Connector was released today. Now, you can use the connector with existing log groups.

June 11, 2018 (Apps)

The Sumo Logic App for Docker ULM was released today. This new app is a unified logs and metrics app for monitoring your Docker deployment. The preconfigured dashboards present information about container state and resource usage, including CPU, memory, block I/O, and network.


June 7, 2018 (Source)

Docker Stats source can now be configured to ingest metrics time series instead of JSON log messages. See Docker sources for details.


June 5, 2018 (Apps)

The Sumo Logic App for Amazon EKS was released today. The new app allows you to monitor Kubernetes clusters that are powered by Amazon EKS. The preconfigured dashboards present resource-related metrics at the Kubernetes pod, cluster, namespace, and node level; and provide operational insight into the state of your Kubernetes cluster.

Deprecated - The Sumo Logic App for Amazon EKS was deprecated September 6, 2019, and replaced with the Amazon EKS - Control Plane App.

June 4, 2018 (Apps)

The Sumo Logic App for Amazon Redshift ULM was released today. The new app is a unified logs and metrics application with preconfigured dashboards provide insight into database connections, SQL command and statement execution, database user account events, CloudTrail events, and resource utilization by node and cluster.


June 1, 2018 (Integration)

New - An integration for Azure Blob Storage is now available. The new integration provides a event-based pipeline for shipping monitoring data from Azure Blob Storage to an HTTP source on Sumo Logic. This solution is good for monitoring Azure services that do not support exporting logs to Azure Monitor, for example, Azure Web Apps and Azure Storage Accounts.

May 22, 2018 (New Google Apps Options in Google Source Audit UI)

Update - More support for Google Audit UI sources. We’ve added four more Google apps as source options to the Google Audit UI:

  • Groups. Reports return information about various Groups activity events.
  • gplus. Reports return information about various Google+ activity events.
  • Mobile. Reports return information about different types of Mobile Audit activity events.
  • Rules. Reports return information about different types of Rules activity events.

May 21, 2018 (Metric Rules Editor)

Today we released the Metric Rules Editor, an interface for assigning tags to your metrics so that you can search them more easily. Metric rules can create tags derived from segments of a Graphite metric path, or from the key-value pairs for a Carbon 2.0 metric. Tagging is great for Graphite metrics—enabling users to interactively build a query as a set of key-value pairs. For more information, see About Metric Rules.


May 15, 2018 (Alerting)

An enhancement to Sumo's webhook connections feature was released today. Now, you can include results from your scheduled searches in your webhook payload. You can create more contextual alert notifications by referencing specific fields from your log search, such as hostname, error count, and so on. For example, you can issue easy-to-read Slack messages like this:


May 8, 2018 (Apps)

The Sumo Logic App for Squid Proxy was released today. The new app for Squid helps you monitor activity in Squid Proxy. The preconfigured dashboards provide insight into served and denied requests; HTTP response codes; URLS experiencing redirects, client errors, and server errors; and quality of service data that helps you understand your users’ experience.


May 7, 2018 (Search Templates)

New Feature - Help reduce your favorite queries down to a few input fields to make it easier for others to use. Search templates allow you to turn any text in a query into an input field with a text box that has autocomplete. You have full flexibility in setting up the autocomplete for the text box, choosing from a static list or lookup files, to make the search experience even better. And these autocomplete values will also be available as dashboard-wide filters for your users.


April 24, 2018 (Content Sharing)

New Video - Excited about the GA release of Content Sharing? A new video is available for you following the most basic use-case, how to share a scheduled search so others can edit your alerts!


April 24, 2018 (Geo Lookup)

New Geolocation Database - Sumo Logic has partnered with Neustar, an industry-leading IP intelligence provider, to deliver a more accurate database for geolocating IP addresses in your log messages. To get started, simply replace "geo://default" with "geo://location" in any of your geo lookup map queries.


April 24, 2018 (TLS 1.2 Requirement Reminder for Collectors)

Deprecation - To keep up with industry standard best practices and ensure the security of our customer data, we are planning to only support TLS version 1.2. We are reaching out to administrators and account owners to ensure all Sumo collector agents are upgraded to version 19.155-X or higher while running JRE 7+. We plan to have this enforced by May 1, 2018.

April 18, 2018 (Apps)

An update to the Sumo App for Amazon SES was released today. The updated app provides a new “Amazon SES - Complaint Notifications” dashboard.


April 18, 2018 (Apps)

An update to the Sumo App for AWS CloudTrail was released today. The updated app provides a new “AWS CloudTrail - S3 Public Objects and Buckets” dashboard.


April 16, 2018 (Apps)

An update to Sumo Logic App for G Suite was released today. The updated app provides a new “Google Apps - User Activity” dashboard, and includes a number of query optimizations.


April 12, 2018 (Apps)

An updated version of the Sumo Logic Audit App with was released today. In addition to the previously available dashboards that present information about account management and user activities, the updated app provides new dashboards that provide insight into management actions performed on Library content (searches, dashboards/reports, and folders) in your Sumo Logic account.


April 10, 2018 (Content Sharing)

New Feature - Role-based Access Control for your searches, dashboards, and folders is rolling out over the next few weeks to every account. You can now decide the level of access you want to share your searches, dashboards, and folders with specific users and roles. You can grant View, Edit, or Manage access, and have the Advanced option to make this access even more fine-grained.

There are also new admin controls for Administrators to help you administer the organization of searches and dashboards for other users.


April 10, 2018 (Apps)

New Apps - We’re excited to announce the release of six new applications for Google Cloud Platform, giving you new prebuilt searches and dashboards for the following Google services:

New App - AWS Lambda ULM app. This is a unified logs and metrics (ULM) app that helps you monitor the operational and performance trends in the Lambda functions in your account.

Deprecated - The Sumo Logic App for AWS Lambda ULM was deprecated July 22, 2022, and replaced with the current AWS Lambda App.


April 5, 2018 (Apps)

The Sumo Logic App for Oracle was released today. The app provides insight into the health and activity of your Oracle database and includes predefined dashboards that present information about errors, ORA messages, listener activity, connections, security monitoring, and the syslog and XML audit trails.


April 4, 2018 (Apps)

The SumoLogic App for AWS Lambda ULM was released today. The app is a unified logs and metrics (ULM) app that helps you monitor the operational and performance trends in the Lambda functions in your account.

Deprecated - The Sumo Logic App for AWS Lambda ULM was deprecated July 22, 2022, and replaced with the current AWS Lambda App.


March 30, 2018 (Apps)

Six new apps were released today.

  • The Sumo Logic App for Google BigQuery helps you monitor data and activity in your BigQuery data warehouse. The preconfigured dashboards provide insight into the projects, operations, queries, user management operations, user activities, and billed GBs in BigQuery.
  • The Sumo Logic App for Google Kubernetes Engine helps you monitor activity in Google Kubernetes Engine, providing node-level and pod-level monitoring information. The preconfigured dashboards provide insight into Kubernetes events, errors and activity; pod scheduling; created and killed resources; and severity messages.

  • The Sumo Logic App for Google Cloud Storage helps you monitor activity in Google Cloud Storage. The preconfigured dashboards provide insight into request locations, bucket and object operations, user activities, errors, and bucket statistics.

  • The Sumo Logic App for Google Cloud Functions helps you monitor your usage of Google Cloud Functions. The preconfigured dashboards provide insight into function executions, operations, latency, errors, and failures.

  • The Sumo Logic App for Google Compute Engine helps you monitor your infrastructure by providing preconfigured dashboards that allow you to view the activities, users, message severity of your Google Compute Engine infrastructure.

  • The Sumo Logic App for Google Cloud SQL helps you monitor your usage of Google Cloud SQL. The preconfigured dashboards provide insight into created and deleted resources, messages, authorization failures, user activities, and error logs.

March 27, 2018 (Autocomplete Dashboard Filters)

New Feature - Autocomplete for dashboard filters is now here. Select your Sumo Logic metadata or parsed field from the filters list and start typing in the field you want. Autocomplete will suggest available options in an alphabetized list.


March 27, 2018 (SAML Required)

New Feature - SAML Required Option. As an administrator, you can now prevent users from accessing Sumo Logic with a password by requiring SAML Sign In for all but a few whitelisted users from the SAML page, or none if you so choose.


March 27, 2018 (TLS 1.2 Requirement Reminder for Collectors)

Deprecation - As of May 1, 2018, to keep up with industry standard best practices and ensure the security of our customer data, we will only support TLS version 1.2. All Sumo collector agents must be to upgraded to version 19.155-X or higher while running JRE 7+.

New Operator - The topk operator is an improved top operator that allows you to select the top values from fields and group them by fields. It can replace the top operator and adds the ability to choose the top of top. If you are using top, we recommend switching to topk for all your queries so that you can take advantage of the additional functionality of topk.

March 16, 2018 (Quota Increase)

Update - Quotas daily quota for throttling has increased. Throttling is in place to protect both our customers and Sumo Logic from sudden and unexpectedly large increases in volume, which could result in your account using On-Demand Capacity, as well as ingest performance problems on the service side. For more information, see the Account Usage help pages.

The multiplier for the per day average ingestion total varies based on the account size, and has increased to reflect average usage among our customers.

Account Size - Daily Average Multiplier
Less than 100GB per day. 10x
Between 100-256GB per day. 8x
Between 256-512GB per day. 6x
More than 512GB per day. 4x

March 14, 2018

We launched a fully operational AWS deployment in Frankfurt, Germany to provide you access to a state-of-the-art, highly-available AWS data center to support provisioning accounts from both and the AWS Marketplace. See our press release for details.

New Operator - There’s a new operator that lets you create a short, easy-to-remember name for your dashboard URL, called the tourl operator. With it you can create URL names that are short and relevant to your dashboard or prepend names to columns and call them by that name.


March 13, 2018 (Security)

No Impact with SAML Vulnerabilities - We've had questions on whether Sumo Logic is vulnerable to any of the following SAML vulnerabilities and we are not:

CVE-2017-11427 - OneLogin’s "python-saml"

CVE-2017-11428 - OneLogin’s "ruby-saml"

CVE-2017-11429 - Clever’s "saml2-js"

CVE-2017-11430 - "OmniAuth-SAML"

CVE-2018-0489 - Shibboleth openSAML C++

We do use opensaml Java, but that was not listed as affected even though the C++ version was listed in the article.

Our Security team performed a manual test and our service handled the XML comment the right way so that it did not truncate the username, which shows that our implementation is NOT affected.

February 23, 2018 (Apps)

Three apps were updated today.

  • An updated version of the Sumo Logic App for Fastly was released today.The new version supports Fastly's Web Application Firewall (WAF) security service, which allows you to detect malicious request traffic and log or log and block that traffic before it reaches your web application. There are three new dashboards: WAF Overview, WAF - Offenders, and WAF - OWASP.

  • An updated version of the Sumo Logic App for MySQL was released today. The update provides a new dashboard: MySQL Failed Logins.

  • An updated version of the Data Volume app was released today. The update provides a new dashboard, Log Spikes. In addition, new panels that present metric ingest in Data Points per Minute (DPM) were added to the Overview and Metrics dashboards.

February 20, 2018 (Apps)

A new app was released today.

  • Sumo Logic App for Kubernetes allows you to monitor Kubernetes deployments that are self-managed by open source tools such as Kops. The preconfigured dashboards present resource-related metrics at the Kubernetes pod, cluster, and namespace level; and provide operational insight into Kubernetes components, including nodes, the API Server, the Controller Manager, the Kube System, and the Scheduler. For more information, see Kubernetes.
    • Deprecated - The Sumo Logic App for Kubernetes was deprecated September 6, 2019, and replaced with the current Kubernetes App.

February 6, 2018

In addition to bug fixes, we've released sorting time series by Avg, Min, Max in the Legend tab for Metrics, relative time ranges for when you want your source to begin collecting data, and you can now generate access keys from the Security tab.

February 6, 2018 (Metrics)

New - Want a little help sorting your time series? The Metrics Legends tab now displays the Avg, Min, and Max for a time series over the selected time range and you can sort by these columns.


February 6, 2018 (Sources)

Update - You can now set a relative time range for minutes, hours, days, weeks, and months your sources in the Collection should begin option. Enter a relative time expression, for example -1h, and it will begin collection one hour in the past.


February 6, 2018 (User Interface)

Update - It’s a small change but very convenient. You can now set up your access keys from the Security tab. Just click the plus icon (+), name your key, and click Generate Key.


January 29, 2018 (Apps)

Update - The MySQL app was updated today to improve performance and provide bug fixes. The dashboards and searches remain unchanged.

January 26, 2018 (Apps)

Four new apps were released today.

  • The Sumo app for Google App Engine is now available. The app helps you monitor the activities in App Engine. The preconfigured dashboards provide insight into requests, applications, HTTP status codes, latency, and response time.

  • The Sumo app for Google Cloud Audit is now available. The app meets audit and compliance needs by enabling you to monitor activities and track the actions of administrators in your Google Cloud Platform projects. The preconfigured dashboards provide insight into the network, security, operations, and users of your Google Cloud Platform projects.

  • The Sumo app for Google Cloud IAM is now available. The app gives you visibility into the activities in Cloud IAM. The preconfigured dashboards allow you to monitor the IAM project activities, operations, role activities, and policy changes.

  • The Sumo app for Google Cloud VPC is now available. The app gives you visibility into activities, traffic, and VPC flows. The preconfigured dashboards provide details on VPC flows, source and destination IP addresses, ports, protocols, and messages.

January 23, 2018

Bug fixes were released today.

January 23, 2018 (Dashboard)

  • Bug Fix - Some dashboards were opening in Live Mode instead of Edit mode by default. This has been fixed and all dashboards open in Edit mode by default.
  • Bug Fix - Some dashboards were not responding after selecting Open in a New Browser Tab. This has been fixed.

January 23, 2018 (Metrics)

  • Bug Fix - When you click Update Dashboard from a metrics query, it now opens the dashboard tab by default and doesn’t stay on the metrics query page.

  • Bug Fix - Aggregation tables were sometimes displaying instead of charts. Chart display errors have been fixed and charts now display consistently.

January 18, 2018 (Apps)

The Sumo App for Amazon SES is now available. The app provides operational insight into Amazon Simple Email Service. The app includes dashboards that allow you to view information about bounced notifications, delivered notifications, and CloudTrail events.


January 9, 2018 (Browser Support)

  • Deprecated - We are officially releasing the new UI, and that means we’re going to deprecate support for Firefox 25. The new UI supports Firefox 41 and higher.

January 9, 2018 (Live Tail)

  • Deprecated - We’re moving on to TLS 1.1+ for the Live Tail command line. Like the rest of the product, we’re no longer supporting TLS 1.0.

  • Bug Fix -Sankey charts can now handle camel-cased fromState and toState field names. We now make these fields lower case on the backend to get consistent results for you.

January 9, 2018 (Upgrade)

  • New - Self-Service account upgrades are now available for Australian and Asia Pacific customers.

January 9, 2018 (User Interface)

  • New - Our New UI is officially released. We will be deprecating our seven-year-old Classic UI and moving on to the New UI. For details on how your navigation will change with the new UI, check out our Navigation Cheat Sheet.

January 8, 2018

A new collection endpoint, was added in the US2 environment.

January 3, 2018 (Apps)

New Beta App - Imperva - Incapsula Web Application Firewall is now available. It helps you monitor your web application protection service. The pre-configured dashboards provide insights on the threat alerts events.

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